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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Because of all the stupid penalties he took while here?
  2. Yeah, I get your POV. Many here share the same opinion. Of course, I dont. But I won't say he isn't a bargain. I guess he is. Too many players like this have been key members of this teams makeup, for too long. They seem to value this kinda guy over more skilled players. Of course that could be the fundamental flaw, you can't get more skilled players when you have no cap space. Back to square one, management. Back to the point, I still hate Laughton
  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Hayes and cannot stand JVR. I see those two as overpaid dead weight. But I knew that from the beginning and had no expectation they would be anything more. I can't wait til they are gone I think Laughton could be more. But I think he's content just filling his role and accepting a paycheck. He could be a Tyler Pitlick. He could show more heart. That's what I want to see. But that won't happen. I think he could be a warrior. But that won't happen either So, I hate him.
  4. I recall a time when there were guys playing 3/4 line, and you couldn't wait to see them get on the ice and start something. Laughton is 6'01, 190. Wayne Simmonds is 6'02, 185. As they say, size of the fight in the dog, yada..Yada. Im sorry but I have not seen examples of him "defending" teammates. If we aren't talking about dropping the gloves to send a message, I dont what you are referring to. Someone else referenced it, he seems content to have a job and goes about it. I actually never connected that he was a 1st round pick. That makes it worse in my mind. I think the guy could do more. I think he could be more impacting. It doesn't have to be a fight, it could be a big hit. Or several regular hits. We dog Giroux tirelessly for "lack of effort". Well I think Laughton is the epitome of that
  5. Stands up for his teammates? Yeah, when he has to shuffle down the bench to make room. Laughton gets in one fight per season on average. ONE! There are 3 reasons to fight imo, defend yourself, your teammates, or spark your team. If he gets in one fight to defend a teammates, then he never defends himself, or sparks the club. Kind of like that time he got flipped on his head at center ice and did NOTHING about it. Fighting isn't the only intangible. I don't see the guy do much of anything game in, game out. I never get anticipation that his line is up next. Like I said elsewhere, we've been duped into thinking he's something. I think he's NAK with a brain
  6. 4th leading scorer on this team is no accomplishment. If not for injuries, this would most likely not be true. If the Flyers lineup was made up the way it should be, he'd be nothing more than a 4th liner. As for plugging him in different positions, I guess. But it's not like he plays better. Laughton is no better than the long line of players the Flyers have been masquerading as good, core guys. We fans are duped into accepting him as special, in the absence of something better. He has some skill, and an edge, but we rarely see it. Most of the time he just underachieves. He's a poser
  7. I checked the headlines today, surprisingly there was no interesting Flyers info Weird!
  8. The last time I went, it was, as someone pointed out, a big party. I found it really annoying they pumped up the volume and used the big screen to get me excited over the players. Hello? The players ability should be enough to get me in the arena. When I left, no matter how much effort they put into the production, I was disappointed by the product on the ice They are completely out of touch with what really makes Flyer fans passionate. Maybe it would be different if I was a 5 year old
  9. Danny Briere is in the news. He'll prolly go to Phoenix, trade two aging vets to the Flyers for Provy and TK, and win a cup Then he will come back to the Flyers, where he will stock pile prospects, only to get fired by Holmgren for having an excess of logic and common sense
  10. Oh, did we already discuss ? I must not have been paying attention
  11. Saw this headline from a Carchidi article, " PHILADELPHIA FLYERS Flyers asking fans for their input into improving their Wells Fargo Center experience" That's easy. Put a better team on the ice I also saw management promoted 2 suits, Alyn McCauley and Tom Minton. Yay! We are saved. Never heard of these guys but im sure things will turn around The parade is back on!
  12. do we know who these guys are? If we are tanking, and these worthless vets are a cause of it, seems to me letting them play would be a good idea. The team keeps sucking, has no chance to improve, and we don't have to worry about getting the young kids hurt...or rehurt, AGAIN (allison) to your point of letting the kids play to gain experience... that makes sense too I'll read about the decision they went with in our forum in June
  13. I think you're saying what I'm thinking. I actually think the Flyers can get significant return. Alot of opinions on here come primarily from a Flyer viewpoint that has been conditioned to anticipate the worst. Rightfully so. But if you look at this from the POV of whoever that contender is, it might open you up to the possibility we get more for him Take the Flyers out of it and think about deadline trades involving other franchises. You know, ones not inundated with mouth breathing Neanderthals. If there is a team out there in the cusp of either a 1st cup, long overdue cup, or last run before rebuild, they might be willing to mortgage the farm
  14. Yet we have no problem reading the puke you spew out...weird
  15. If he's really going to be a 3 month rental, it will be more about competing in the playoffs. Location won't matter as much. If he plans to come back, he would want the Flyers to get the best deal, so he has a better team here.
  16. Maybe. And in an obvious black and white assessment you're correct. However, there are intangibles that come into play. G is not a guy who wants to tarnish his reputation and standing in Philly. So, I dont see him getting in the way of any trade, with the UFA chip backing him up. He doesn't want that route. So I think the Flyers could play a bidding war among contenders and get a good haul in return. I say could because I don't really trust Fletcher to have the knowledge to make a good deal
  17. As much as hate to say this, I don't think Chuck is going anywhere. They will operate in manner consistent with their excuses (injuries, covid, blah..blah) and make a few roster moves that will have us all so pissed, we will forget this presser and any past moves
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