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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I'd like to see them put a teleprompter in front of him, and see what happens....it works for POTUS
  2. They wont be going after any high profile players anytime soon (IMO). Torts said as much when talking about JG. He basically said now is not the time for a player like that. I see him focusing on pieces of the current roster that are working within his scheme, while tolerating those that don't (until he can get rid of them). I see more young kids being brought in before you see some high profile player. It's not like they can afford one anyway
  3. Well there goes my hope that Torts is competent. If Laughton is the plan, its time to find another sport to watch. I hear Cricket is popular
  4. I dont see Torts tolerating Hayes' antics. I'm just wondering what can actually be done. Assuming he could be moved (hold the laughter) would the franchise support Torts if he asked to have him shipped out?
  5. No it isn't. It's a practical POV. You can't really gauge long term success off one game. Your thinking is the same as someone who says Frost should be the number one center because he had two goals in one game. You may be right in your POV, but I still say it's not enough sample size to excited about Right now, the Flyers are 2-0, tied for first, and have a better record than COL Back away from the kool-aid. Try some bourbon. By seasons end you will need it
  6. 2 for 2 for Torts Laughton was trying his best to blow it for them. Not a fan of that guy
  7. They skated hard, finished their checks and competed for 60 Thank you Torts!
  8. Well done Howie...So what I heard is, Torts should smack the schidt outta any pansy ass cowards who arent up to going into combat..ala G. Patton JVR goes first, followed by Laughton
  9. Have you found anything that you're good at; that you can build on? ...."NO!" hahahahaha! priceless I guess we have our answer about who will be captain
  10. "Disappointed in some veterans as far as what they've showed right now" .... "I'm gonna go about it as I see fit to develop a team" Two quotes! Mic Drop! Managment GFY and shut up and color! Love it!
  11. I dont disagree at all that the managment section if this a$$ of a team needs an enema. They clearly do. I just don't think we will see a never ending, no hope, fans should all quit franchise. I mean seriously, we aren't the Maple Leafs
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