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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. this team is so inept they would probably lose a public session
  2. New additions are playing hard and well. Regular guys stills under performing. Hmmm, wonder what the issue is
  3. 17. Scott Laughton 18. JvR 19. TK 20. Seller (have no idea what's his name is)
  4. why is this AV's fault? Is there a coach out there that could get more out of this group? I will say someone's head need to roll over the low-power play
  5. this is probably game 2 of the annual 10+ game losing streak. I think I will stop watching for two years, and tune back in when they have reached that elusive 2 year ready mark
  6. the lack of activity on this game thread says a lot about how awful the Flyers are. They suck so bad we can't even complain about it Through two and a half periods they are just flat boring to watch. I've been on youtube watching old hockey fights. Its made this game tolerable Laughton blows!
  7. FYI, I'm pretty sure G has been 2nd line center last two games. I guess there is only one option left
  8. Money/profits = winning Winning games or championships is not a priority as long as they are getting paid
  9. 4 on 4 and Sanheim drives the net? Yeah that's who we need
  10. hmmmmmm....TK, Laughton and Lindblom on a line = Bruins goal
  11. Really good post, Rux. Mostly becasue I agree totally with it and have alot of the same thoughts/feelings. I often wonder how the Flyers have attracted such a vast, widespread fan base. Hockey fans are knowledgeable, passionate and dedicated. I think many, maybe even a majority, of Flyers fans here, are from outside of the Philly area. I would not want to speak for them, because that would show that I truly am a lunatic (shut up Pods!), but the question in my mind is, how does a team that has only won 2 cups, in a time when most of these fans weren't around to witness it, that has not produced a cavalcade of HOF players and no league superstars, attract such loyalty? The only conclusion I came to was its about the character and style of the team itself. When it was "appointment television" for me, the players on ice played for the team and the city with a hard nose, gritty style. Win or lose, a battle was going to happen. On nay given shift, something interesting had a chance to happen. Often times, if not a goal, then at least a punch in the face. And should the team lose on the scoreboard, the opposition would pay for it in the trenches. That style is gone. That anticipation of something happening every game, is also gone. The business of the game has removed the emotional connection to the players. I would also say our knowledge of all things hockey, through forums like this, have given us insight that can negatively impact our opinion of a player/team. I know for me, when I learn the in and outs of players contract from our forum mates, and the potential financial impact in a few years, it effects how I feel about that player. Hayes is a prime example. Lastly, the game has changed. People are attracted to violence. MMA is always a huge draw. Boxing used to be (for me). And now, there isnt a whole lot of that left. The Flyers are no longer that tough team we all loved them to be. The spark and fire has been removed. So, I watch when I watch. Try to stay awake. And hope that I am watching that one game a year when Scott Laughton actually shows he has balls, and drops the gloves
  12. G was pretty successful with Schenn. I can't believe we don't have a player that good/tough It seems to me they are predictable, stationary, and panic with the puck. They just make dumb decisions, like the cross ice pass through heavily defended areas. To that point it seems like even new roster players (Atkinson) does this now too. Maybe a culture thing that works in practice
  13. I'm not sure any team can advance in the playoffs without an effective PP. I simply don't get how the Flyers have not addressed this
  14. Good observations. It was a good win. Any win is. But my issue is with the PP, not the win
  15. We're discussing the pp. If that's too difficult to comprehend, then shut up and color
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