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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Well, don't fret. Tocchet will fix all this
  2. This is where you lose me. I don't think it was bad luck. I lay this squarely on them.
  3. In the beginning it looked good. Then jake went all jake and, well, there you go
  4. Richards/Carter was a clear picture of how management coddled players. They should have been staples to build around, leading to a SC.
  5. Who do you want them to hire for head coach?
  6. Who is the player you want them to draft at #5?
  7. are any of these guys immediately ready to play at the NHL level?
  8. Ok, maybe legend is over the top. But I'm pretty sure you were right there during that playoff run, with the rest of us, happy as hogs in schit. If you are honestly saying he was a horrible signing, and a mistake, then so be it. But the Briere signing was ine of the key moves that turned the last place Flyers into a conference finals appearance, in a single season. There aren't too many Flyer fans lamenting him being signed I'm not saying JG would do the same. There's no way we could know. But he's statistically better then Briere was when he came to Philly. So I for one, wouldn't mind seeing it
  9. When Danny Briere signed with the Flyers, he was 29. The Flyers were the worst team in the league at the time he signed. I remember many here bytching hard about not wanting him. He was getting old. He was too expensive, too small, and too soft. He played 11 seasons to that point, 565 games, 186 goals, and 249 assists. Today he is Flyer legend, and many want him as the new GM. I guess we see how that worked out Johnny G has played 9 seasons (602 games, less injuries than DB), he has 210 goals, and 399 assists. Not sure why we wouldn't a guy like that? History can repeat itself just sayin is all
  10. I know I started this thread, and its about Tocchet, but I want to address this POV. Dave Scott came out and said, 'blank check". Now I don't have any faith in that guy at all, but he must be intelligent to get to where he is today. I don't see an intelligent guy, coming out and making that statement, if he intended it as lip service. There WILL be changes. I think significant changes. We wont get a rebuild, but I expect a complete turnover that resembles one. You also can't make that statement, then tank for Bedard. I don't think they will hire a lame duck to sit behind the bench for a few seasons. I do think they will seriously consider Tocchet (UGH! I HATE ME FOR TYPING THAT). I think he is the front runner. It allows Dave Scott an out. If Tocchet fails, and I think he will, they can always say they went the Flyer angle. I hope they resist that urge, and go with a proven coach. But at the start of the season, the core won't be the same as it was at the end of this season
  11. @SCFlyguy So why bother being a fan? I hear cat grooming is popular. You should try that
  12. i dont think management knows the season has ended
  13. the previous quote was from an article I read
  14. "There is undeniable optics to this head coaching hire for the Flyers. And bringing in Tocchet would be good optics. Fans showed their frustration and fatigue this season by not showing up. Attendance seriously dwindled as the Flyers' 25-46-11 season plodded to the finish line. Hiring Tocchet, an adored former Flyer who understands what success looks like in Philadelphia, would seemingly reinvigorate the fan base before the first puck is even dropped" So, we fans are unhappy about the team. Lets fix that by giving them Tocchet? Yeah, how about you go FCK yourself. We fans are pissed because our team is unwatchable. That won't be fixed becasue Tocchet is here. Unless he plans on jumping on the ice to punch Crosby in the face, I don't care. We want a better team. Better players. Better management. Not gimmicks. We have enough of that at the rink with the Gritty show. Don't give me another ex flyer head coach so you can push my nostalgia button. It never works. Hire a coach who can turn the franchise around. And LET HIM DO HIS JOB! Don't insult my intelligence That is all!
  15. in grand Flyer tradition, youre 2 years away
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