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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Hope you are right about this happening. I would take that as a huge step in the right direction
  2. Whew! I was worried you'd had enough of me and decided to boot my azz out this time
  3. not sure what you are wanting (concrete). I'd like to see some news to, but I don't think anything can/will happen til the draft. KJ was recently asked and made comments about needing to land later round gems like Brayden Point. He really emphasized drafting good. I think we are on hold til then
  4. in an interview KJ was asked: What have you seen from him over the last couple of months that makes him (DB) the guy? his response: No. 1, he just has a very keen sense of what this organization needs moving forward. He knows where some changes need to be made, because he’s come up through the system. He’s Really watched everything. He’s interacted with those in our organization that are making key decisions. We have a really big job in front of us, and our amateur scouting is going to be gigantic in this process, probably bigger than any other department that we have. He’s very familiar with all of those guys, what they do, what they represent, what their strengths are, and maybe in some cases what their weaknesses are. I trust that he’s been very thorough in his evaluation because of his inside look at what’s going on here. That that gives me great confidence that he’s going to do a outstanding job..... I'm humoring myself with reading between the lines. I admit I don't really have a clue, but I found this answer interesting. First, coming up through the system has no real bearing on who is on the roster today. So I took this to mean changes need to made away from the ice. He then goes on to address scouting specifically. Of course there is an old dinosaur ex-flyer in charge of that. Then there are 5 ex-flyers in Player Development roles. My point? I think this answer from KJ means that he, DB, and Torts will be running the show, have the backing of the boss, and won't be taking input from the death squad. I still don't know that it means they will be any better, but any change is better than what is currently happening
  5. I haven't been able to get on the site for about 24 hours. Did something happen?
  6. Jones is getting looked at through a microscope for the things he's said about players, while being an analyst for the team. That almost always means he is going to put a positve spin on it. I'm not saying he's lying, I'm saying he wasn't analyzing the negatives. I've always thought Flyer broadcasters were some of the most neutral and fair I've lasted to. Center Ice exposed me to Jackoff Edwards in Boston. I've had PTSD ever since Anyway, my point is, don't base your worries about future performance on statements from the past. Specifically when it's the person's job to serve up the Kool aid Oh....as a side note, I fckn hate Scott Laughton No charge
  7. Oh, I dunno, maybe because they are ex-flyers, with no proven experience, and their hiring smacks of nepotism
  8. I still go back to the Carter Richards era...with the right management and less coddling, we have a team to seriously compete for 10 years
  9. Maybe the issue was never really talent, but how that talent was used, how motivated they were, and the culture/attitude of said talent
  10. Ha ha ha! You just quoted my life motto! I also like to admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter accusations
  11. In this context, "embrace jvr" would mean embracing something that sucks and always will, without you being able to overcome it The term, "Embrace the suck” means that while the current situation sucks, you have to accept it and work toward changing it. It's not about being in-denial, as much as accepting present discomfort for future success. To embrace the suck means to confront things that make you uncomfortable so that you can surmount it
  12. I dont even watch anymore, and I still have a more accurate view of the team than he does
  13. This statement from Hilferty has significant impact. It's not what he said directly, but the message behind it. To me it openly acknowledges the "ex-flyer" dynamic has been a problem. One that they are aware of. If I'm anyone of the life members of the Bobby-bunch, I take this as direct call out that they were, and are, the problem
  14. That's the same as "Embrace the Suck" but with the exact opposite meaning
  15. They shoulda.....they shoulda....they shoulda We've heard this story. Hindsight is 20/20. I hear ya. Enjoy your day with the comfort of saying, "I was right". Good for you For me, this looks different. You being right in past issues won't change that. If they do the same crap again, so what? I'm already predisposed. The only difference this time is they are telling us the recognize how bad it is and are going to fix it. They go back on that, it will be worse then ever before. I dont think they have a choice
  16. I think we can all feel confident that there won't be any more deals like this in the near future. There isn't any possible way they could be "going" for anything. JVR will sign elsewhere. Hayes will be dealt as soon as possible, same with DeAngleo
  17. Speaking just for myself, if the team is committed to a rebuild, I will show support and tune back in. If it turns out to be more of the same, I'm out. I get your point though, attendance will suffer if the team can't compete
  18. The only way I sign JVR.....FcK THAT! I'm stopping right there. He's got to go and his name needs to be stricken from the Flyers forever
  19. Hey I would be excited too if you got the position. Much like Therrien for Jones. Doesn't mean it was a smart hiring
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