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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Seems to me the team has been filled with an abundance of this type of player for a long time I get what you are saying though.
  2. Will they a playoff team by then, or still aggressively retooling?
  3. Playoffs still suck, but vs , game 1, is pretty entertaining Too bad the Flyers never had a chance to draft that Makar kid
  4. Ever? Or just the first season? A player like that could, over let's say 5 years, help turn the team around I dont know why everyone argues their POV from the "immediate results" strategy
  5. Scott laughton is content doing just enough to maintain his status quo....he's jvr without the money, but has everyone fooled that he is more than that
  6. JVR. Good point. How could I have forgotten about him Maybe they should try over paying for the right talent
  7. So if you don't trade for a 30 goal scorer, how exactly do they plan on getting one? It's widely aregued that they need dynamic offensive players, but any discussion of getting an established one, is shot to hell in heartbeat. Are they going to draft a player like this? Have they drafted a player like this? Giroux was the last dyanmic offensive player they drafted. Carter before that. I guess you can draft a guy and hope like hell he magically morphs into it. I just find that highly unlikely
  8. as for Risto, "Feltch" has no farther to look then the mirror. Thats totally on him
  9. An ass kicking coach isn't effective of the GM, or someone higher up, condones them having their HUTA
  10. So he misses an entire season and the injury doesn't require surgery?
  11. You have just vaulted to my list of favorite posters (behind myself of course). Post of the decade! All in one day! Great job!
  12. Appreciate all the feedback, but I wasn't really stating a desire that a player like JG be signed, just the question if they wanted to, can they do it. But to be honest, I probably fall in the stereotype outlined above, "wanting the shiny toy". If they did sign JG, it wouldn't bug me a bit
  13. Follow up question.... For the sake of discussion, IF the Flyers wanted to sign JG, could they offer him a deal (presumably between 9 and 10 mil) without having the cap space, then make moves to get under? Or do they have to clear up the space first?
  14. Now that we are in the off season, and can start forgetting this abysmal, unwatchable abomination, we can (maybe I should say I can), start finding hope for the future. The draft is looming, a coach needs to be hired and there are free agents out there. Im not intending this thread to inspire the droves of forum GMs to offer dissertations on all the past mistakes, and how player A is past his prime and not worth the money. I think we all know those POV well. With players like Johnny G, and Forsberg available, the price tag will be high. And the Flyers don't have alot a cap space. So my question is, to any who can offer non-abrasive insight, how can the Flyers realistically move some contracts to make space? Does Konecny need to be traded? Or maybe Sanheim? Is there a way JVR can be booted in an advantageous way for the Flyers?
  15. @mojo1917 I've been reading alot of reports over the last few weeks, so it's hard to keep track of where, but I've read JM should be getting phone calls now that Stl is out. I dont recall reading that he IS getting an interview from Phi, but his name has been linked I agree with you about "redemption". And reports are the guy can coach. I wouldn't be unhappy if he was hired
  16. Knees, concussions and acute vaginitis. The hat trick plague that haunts the Flyers
  17. Unless.....wait for it....there is a "blank check" Not to be confused with a blank Chuck. One has unlimited value. the other is totally worthless. Apparently the Flyers will have both involved in the coach hiring
  18. No matter what move the Flyers make, unless it turns out to be Bobby Clarke, Rick Tocchet or some other legendary player, fault will be found. I seem to recall there was a lot of praise going around when the Ellis trade happened. He was after all, going to fill the Niskanen void and bring Provy back to status. Since that hasn't happened, this trade is recorded as a flop. If Ellis comes back, and plays to his usual level, these arguments will be forgotten. They will be replaced by happiness as long as he performs and the team plays well. If this trade hadn't been made, I suspect there would be endless threads on the lightbulb fragility of Nolan Patrick and the wasted draft pick, and how Myers is soft and worthless. This is what happens when trades are made. It reminds me of the time we signed Forsberg. Again I suspect many were huge fans of this move, especially when he and Gagne started clicking. And of course, the foot saga happened after that and the signing was regarded as another waste. and so it goes in Flyerland. I cant wait for the playoffs to be over, the draft to arrive, and the signing of a new coach. All I need is to find a place where I can buy some hope, so I can enjoy it more
  19. yeah, cause Im sure is SOO easy to just trade for guys that you approve of
  20. Forgive me, I spent a weekend listening to my wife. My perception and mental acuity is all left of center Don't misunderstand me, I know I'm a bipolar poster, I hate Fletch and what he has done. I was just trying to point out that current emotions from some, may lead to a more staunch negative position. And I agree, this is ALL pretty much Fletch's fault...if thats what you said
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