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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. you have redeemed yourself in my eyes. Your name was removed from my book
  2. Specifically to the bolded statement, YES. We do. But I want to state I'm not discussing what I think he can be, cause IDFK. I really don't think its comfortably accurate to judge what a player is that has been playing on this train wreck of a team. When Provy was drafted, this forum was elated and he was considered a "home grown" number one. He showed how good he was playing with Niskanen. Then the wheels came off and its been non-stop negativity about him in here. Maybe he can't be a "top dog", or run a top PP unit. But that's based on what he has done with what is here. How many times has this team shipped off a player becasue he hasn't panned out, just to see him flourish somewhere else? Your comments about being coachable or accepting his role, is speculation based on what information is given. But we all know how bad the coaching and on ice product is. Philly fans want all their players to be stars on the ice, and true role model hero types off. If a player says something that doesn't fit our narrative, we roast the guy. But none of us know what is going on in that locker room. Just look at how often there is a, "he's good in the room" comment. This is usually applied to non controversial players who arent producing squat in games (see Scott Laughton). Personally, other than Hayes, JVR, TDA and Atkinson, I don't know how good, or bad, any of these guys can be, becasue this team sucks soo bad. I hope they keep the guy. There's alot I like about him
  3. Im not suggesting that Provy will ever rise to the level of HOF type of player, but a lot of great defensemen struggled in the early parts of their careers. I remember that being the case for Pronger and Chara. Provy seems like the kind of guy who could play well into his late 30's. If they move him so be it. I just think he has a lot of really good hockey left in him
  4. I seriously don't get the love for that guy (SL). He has been a perpetual fraud his entire time in Philly. He's JVR without the hype or pricetag
  5. Provy, TK and Hart...... Only way I trade these guys is if the return has a monumental impact on turning this team around
  6. My idea of a rebuild.... remove JVR, Hayes, Laughton, Atkinson, Risto, TDA, Coots
  7. Good for you. You also said to win a cup, you have to hire a GM who already won a cup. You contradicted yourself. Good work! anyone who wasn't a former Flyer player. Being beholden to the BobbyBunch has killed this franchise you act like I have a choice or say in the matter. I, we (forum fans) don't. You are aware of this, yes? They hired who they hired. Its done and over with. Whether or not I like it is irrelevant you wrote the above statement. It really confuses me. It sounds like you are saying the Flyers need to develop their "staff" from within. Otherwise you have to hire from somewhere else (another team). Another contradiction? I dunno. Like I said, I'm confused. It seems to me by constantly hiring from within the organization, that the "develop your staff" idea has been there since Clarke took off his skates. And it has decimated this franchise. The only modern day franchise I am aware of, that has promoted one of their former players to GM while winning a cup, is Joe Sakic. I know you are all ga-ga over Stevie Y, but has he won a cup as an executive? Let me give you a hint, its no. I think you are arguing just to argue.
  8. I'm truly confused, and that is a pretty easy feat. It sounds like the consensus for the rebound is to not do anything to bring players in, keep everyone because they can't be moved, and just play with the current line up until all the dead weight dies or resigns elsewhere
  9. No GM is a cup winner until they win it, THE FIRST TIME. Just because a guy did it once, doesn't mean he will do it again. Are you actually saying the only way to win a cup, is with a GM who previously did? Oh, in case it escaped you, the Flyers had Hextall, you know, the cup winner in LA? How'd that work out? I feel like you showed up late to the party and decided to have the same conversation we all already finished. I just don't get what your point is. And one last thing...if it was easy to build a championship pre salary cap, why didn't the Flyers do it?
  10. I honestly don't get, or understand this post. Im pretty sure most of us understand these hirings pretty well, as evident by the in depth discussions. What point are trying to make? Are you defending the Flyers or criticizing them? Your statement that you "develop" your staff is truly puzzling. You normally hire an established professional with a proven track record. Then you let that person "develop" your team and culture. Are you actually saying the Flyers, who are rebuilding the line up, should just be patient and wait for a better coach, GM, and Pres become available, then hire them to run the team with the lineup the current guys are rebuilding?
  11. I dont know how you get to "obsession", when the discussion is specifically about him. I also don't understand your point that a perennial 40 goal scorer, with 542pts in 481 games, "overrated". He appears to be better at his job than Hart is at his
  12. Legit question, cause I don't really know, how many franchise goalies are there, and how often does one come along? From what I'm reading, there may only be one active goalie with 3 cups, and a couple with 2. Not saying I wouldn't want ONE, but my question is about how many guys come along who will win you more than one?
  13. I personally don't equate player value on something like past playoff performance. It's just one dynamic. You have to factor in what the rest of team was. Who else was out there with the player? Were injuries a factor? WHO WAS THE COACH? As you're saying here FC, this isn't about McDavid. It's about Matthews. My two cents, which isn't worth a penny today, says if the Flyers can add a superstar player as part of their long term build, and don't have cut off their nose to spite their face, I say they do it
  14. Maybe... Maybe not. I happen to agree, but it's just an opinion. First we need to define what qualifies as a "great one". McDavid is the top player in the league, but has he achieved "great" status? Then you have to factor if he is "great", does he feel his abilities could turn a lesser team, offering more money, into a cup contender? We all want to believe the olayers we follow are good character guys who care about the game and fans more than anything, but in the end, it's a business
  15. As these salaries get more and more inflated, you will see it more. I think its fairly prevalent in baseball, basketball and football. Hockey has always been different. The Stanley Cup, and what it takes to get it, has always held a higher nostalgic value. If you tap into the social aspect of it, I've many times how playing hockey as a kid is a huge financial commitment. Kids growing up playing hockey may come from more affluent families, where the financial set backs and hardships may not be as significant. But in the end, if you are offering a 10 million dollar difference, todays player might be more worried about long term financial endeavors, then what happens on the ice. Although playing for a cup was not really an option, I think JVR is prime example of a guy who could care less about on ice perfromance over his paycheck
  16. Im pretty sure they do. if players don't, they either won't be here, or won't last long. It occurred to me that DBKJ+ have a lot to prove. They want this to succeed. They aren't going to screw around. And they have the ice executioner behind the bench. Philly will become the place lazy goes to die
  17. I was being funny, at least to myself. I was implying, anything DB got/does that is related to CF will be all Fletched up. So he has no hope moving forward
  18. see my post above. I am now qualified to run something in the Flyers front office. Maybe the the distribution of liquids in undisclosed bottles standing int he corner of KJs office
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