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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. maybe they should fire the coach for the player not being ready. Yeo probably didn't do enough in practice to get him prepared it cannot possibly be the player's fault
  2. kind of like the fact that laughton is the fourth leading scorer on the team big fish. small, waste infected, pond
  3. I have to admit, I don' think hes going to be moved. Given the organization's reluctance to rebuild, they are not going to have a fire sale and start over. Then add in the price paid for Risto, the can't just dump him after one season. Lastly, based off that recent presser, this management group is making all kinds of excuses while blaming no one. The only ace in the hole i see, is he wants out and walks. That would be nice, but we arent that lucky
  4. Mistakes and dumb. These are the two things the Flyers are best at. You have to play to your strengths in today's NHL
  5. Bob Clarke: I must admit, Hextall did it! Paul Holmgren: I must admit, AV did it! Dave Scott: I must admit, someone did it, I just don't know who. But whoever it is, they aren't here now
  6. How exactly do you know all of this? From what im reading, he's being groomed by the same people who are responsible for the mediocre product that has been taking the ice in philly for the last decade. Hes a Holmgren protoge. You know, PAUL HOLMGREN? The same people who were responsible for hiring AV and Flecth, two guys you hate, are the ones responsible for teaching briere the business side of hockey. I admire and appreciate the love of past players, especially a guy like Briere. But being a good player doesnt make you a good exec. Briere has not accomplished anything.....yet
  7. To reset, the comment was the Briere hiring, "can't be worse". My point is, it can. If you are an ex-flyer who does not follow orders, you get canned (Hexy). Since there is a long line of ex-flyers currently employed in the organization, it can be reasonably deduced those individuals do. That gives every reason to believe that Briere will be a "yes" man, or he will be looking for a job. You're assumption is that he will be a good executive because he was a good player. Like others, maybe you are hoping he's our sakic/Yzerman. In all honesty, so do I. But history is not on his side. We have all seen this management group decimate this club, loping off the heads of coaches and GMs along the way. I think anything is better then Fletcher, but I have no reason to believe that this is the correct answer
  8. @flyercanuck Loved the post. Good stuff Sticking with a "fatalistic pessimist" attitude, isn't this what we have been wanting from Giroux for a long time? I'm happy for him, but it's funny all the comments said about him by all star teammates, are indicative of the things he showed be doing for the Flyers.
  9. Shouldn't he "want" to use them every game? I think his value is pretty high right now.
  10. That's exactly my point. Did that just go over your head? Hexy was canned for not doing what Clarke and Co. wanted him to. He didn't follow orders, and he's out. Then Clarke airs that crap in public, essentially blaming Hex for the state of the team now, absolving any current execs (fletch) of any responsibility. It's not a pessimistic view. It's realistic. Do a little research. You might be surprised to find out how many ex flyers are long time employees. By the way, the last time the Flyers won a cup, was prior to this hiring trend in the organization
  11. It can be worse. The Flyers are notorious for hiring former players throughout the organization. Its a never ending line. They love to make sure past players are set up with careers, long past their playing days. So, Dany Briere is hired and groomed to be GM. Who hired him? You have to believe a former player (homer?)was involved. So now Dany is beholden to the organization for a career, and will be expected to follow the company line. What happens to former players who don't, who try to do things their own way? Well, just ask Ron Hextall. Briere will be the next to fall in line. Possibly Tocchet after that. The team will get a boost off nostalgia that will last until the next losing streak. But all the past players will be sitting comfortably, making great living, and the fans will suffer In alot of ways the Flyers are very much like our politicians
  12. If the plan isn't to be GM when Chuck moves up, does Chucky start sweating because Dany is breathing down his neck That would be great. Just what this team needs
  13. As a former player, that's makes him qualified, and a leading candidate to be President of the Flyers, and a shoo in for the Flyers hall of fame (which he deserves)
  14. So Danny briere is Fletch's ass? That's fitting. He'll get canned in two years, get hired by the Yotes and win a SC
  15. Why does he need an assistant? Is this a created spot, or have there been past ass to gm?
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