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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Im obviously in favor of Torts. I like that he is an azz-kicker. Im also so dejected by how boring the Flyers right now, anything, ANYTHING, that is a change, gives me hope. I want to be interested in my team again. I want to be at work all day, waiting to see the game. I hope game one, he charges the opposing locker room and punches someone in the face (id settle for him benching JVR). I like what the guy had to say in the presser, and I will believe him that he wants to be here, wants to succeed, and has respect for our franchise Im ready for the next domino to fall
  2. Philly fans want their sports players to conduct themselves on and off, in a humble and gracious manner. They want them to always say the right things, and show respect to their fans, the city, team and league. If they are brash, arrogant or egotistical, the Philly fan resents them, even to the hate level. It goes directly to the heart and passion of the fan all of this is an amusing juxtaposition considering the reputation and exploits of the Philly fan
  3. lets hope Torts asks him to fetch some popcorn and empty the wastebaskets
  4. he isnt worth peanuts, maybe those crappy red candy bean things...but not peanuts This would puts Torts clearly in my hate file
  5. This is why I work with a dog. He's always happy, loves me unconditionally, and pisses on anyone I tell him It's a good life
  6. Pretty sure it's well documented within our little forum here.
  7. I dont make excuses and my game face is always on! My public needs me
  8. That's funny schidt right there. Cheers
  9. at the risk of being skewered here (becasue none of my other POV irritate anyone), I'm kinda past Lindblom being an asset for the Flyers
  10. yeah, when old ladies in wheelchairs come to my airport, I doubt they are concerned with the escalator
  11. after this coach hiring, I have no more energy to spitball something like that. Heads would explode
  12. Well said. I was thinking about the Laine situation. Most on this forum were totally against Laine coming to Philly and wanted nothing, NOTHING, to do with that guy. He was lazy and one dimensional. After we hired Tortis, Laine was one of the examples being used of how he stifles offensive players. Additionally, there have been numerous discussions about how this franchise coddles players, and how coaches get axed in favor of them. This move, at least in theory, suggests a shift may be in place, and that players may find themselves being held accountable. But, because Torts can be a real "DICK", and people don't like that, the narrative changes to defend the precious-es. its weird! Oh, in the end, I suspect the Flyers find a major offensive star in the next four years, and Tortis will get axed because the lil pumkin gets his feelers hurt
  13. On being hired, NEW HEAD COACH, Tortis said this, "I believe in the direction this team is heading. Having faced the Flyers for several years, I know first hand how tough of a city Philly is to play in and I look forward to being on the right side of the bench on opening night in front of such a loyal and passionate crowd of Flyers fans." See, he recognizes US, the fans first. His priorities are in the right place. Now these candy ass players need to remove their head from their fourth point of contact and perform accordingly. I'm really liking this guy. That will continue until I decide to hate him
  14. Trotz can suck moose wang. Tortis was the guy all aong...according to the Bob and Paul show.
  15. Are there any top level offensive players who are available, and aren't such pu$$ies that they will whither under a tough demanding coach?
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