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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I still don't get the love for Briere. Guy hasn't accomplished anything but we think he's the answer? Isn't there a more proven option?
  2. i think hes a really good coach...should be about time for the players to rebel and get him run out of the building
  3. Just give him one of those injuries they always have in stock, that will end his playing days. It wont help the team and you dont get a financial break, but he can just disappear like Ryan Ellis
  4. Knowing you have to make changes, wanting to make changes, and being capable of making those changes, are not all the same. I think they know they have to make changes, and I think they want to. Having a guy who can do it? Well there's the rub. We all know that answer. Torts is clearly the right guy. A good move in the right direction. Hart's play is a result. Having a team in front that plays tough in their own end will allow him to accel at what he does. thats the first step. It appears to be forward
  5. way to restate the obvious woukd you prefer they play him, knowing how much he sucks?
  6. Give it some time. I dint think there is a player on that roster who is safe from Torts' wrath. There is alot of season to go
  7. You should buy a HD TV, you aren't seeing a clear picture
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=steve+downie+hit&oq=steve+downie&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j46i512j0i512l2j46i175i199i512j0i512l2.6487j0j7&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b3d8da58,vid:322zqTkL0-c
  9. I wonder if Dean McAmmond did.?
  10. There is an inappropriate joke in there somewhere
  11. Torts is my new favorite Flyer.....EVER I want a Torts jersey, the orange one
  12. Would someone, ANYONE, please pass this tidbit on to Flyer management?
  13. Kettlebells....did wonders for my back
  14. I hate all NHL teams but the Flyers. Although right now, my hatred extends to Flyer management. It it my contention that the NHL only exists so the Flyers have somewhere to play. I will take this further, not that you asked, but my hatred also extends to Flyer players, even if they are my favorite (E. Lindros), the moment they are traded I hate some teams more than others, but none more than the friggin pengooins, followed closely by Toronto
  15. Um, here we go again. This thread is about game 8 of the FLYERS schedule. Not the Eagles. The Flyers play in the Metro division of the N-H-L. The Eagles play in the NFC, of the NFL. Flyers=hockey. Eagles=football. I realize when you are a Buffalo fan, and your teams never win anything, all sports just kinda clump together like dog hair in a vacuum. I get the confusion. So if you start by actually reading the title of thread, your chances of staying on topic will increase faster than gas prices ....just saying
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