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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Isn't that kinda what every team does when they sign a new player who's UFA? That 115 would get me to tune back in. And I think we can agree, the Flyers top priority should be making me happy
  2. i've given in to peer pressure the difference in my mind, they had already been there/done that with that guy. And I don't think he was as good then, as some of the possibilities now. And even though I don't like it now, with first hand knowledge as a factor, I don't recall hating it when they did it
  3. The JVR thing is the one that bugs me the most. He never lived up to expectations the first time, played well away, then has been an absolute dead weight since coming back. I personally think the guy couldn't hack being in PHilly the first time, and the second time has just been all about money. He isnt a big time player, never has been. He's soft mentally and physically. They should have seen this one coming. Many of us did
  4. anti-frustration juice. cures all your ills
  5. @SCFlyguy You can be frustrated all day. Its frustrates me when people get frustrated that others dont see things their way. This will get turned around. There will be changes. The team will get better. You'll probably still be frustrated
  6. i paid too much for the tv. I throw shidt at the dog, then he eats it
  7. When I watch sports, I do so from an entertainment value. Specifically, how much does it hold my interest. I do not watch from the platform of championship or bust. I grew up in the 70s watching all Philly sports, captivated by the payers. As long as my team was fun to watch, I would watch, hoping they might win a championship. If Mike Schmidt had never won a WS, I would not be reflecting back on how the team was a failure and a waste of my time. The Flyers were always competitive and entertaining. Therefore, as a fan, I was passionate about them. Now, they are unwatchable. I don't care whose fault is was/is. I don't care about the money, or the term. Im not a GM and Im not going to pretend to be one on this forum. I don't want to wait 5 years before tuning back in. I want them to make moves that have some impact. They don't hit, they don't pass, they don't score, and they don't fight. There is no heart, pride or identity. Its a shame. I miss Flyer hockey Personally Id love the "shiny new toy". Id much rather have that than a box of legos that I might be able to build into race car later on. I want a polarizing coach. I want an elite level player to root for. I get that I am in the minority here. Many say to do it another way. Youre probably right. But this is how I feel about it, and Im good with that
  8. Let me see if I have this straight, you complain constantly about everything the Flyers do, and it's ok because you're POV is supported by a team that sucks in almost every area But if another fan chooses to want the team to do something that isn't in line with your POV, you hope it fails so you can say I told you so? So it's more important that you are right than the team succeeding. Great POV there.
  9. I'm not comparing TK to JG as who is better or more affordable. I'm merely pointing out that players have down years, it doesn't mean they are washed up or over the hill
  10. And if they don't? I mean, we've been listening to you complain for the last three years.
  11. I hereby vote you President of the Galaxy
  12. Not sure. Frost, Brink, Konecny possibly. Maybe that Allison kid if he stays healthy and makes the team As for Giroux, he was pretty damn effective early on. If we are discussing him as a negative, I would say we factor in a toxic locker room influenced by Voracek You can't valuate everything in a vaccuum
  13. What criteria are you using to justify "declining" You could be correct that his production declines with no supporting cast. But what if he makes a rising player better?
  14. never heard of that group or the song....I checked it out good stuff
  15. Yep, he could be that kind of guy. But maybe playing in Philly he takes things a little more to heart of course, players can have down years too...... see Konecny
  16. But removing Laughton lessens my stress and gives me more reasons to consider watching games again
  17. All BS aside, I agree with you. We've seen the Flyers do this time and again. Its annoying. The only difference between us, you think JG is past (passing) his prime, I think he is still in it, and will be for the next 5 years
  18. I have an overabundance of hate...plenty to go around Kinda like the idea of dealing with the bigger problem, while ignoring the small one. I can hate on SL without running out of vitriol for KH or RR. Plus, I am convinced, after my internal crusade against NAK, that my hate can influence the Flyers decisions, and SL's days are numbered My hate isn't strong enough to get KH, RR, or FELTCH removed
  19. Well we know that BC16 is all about logic "who is Giroux again?"
  20. probably so, but might not be, could be possible. There are worse contracts, but this one is easier to fix. You have to start somewhere. You can't start cleaning house by ignoring the floor needs to be vacuumed
  21. Im well aware of how correct you are. Most likely this could be the scenario. Although, there is a possibility that he comes home to play for his favorite team, produces at a high level, and his pride pushes him to be an impact player. If I was him, winning a cup for the Flyers would be a life pinnacle. He could be a Patrick Kane instead of Hayes' mini me To channel my inner Rad... it could happen, might not, probably wont, but is still possible, although not likely
  22. Hey, we actually agree on something. Fully support this POV. Well done
  23. Caution my friend, you and I are in the minority here. SL is a precious protected commodity in this forum. He ranks right up there with precious Scottie Upshall, the Guitar Hero wizard
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