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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. If the "young" guys are letting their game go to schidt because of Hayes and Risto, then they aren't the right players. But which young guys are we talking about? York? Allison? Brink? Hart? Farabee? I think the players responsible are named jvr, jake (when here), konecny, laughton, giroux, hayes, coots, provy, Thompson (), Braun, etc
  2. @FireDillabaugh And your choice for head coach is? Enlighten us with your wisdom
  3. Honestly, it's been my contention that management has, since the 90's, coddled players at the cost of coaches. I feel that it is in large part due to guys like Clarke and Homer building that "culture". Bringing that to TK, he is right in the middle of a schidt storm of dysfunction. He was on a tear, and looked like he was about to solidify himself as an impact player. I think that was derailed by what happened that season, and based on things I was reading, the Jake's and JVRs were an issue in the locker room. Next thing you know, another coach gets axed. Same story, and here we are
  4. Making the playoffs and having a legit chance Context my friend. Don't twist things. I don't want the "just make it in" approach. That has failed over and again. But I would take that, over the schidt show on ice we all saw this year. My point to you, the Flyers have been a playoff failure for a long time. Criticizing a SC winning coach, with a winning record and more consistent ability to lead a team to the post season, seems a bit ridiculous. The flyers keep hiring successful coaches, then fire the same because the players are unhappy. Make as many arguments as you want, 1975 keeps getting smaller in the rear view mirror
  5. After reading your the majority of your posts, it's apparent you feel it's always the coach's fault Homer, is that you?
  6. And your explanation for the decline of Konecny or Provy is....?
  7. Funny how you are criticizing his PLAYOFF success, when we are Flyer fans
  8. no to all your questions. they arent a playoff team, and I don't want more of the same "just make the playoffs" bs I want a culture change. I want tough. I want accountable i thnk hes it
  9. like I eluded to, his antics dont embarrass me, so thats not an issue. I find it entertaining. As for the young talent, I agree, we dont have any. But more to my way of thinking, I want a coach who will treat all his players equally, and I'm tired of Flyer players being coddled. I don't want young players treated with kid gloves. I want them treated like men
  10. Im kind of hoping they go with Torts. Sure, he's brash and offensive (not to me), But the guy gets positive results wherever he goes. Bring him and let him put his foot in a few asses. Get this team going on the right direction. Then you can reassess
  11. after watching this clip, I have the weird idea its a metaphor for the Flyers front office, or maybe their draft strategy ...would explain alot
  12. Thats kind of an oxymoron, considering the firers are more incompetent than the firee I have hope they will hire a good coach. However, I thought AV was a good coach. Still do. Regardless who they hire, they have to let him coach. When they stop placating to the players, and firing a coach every time little pumpkins gets their feelers hurt, they will be able to build something.
  13. Thats exactly the point. This team keeps hiring former players and it keeps failing
  14. I loved Sami. But I also loved Briere. B. Clarke was most first favorite as a kid, and Tocchet was a God in my house I dont want any of them making decisions for this team
  15. Those other guys are pretty much what we expect they are. Worthless. Laughton can do more than he does, but doesn't. It also gets me riled up when many posters laud him for being what he isnt, and credit him for doing things he just doesn't do
  16. Watch, this is the one exflyer they wont do that with SMGDH!
  17. Aaaand it continues. I wonder what Pelle Eklund is doing?
  18. I had this as a kid. Stretchin Gretchin, the neighborhood ho, was having a buy one get sale, and I used a whole box of condoms
  19. I'd like this guy, but I'd hyperventilate if they hired another college wannabe
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