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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Nice to see you're back to your normal posting self again
  2. I pretty much assumed what you are saying here. I just found it interesting, if you think back a year ago, when the same "phones" line was being used to explain their lack of movement. So now I guess he's saying they are calling everyone, for real this time, unlike last season when he said it, but didn't mean it I get stating the sound bite to check a box and placate to the media. Im just kinda shocked he came out and admitted that his statements then weren't honest
  3. Was reading about ol' Fletch discussing trading the 5 pick. Then he said this, "“I’m speaking to every team in the league, I know we say this every year, but it’s definitely true this year" Uh, what? So it wasn't true in previous years? Nice job, buttmunch. You cant get fired fast enough
  4. The interesting thing when discussing trade rumors, is fans usually discuss from the position that the player is a good guy and his stat performance is the determining factor. It reads like trading TK is a simple matter or age, contract and stats. What we don't know is how he is valued by other GMs based on info they are privy to, that we aren't. None of us know if TK is an ahole, or unhappy being in Philly. We also don't know if he is working his butt off to be better, loves Philly, and is just having a rough patch. What we do know is, he was on fire, made the all star team, and then declined. He hasnt reached that level again. It's anyone's guess as to why If he gets traded, it won't break my heart. If he stays I will root for him to return to form. If the trade helped remove players that I loathe, YAY! If it helps bring in a player consistently better than him, YAY x2
  5. This Flyers roster, like so many in the past, is loaded with players that will help win a Stanley Cup...all they have to do is get themselves traded Seriously, if I'm on this roster, I'm finding even way possible to get dealt . NAK, says "Hi" (I still hate him)
  6. Both entities are qualified to be Flyer fans on this forum
  7. Are you a doctor? Yeah. Didn't think so. Thanks for playing
  8. I'm sure he's lying. Thats what they do. They lie. The medical staff is incompetent and caused this by mistreating whatever the original problem was. Im sure they want to do their part to ruin this team and keep it mired in ineptitude. That is the plan after all, to destroy this team and make all of us miserable
  9. Your'e assuming Farabee had no input here. Its quite possible this injury was not caused by an "in game" event, and it is something he was dealing with that didn't stop him from playing. It may not have been an "injury at all". Although the two things are not related, Oscar was not injured. It could be timing and availability are factors for this procedure. Maybe it was chosen to be done now, so that he could recover without missing time at a crucial moment, or even having it turn into an INJURY that could have been prevented
  10. Tap the brakes chaps....I just did a little reading on this from Johns Hopkins. This may have been a preventative type of surgery. From the article: "Disk replacement surgery may have the advantage of allowing more movement and creating less stress on your remaining vertebrae than traditional cervical disk surgery" Just because we aren't given all the information we think we deserve, doesn't mean its the end of the world
  11. Dont misunderstand me, I DO NOT THINK THEY CAN WIN! No, not at all. Not in the current state. What I am saying is that they aren't doomed and incapable of turning things around, therefore building a contender. I also think I plainly stated, CF should be fired because he has done a way less than mediocre job. I like it....keep going ...... well that didn't last long And to this point, NO, I cannot imagine that because I don't think they will get to a finals appearance with Hayes on the roster. He would be gone.
  12. i became familiar with it in 1976, somewhere around the end of the NHL season
  13. Its pretty obvious the current management isn't doing a good job. And for that reason alone, people should lose their jobs. That's just how things work. You don't meet expectations for the job your doing, you get fired. Focusing directly on Fletcher, this should be immediate. However, to conclude that this franchise is incapable of assembling a winning team is a reach. Every year, each team has a 1 in 32 shot of winning the SC. Thirty one teams will be unsuccessful. Do some teams have better chances than others, of course they do. But franchises go in long droughts all the time simply becasue of how hard it is to win the SC. I don't get when fans conclude the team has no chance of getting better, and openly bash the franchise for it, but stick around as a fan. It seems like a self brutalizing contradiction. If you hate it that much, and see no end in sight, why subject yourself to the torment? I keep hearing this described as being a, "realist". I don't think it really is. All you've done is taken what had already happened, and predetermined what will happen. Will you be right? Probably. You have 31 to1 chance of being right. I guess to some that's satisfying enough. But it not a 100% conclusion. Just because things have happened a certain way, doesn't mean it can't happen another way. Taking a player example, Ryan Hartman never scored more than 19 goal sin a season. I suspect everyone concluded he would never surpass 30. You had 9 years of definitive proof, right? Will he do it again? I don't know. But it would have been nice if he was still here when he did it. Will Torts turn the team around? Again, I don't know. I've read opinions that one guy can't do it. Well you have to start somewhere. This seems like a good first step to me. And if having a modicum of faith means I'm not realistic, so be it. Its worth skipping the negativity.
  14. I was reading what Torts was recently quoted as saying. And it sounds pretty good to me. Of course, there will now be a barrage of comments about how he is following script, and doesn't mean any of it. How amusing is that? A guy (player/coach/etc) can't say a thing without it automatically being called lies and propaganda. Like any of us really know. And of course, should it turn out not to be "lies", those who claim it was will casually dismiss they ever said it. I get criticizing your favorite franchise for bad moves and lackluster seasons, but if you don't even want to give that franchise a chance, when they are trying to make changes, why bother wasting your time being a fan at all?
  15. I'm pretty sure I voted for every winning category I'm just that insightful
  16. He may not even be here. Seems to me that the hype surrounding Torts is largely believed to be fact, even though much of it is opinion based. So if EVERYTHING is true, JVR should easily see he won't have any success in Philly, and should be working to get the hell out of dodge
  17. All good points about JVR. I hate that guy. I don't want to waste anymore of time discussing what's going to happen, or should happen with him. I dont care if he rides the pine, forcing his agent to find a way out for him He will be gone, one way or another, I'll just wait til it happens. Pretty sure he will hate playing for torts
  18. Pretty much. I see a player who, in situations, could have stepped up a little more than he has. I've watched games where his name is barely mentioned, and he is practically invisible. I'm not referring to scoring more goals than his ability allows. I'm talking about doing something, ANYTHING, to make an impact. I've been in this discussion many times. I will hear about how he fills holes in the roster, does all the things gets asked, blah...blah...blah. I'm still flabbergasted that people on this forum think he should be the next captain. Talk about accepting mediocrity and the statue quo! He's another Michael Raffl. The team seems to be overloaded with this kind of player, and he's loved for it SMGDH
  19. I think the last thing that should happen is gut the core of the team for the sake of change. Thompson, Hayes, JVR, TK(?), Laughton....sure Move guys who aren't part of the direction the team is heading, may free up needed space, and have trade value (no one is taking our junk for nothing) I'm really curious to see if this #5 pick is packaged to bring in a significant player. Maybe you can put the 5 with JVR to free up the space you need
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