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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I need therapy from watching this team
  2. Maybe this is the strategy to get rid of JVR. Only difference, JVR sux goat balls
  3. OMG, we are the Detroit Lions of hockey? It's worse than I thought Unfortunately there are no bridges in New Mexico
  4. I agree on this. It doesn't matter who the coach is, or what he brings to the Flyers. This roster is made of up the wrong people, with the wrong work ethic. Until there is a major overhaul, and the culture and mindset are changed, the team will remain abysmal
  5. What? Nobody wanted him? How can that be?
  6. So let's say Giroux gets traded, wins a cup, then returns to Philly. Would that be a good thing? What happens then? Do the Flyers put the C back on his chest and roll him out as a hero? Whatever success he has somewhere else, will not carry over if he comes back, because the team will still suck. I would think it will be even worse for him, because if he plays good, he will be expected to produce here, more than he does now. If he doesn't, it may be accepted it's the team, but it's more than likely going to generate more hateful criticism. Philly fans expect players to perform at a level equal to their pay or ability. When they don't, it's brutal
  7. No, he isnt supposed to be an enforcer. However, those here who defend him are always using the "he's tough to play against" and "sticks up for his teammates", "will drop the gloves", blah, blah, blah. Fact is, he doesn't really do any of that. But he's a decent player, who has more value on this roster becasue it sucks
  8. Nice to see Laughton get his one fight for the season out of the way. Now he can rest up and recover
  9. pretty much DON'T agree with any of this According to your POV, today's players are larger, tougher, faster, and better protected. As a result they are injured MORE? Where's the logic in that? Assuming your point is accurate, regarding size, the players then had to contend with more lax rules, less gear and were held accountable on ice for the behavior. Back then if you did something that crossed a line, you had to answer for it. No one has to worry about that today. From my perspective, today's player doesn't have to answer for their actions, and therefore respect is out the window. You can cheap shot just about anyone you want, whenever you want, and the worse you might face is a suspension. And based on who you are, or who you play for at the time, will determine that suspension. Just ask Todd Bertuzzi. He proved you can break a guy's neck and end his career, and you will still keep yours. Today its a business. Players are paid huge sums of money. They all have highly sophisticated agents, who will tell them to sit out and protect their future earnings. Loyalty to franchises and cities no longer exist. Today is all about contracts. And I'm pretty sure that Gordie Howe wouldn't have changed a damn thing. That guy loved the game and was a warrior. Players of his era played through injuries, with zero regard for what the future held. I'd bet significant money, that if you gave Gordie a choice between playing game 7 of an SC final, knowing it would be his last, or sitting out and living a long happy life, we'd see him taking the faceoff
  10. the more money you make, the more susceptible to injuries you are
  11. Would you please let us know when will be a good time to tune back in and watch this team again? It will save us all a bunch of time and anguish discussing all this crap I will follow @OccamsRazor lead and set up my recliner on Rad's roof
  12. greatest post in for--- ....a very long time!
  13. Seems to me that Coots would be good. And maybe Provy. But I honestly believe it will be Hayes. That just makes Flyersense. Even if G comes back, I think this gives them an out to go with another guy
  14. how many roster spots do the Flyers have?
  15. Someone explain to me why this Frost kid is so valuable? If he's that good, why can't he crack the line up? Could it be he's just the next, in a long line of overhyped prospects, the Flyer fans gush over without him ever panning out
  16. you don't think this would be good for the Flyers?
  17. @mojo1917 I was referring to this post. You didnt say it, you said you heard someone else say it. You didn't say "AV was fired", you said someone said, "the coaching change has as much to do with Frost's yo-yo-ing as anything". Since AV was fired, and that did constitute a "coaching change", (the only one I'm aware of), I thought this was what that statement meant
  18. The way i read your post, the firing of AV was largely connected to what was going on with Frost. If that true, i find it absolutely absurd. You don't fire one of the winningest coaches in the NHL because of how an AHL prospect is being handled. Im all for direction and opportunity, but it sounds to me like the guy isn't making the best of his opportunities and can't even crack the lineup. Coddling players and acquiescing to their needs has been a thorn in the side of this franchise, going all the way back to Lindros
  19. not directed at you, just prompted by it.... Mojo relayed something he heard where Frost was an impacting reason they fired AV. If true, and then frost is traded, im pretty sure mu head will just explosde. I mean, i will be sitting here at the computer, reading, and then boom, my head blows completley up. Considering my dog is trained to detect explosives, I would think he would alert me to the impending doom. However, he's prolly smart enough to know that as a Flyer fan, this action will put me out of my misery, and is a good thing. Of course, he could just let it happen becasue he knows I'm a dumbsht who's holding him back
  20. if this is true, they are more fcked in the head than I thought
  21. REPORTED! oops....stop reading at Giroux
  22. Well Edmonton has a coach, and they can GGT. I dont care how good they are/aren't Back to Flyers. I'm worried the Flyers will try to find some unknown prodigy. I'm equally worried, they will chase Nostalgia with Tocchet If they want to go outside the box, they should hire Rickard Gronberg. Personally, I'd like Jim Montgomery, if he has gotten his issues under control
  23. really? after that rant, this is what you censor?
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