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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I have finally, after all these years, made good use of the "ignore" feature. Admittedly, I had to ask for assistance on how to deploy the device. You might things more enjoyable doing the same. Some people aren't worth listening to I agree with all your comments on this matter
  2. Flyer fans know this look all too well.....its on the faces of more than just the coach though
  3. Interesting take on this.....if it comes to fruition, you should mark this and bring it back up
  4. There are severl good candidates available.... Trotz, Torts, Montgomery, Cassidy, DeBoor, Tocchet, Maurice,etc.... just off the top of my head. There are going to be forum arguments about who is, or isnt a good candidate. Im not trying to re-stoke that debate (although someone will ignore this and post why candidate whoever sucks), I'm just saying there aren't enough head coach positions out there to take up all the good possibilities. The Flyers may not get the guy they want, but they should be able to put a qualified coach in place
  5. unfortunately, this isn't going to happen, at least not Holmgren. We may see Fletcher get the ax if there isn't some sort of positive result next season. They will simply run out of excuses to keep him. There will no one else to blame. Although I could see them moving him up in management and hiring another GM. What a disaster that would be, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised
  6. Assuming the question is based on one "having" to go. I'd have to ask the question, what is the follow up? Is one being moved to free cap space for a significant offensive player? If so, and you need every penny to get that mystery player, then Provy goes. If Sanheim has to be packaged with TK to make it happen, Provy goes. But a lot of this revolves around what Sanheim actually is. A few short seasons ago he was tripping over his own skates, giving up scoring chances. The forum ax was being sharpened to lop off his head. Now all of a sudden, in a year where pretty much everything and everyone sucked, he has emerged as "better" than he was. Is he really that good, that you'd deal a player like Provy? If so, then that the answer for me. I still think Provy is better and trading him would bite us in the azz. I've never been high on Sanheim. But, like many have stated, I'd like to see them keep both
  7. Flyer management couldn't find the direction they want to go with a magic compass. They also couldn't find their azz with both hands and a mirror.
  8. My father you to say, "if you are going to bring logic into this, I won't talk to you." I suspect you will be hearing crickets
  9. The primary argument on this forum, or at least one near the top, is how players aren't worth the contract they signed for (specifically pertaining to Flyer players). But you are arguing they should get all they can? Tell me again why Risto and Hayes deserve all the criticism they get?
  10. Well played! Post of the day for me. Funny schidt
  11. Yeah, because any idiot can become a billionaire. Im pacing myself. What's your excuse?
  12. Interesting POV, considering this has not happened to a Flyer player that I can remember
  13. I have no idea. And that really wasn't my point However if this is true, I'm not surprised. Today's players put thier individual success and finances above team needs on a regular basis.
  14. Someone mentioned Jim Montgomery. I've been high on this guy since AV was let go.... still want trotz or torts, but I would be happy with JM
  15. Because my head is made of cement and I like bugging you
  16. I've been championing the signing of JG, but I would really be ok if the team went this route. It would just be another tough season where I paid more attention to the forum than the actual games
  17. You make great points. My issue with it, and many similar to it, is its based off a conclusion that isn't absolute. There is no guarantee that JG would only be good enough to help them get a first round exit. He could prove to be a spark plug that, coupled with others moves, makes a real impact. I read an article about how Trotz was able to take Barzal from a single dimension offensive player, to a more complete team guy. This was one of the things thay helped the NYI play the way they were
  18. @radoran Yeah, my recent posts are all from the perspective its JG. I dont see me tuning it just for Forsberg. He's a good player, but not in the upper tier (my opinion only)
  19. You may be off the mark here. The flyers have a history of giving former players long lasting careers with the organization. Danny Briere is the most current example if this. JG, being a hometown guy, could have an impact playing career and end up being club president. And Cherry Hill, as one example, is a pretty nice area to live
  20. No. I dont want more of the same. I'd like a turn around and a team that has a chance every season The point I'm making in lieu of the above, having a legit star player to root for is nice to have, and gives you something to tune in for
  21. It did when Giroux was doing it
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