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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. ME TOO! Half of me hasn't been watching and the other half is doing ANYTHING else
  2. Sure, they look good. But this time last year, you and I were having a very healthy debate because you were expressing your opinion that Allison should be on the PP because of his shot, and that he should be getting top line minutes. A season later you have him slated a good third liner "IF". My point isnt that you are/were wrong, but more that huge decisions shouldn't be made off a small sample size. I don't disagree with your assessment that TK isnt worth 7 mil. Neither of us know that will be the price tag though. Its speculation, albeit based off a good logical conclusion. I honestly don't care if they trade TK, or any other player not named Hart. Im just not emotionally invested in this group of players. And trading him for young players is an obvious plan during a rebuild, assuming they have a plan. It just worries me that they might move a player on his way up, based on the assumption you have a suitable replacement in the system
  3. Im not entirely disagreeing with you, but giving up a known commodity for a suspected one doesnt give me joy-joy feelings. Last season there was crazy hype about Allison, and the guy can't stay healthy. In my opinion the Flyers are horrible at assessing and developing talent. These young players are too much of a wild card for me to jettison TK
  4. "Not Dave Scott" should have been the first line of his resume ....... and the last
  5. Well, well, well. Maybe the pendulum has actually swung. They hire Torts, fire Chuk-fuk, promote Danny B and Scott retires. Is this a rebuild? I was going to read the article but then I realized I don't care as long as he's gone
  6. I had the game on, fell asleep just in time to see friggin Scott Laughton score...ugh! After that I couldn't fall back to sleep and the game wasn't too bad. They seemed faster and looked like they gave a schit
  7. I honestly have no valid POV. I havent watched a game all year. In the big picture, it doesn't make sense to me to fire Torts. You hired the guy knowing your team was schidt, and now you are admitting it openly. You can't honestly say a change is needed because of anything he's done. So if you replace him it looks as idiotic as Fletch-fuk signing a guy who's only on ice contribution is he will fight anyone, because it's clearly shows hiring him was nothing more than a stop gap I think they hired Torts knowing the team would be this bad, that fletch-fuk was on a short rope, and he would be the guy to work with the new gm to turn the team around
  8. good solid points. I don't disagree. Interestingly enough though, the article and my POV doesn't focus on "full time fighter". Often in these types of discussions, the main focus is just on the Schultz' and Cochranes of the 70's, while overlooking the Tocchet's and Mellanby types of the 80's. Those 80's teams had skill and talent as well as the ability to take care of business. I realize today's team has wasted a valuable roster spot and contract on a full time fighter, and that is a joke. DB's quotes are generic. Every team wants what he described. And the teams from back then did exactly that. Personally, I think they stuck a microphone in his face and he had to say something. What we got was fluff and with no substance. I agree with the type pf team you described, its too bad DB couldnt just say what you said
  9. I read this article too. And quite frankly I didn't get it. He starts off by saying, “If I’m defining Flyer hockey, it’s not the Broad Street Bullies from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Times have changed. You can’t play the game that way anymore, so we have to be realistic when we say that,” Ok, rough hard hitting teams with slower bruising type players wont get it done. I can agree, so what is the solution? He then says, “To me, Flyer hockey is a team like John Tortorella is trying to build right now. A lot of character, competitive, guys that work hard every single night. At the moment, it’s been a little more trying scoring goals. We have a hard time scoring goals and creating offense. That’s gonna come eventually. But we want to build our culture. Guys that are working hard, guys that are competing every single shift. And we’ve seen that a lot more of our team this year, but it’s far from being a finished product. We still have a lot of work to do. But that’s how I would define Flyer hockey.” The only thing I got from that last quote is they need to score more goals. Ya think? And here's my issue. Those teams from the 70's and 80's didnt have problem scoring goals. In fact, most fans would argue the lack of a true number one goalie was the difference. And I'm sorry, but the Flyers teams I remember were all about "character" guys who worked their asses off every night. Danny's "culture" are guys that work hard every night and compete every shift. Again what does that have to do with the teams from the 70-80's? As I read this BS he is sllnging, I come back to the same conclusion, the three "UNwisemen". The culture has allowed them to chase outdated ideals and hand out bad contracts like they are unlimited. When they got good players they could build around (Carter/Richards) they coddled and entitled them, essentially creating the wrong culture. I still dont think Briere was the right choice. But he's THE choice, so I hope he does a good job. I will be happy to be wrong. But right now he's doing a lot of talking but he isn't saying anything
  10. I think you really want to believe it, and I dont blame you. But the statement you quoted from Briere doesn't say anything. It's just more nondescript nonsense you get from people in that position
  11. Me either. When I was reading it "spin control" kept flashing in my mind They (wisemen) didn't want Briere but Holmgren is his mentor? Makes a ton of sense. Also, if they aren't consulted on a decision like this, why again do they have a job?
  12. if there is a 40 goal guy who is total dick, and the Flyers can get him, DO IT!
  13. We are kinda of past the point, as fans, where we should put character above talent. Don't we have enough Scott Laughton's?
  14. Pretty sure chuk-fuk saw this and thought he was still GM of the Flyers
  15. I honestly think Briere will be named permanent GM. I thinks there's a philosophical principle that states the simplest explanation is usually the best one (for the life of me I can't remember what's its called, but its like I keep seeing it everywhere). Well, given that Briere is/was groomed by Holmgren, is an ex-flyer, and it was widely reported he would replace dingleberry, I think its obvious. The interim is just the Flyers playing the game and leaving themselves an out. Even thought the entire hockey world knows they should have canned Fletcher a long time ago, I think they still try to save face by making it look like they will do their due diligence.
  16. A Paul Holmgren tattoo. I think he is more of the same. WASH, RINSE, REPEAT. Happy to be wrong
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