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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. You can go <bleep> your self silly!
  2. Stop pissing on my happiness. He's FRIGGIN gone! Who cares about Fletcher?
  3. Screw all these new guys! Haven't you heard? JVR IS GONE! HAPPY DAYS!
  4. You know what we will remember? All those wonderful highlights he gave us! Oh.....wait
  5. Signed with Bruins! YES,YES,YES,YES! That cancerous era is over. SEE YA!
  6. OMG! There is a pool of kool-aid and someone is swimming in it? Great? Seriously?
  7. THis makes sense to me, he doesn't have the bobby-bunch breathing down his neck. I actually think DB will be autonomous in this GM role
  8. It seems like the majority are in favor of what DB did in the first round. However, he did not make a major trade that removed Sanheim, Laughton or TK, and he did not secure anymore first round picks, this draft Since many were advocating for that, what is your opinion of the new GM? Did he fall on his face?
  9. ...and if it doesn't? What then? Fire Briere? asking for a friend
  10. Howie, getting playerss like Hayes out, makes the next few years a lot more watchable to me. Will they lose most? Probably. But I want to see what Torts can do with a group of hungry young guys who aren't yet indicctrinated into the Flyer malaise we have seen for the last decade. Its Hayes, Laughton, Sanheim, Risto, any other old slug they put on defense, JVR and this weeks 4th line call up, that makes me tune out. Based off the moves already made, I will tune back in
  11. I don't understand this premise that DB "could have gotten more", for Hayes. Where exactly does that come from? Is there any real factual basis behind this POV, or is it just Flyer fan being Flyer fan? I find myself shaking my head at the forum GM's who always know better than the real GM
  12. Disappointed that this was the market for Hayes, or that DB didn't do a better job?
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