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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. ya know, I'm kinda wondering if players are finding any way possible to jump off this train wreck. If your Coots, and you know your next few seasons will be in hell, why not take the money and run. I wouldn't blame him at all. If it's "a business" and my health is at the center of my business success, why risk it? It's not like you don't already have a post-playing career already with the Flyers. Hell he'll prolly be HC in LHV as soon as Lappy gets promoted to take Torts' job
  2. I guess we can remove Coots from Captain consideration. there's one argument off the books. Progress!
  3. I'm just gonna go into a hockey coma for about 5 years. By then they might still suck but it'll be with a new group of players I don't hate Worked for a few seasons back around 1990, and ended when 88 arrived
  4. So simple answer is "NO". You're not in the room. You don't know any of these players personally, so you can't judge a player by first hand knowledge of his personality. You, like all of us, have to base your opinions off the same information. You just package it differently to suggest an air of superiority. Ok, that's your schtick. Carry on Nice redirection, though. If I had that talent I would be working in the White House
  5. i thought the only requirement to be captain was to get fans to "like what he brings", or being "good in the room" .....assuming you have first hand knowledge of this
  6. so are there players on this team you do know? Maybe someone who's personality you have direct knowledge of? Are you in the room at other times, gaining information that allows you to evaluate other players more in depth?
  7. its too early in the morning for that kind of reasoning. My brain doesn't engage until sometime after 12....if at all
  8. Exactly. If I cannot assume Giroux was a bad captain, then absent any corroborative evidence, you cannot assume he was a good one. Fact is, for all the good he did on the ice, it amounted to nothing. He is gone now. I really liked the guy, he was my favorite while he was here. But then again, so was Lindros. Fact is, if the new coach says the room is a mess, I will extend him the benefit of the doubt. I believe he has a direction, and Im hopeful he can deliver.
  9. Why? It happened under his watch. I dont know why everyone wants to give this guy a pass. If you remove a cancer, your health usually improves
  10. It seems to me that the Flyers as commodity was built into a financial success, on the backs of those who essentially founded the team (Snider). The fanbase was built into a loyal and dependable cash cow. The Comcast corporation has exploited that and running this strictly as a business. As long as the team makes money, they will continue to roll out Gritty and other gimmicks to get the merch purchased, consessions consumed, and games watched . Only problem they will ultimately have to endure, fans aren't idiots. If the product sucks the revenue will fall. They will be faced with this, and my hope is there will be a paradigm shift. If you watch any hockey movie where the business model collides with the game, you will get a clear picture of our Flyers Maybe our Hanson Bros. will hit the lottery
  11. Pretty sure JVR will be responding from some other lockerroom, so we won't hear whatever dumbass response comes out of his lopsided face
  12. Unfortunately, Briere's hands have thumbs. They are prolly already halfway inserted in his ass, which he most likely cannot find with both those hands and a mirror
  13. Right! Guy has never accomplished a thing. They should fire him right now, he's never had any value
  14. Torts was being interviewed and they asked about "the room". He said he has "major issues" with it and that there needs to be accountability and standards that start there, before they take the ice. Personally I say, HELL YEAH! Its about time. Its what many of us have been speculating about for years Let the criticisms commence
  15. He's good at imitations....he's been imitating a hockey player for a career
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