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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. When you have a room full of ego-testical fuktards , all competing to see who can shove their head the farthest up their own a$$, your going to wind up lacking somewhere....in this case, EVERYWHERE. They are truly that talented at sucking
  2. They had the Flyer/Oilers SC final on NHL Channel. Reliving that nightmare was more fun than watching this roster. To make it worse, I'm in Dallas. Guess what they have here? The world's largest toilet. It's just next door to my hotel
  3. My guess is I will find a link and watch a few games. Or maybe wait for a nationally televised one, if they have any. Most likely, any watching I do will be at the start of the season. Should the team happen to be interesting, or competitive, I will watch out of curiosity The whole macewen, delauriers thing intrigues me. So does Torts
  4. You mean the franchise is gulluble? Like when they signed a specific oxygen thief after he scored 30 goals for a certain Canadian team, after he never lived up to expectations after being drafted?
  5. Not sure I understand the point you are trying to make
  6. If a coach wins one SC, he becomes a championship caliber coach who is often sought for that reason.... It doesn't matter if he won because the team was overflowing with talent
  7. Easy now Back away from the Eagles....at least until the first drive of the season
  8. It's really simple to understand. Ed Snider made a pact with Satan and cup the Bullies and 2 cups. As penance the franchise is forced to pay for it for the rest of eternity Somewhere I hear Steve Vai cutting heads with some mean licks on his axe
  9. Isn't Hayes the GM? Im pretty sure it was in his contract
  10. Seriously, why do they need a Captain? Just becasue every other team has one? There are lots of thing they dont have that other NHL teams do goals.... a defense.... wins.... good players .... competent management .... a clue .... cap space ..... this is a much fun as eh "captain" game
  11. Why? None of us will ever be in the locker-room or on the bench. Its a fan opinion, so its pretty easy. It also seems easy for NHL teams. They've been doing it forever As for criticism, that's easy too. Its a fan's right. Its a large part of why this forum exists. We are all guilty of it, yourself included. Your screen name alone is a form of criticism
  12. My first thought was Coots. There isnt a better choice. We all know it. Its obvious. Some want to deny it, but that's just silly So I vote Coots 1st, Atkinson 2nd, Provy 3rd (and I DGAF about what he said in his press conference)
  13. I thought Hayes was captain, Wasnt that in his contract?
  14. Like I said, he's effective at what he does. I never said he would help them win games or lead the team in scoring. Although, with this bunch, I wouldn't be shocked
  15. I sat and watched most of ND's fights from last season. Im not sure why the opinion is he will get his ass kicked. I didn't see him lose too many. Doesnt mean he's gonna help the team win, but I think he's effective at his job. Paired with Zack, they were in the top five or six in fighting majors last season
  16. Im obviously a big fan of fighting in hockey. I think the NHL neutered itself when they clamped down on it, and for a large part, the physical aspect of the game. However, I got tired of the goon vs. goon staged fight that served no purpose. Was it fun to watch? At first, yes. But then it was just mundane. To the points being made here, I really hate when the Flyers trot out a so called tough guy, and he ends up using his face as a battering ram. Riley Cote used to skate around warmups avoiding the blue line like my dog avoids the electric perimeter fence in my backyard. And its been downhill ever since. I still believe having a guy who puts some level of "fear", or maybe "pause" would be more accurate, in other teams, is a good thing. Im not sure the Flyers have done that in this case But, I hold to my original point. In the absence of anything else good going on, at least if the team is entertaining (fights), it might put some butts in seats. Personally I would tune in to watch a tough Flyers team lose, then the kids out there getting their feet wet in a year long training camp Caveat: I love Torts, so I might watch a few games just becasue he is coach
  17. i re-read this.....makes perfect sense to me now
  18. ok. i see your point on this, but all of it is based on them already being on the team. Your other point sounded like you were saying the ywould have a hard time even making it into the lineup, becasue the team was so bad
  19. @FireDillabaugh No bullschit...I actually hope you're right
  20. I dont understand your point. If the team is "woefully undertalented" you'd think it would be easier for them to make the lineup. If a young player can't crack the lineup of an undertalented team, what's that say about their talent?
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