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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Drive him to the beach.....he'll never be heard from again
  2. All rumors are real, they usually aren't true
  3. And he's good the room... I like what he brings
  4. Doesn't he have his own beer? You can't replace a guy like that
  5. And as if it wasn't enough already, TK was quoted as saying KH is a good guy in the locker room. That's why the Flyers signed him
  6. Absolutely! that's why my entire argument is theoretical. I don't know if Errson is good enough or not. That's why I was asking the opinions of my trusty neighborhood forum scholars
  7. Here's another thought on trading Hart For those wanting to tank, trading Hart is definitely a strong move to help that process. Maybe the strongest. Let's assume for the sake of this discussion, that the writer of the article is correct, and Hart brings you 2 firsts, and prospects. The team dealing that much for him is an obvious contender, so those #1's, or at least this year's, will most likely be middle of the pack or later. It doesn't increase your chances for Beddard very much, if at all. But you still have your existing #1 to hope for. But, and I realize this is numb-nuts CF we are talking about, you might be able to package that late number 1 with one of these high contract losers you want to get rid of, and possibly move up higher. Or maybe you package Tk with a late number one and see if you get two picks that might have a chance at Beddard
  8. To be clear, I don't want to trade him, and it isn't that I don't like him. The Flyers are horrible. They need to rebuild. To do that, they need assets in the system (draft picks), prospects who will develop into good NHL players, and some top end talent. They cannot get that through free agency. Decades of trying (I laugh when I type this) have proven it. So how do you get these things they need? Well, the only real position of strength they have is in goal. They have nothing else. Oh maybe Farabee or TK, possibly Provy, can bring you a return, but not a significant one. Then of course, you have to replace the guy you move. However, if Errson is a legit number 1, and Hart is a stellar number 1, the drop off is not as drastic. And Hart is the one asset that might be able to bring you multiple impact pieces...i repeat, MULTIPLE. As suggest by the article I read, he could fetch two first round picks. For this franchise, that's gold. That's why you do it
  9. Connor Beddard is a lottery pick. So are the others directly behind him. I'm not suggesting anyone would trade Beddard for Hart. I'm just wondering if trading Hart for more high end picks would give the Flyers some better options. I get your point about "the last time". But, it did happen. And it could happen again. If there is a team that thinks a true number one goalie could win them a cup, or 2, NOW, then who knows what they will give up. The Flyers traded away the farm to get Eric Lindros. Some kid named Forsberg was part of that. It's not unthinkable that a team might be willing to part with significant assets if Hart was that valuable to them. And maybe another game changing talent can come from that package. You are making a lot of examples of how Flyer picks have failed to make an impact. Point taken. And you could say that management hasn't changed so future picks will yield the same result. Another valid point. However, there is a possibility that change could happen, and having assets to build on is apparently the key (as regularly pointed out by damn near ever Flyer fan on this forum). I mean, after all, no one thought Tortorella would ever be hired as head coach
  10. So if they traded Hart, got a huge return, and put Errson in, that would be a good move? I read the top three guys in the draft are game changers. Any truth to that? Would they be more valuable to this team right now, having Ersson as a suitable replacement, than Hart would be?
  11. to further your point, I would be worried they would give Hart away for peanuts. I guess my initial question did not take into consideration the dumb-ass making the trade The article suggested Hart would be worth one, maybe 2 firsts, and prospects....thats the kind of deal that can reverse the course. Are either of the back ups a true number 1?
  12. I dont think it does. It took them 40 years becasue they refused to address the position the correct way. Not becasue there werent good goalies out there. You have to give to get. Right now there arent a lot of valued players on this roster that will bring you a good return
  13. i was reading today about the Flyers goal-tending situation. Assuming the article is accurate, it sounds like that's one area of strength that they could use for negotiations. As I have admitted, I haven't watched, so I have no first hand knowledge (opinion). So I ask, could the Flyers deal away a goalie, specifically Hart, to try to gain multiple pieces, or high draft pick, to start a, dare I say..... <rebuild> ?
  14. The team being bad because they lack the talent to compete happens in pro sports. As a fan, loyalty can carry you through in tough times. But like Aziz alludes to, this team is horrible because of bad management. It's all unforced errors. That's what makes it worse for me. In the past I lacked the knowledge to know the intricacies of how a franchise was managed, so I would stayed tuned in. But in this case, based on insight from this forum, I know why this team is suk. And I am insulted and offended. So I won't watch. Not because my absence affects them at all, but because they have stolen my passion. It is my opinion that this organization has put the financial success of the suits above the fan. They insult us by putting out a crap product, wrapping it in a furry orange costume, overwhelming us with loud music and overpriced beers, and highlight videos of miniscule success. They are cashing in on decades of success built on blood sweat and tears of teams from the past, and devoted fan loyalty. They know they will make money regardless of how we feel, or what actually happens on the ice. They have stolen this fans passion and loyalty, and I hate it
  15. And you ASSUME he won't. The only thing you have backing your argument is you are a die hard Flyer fan, and that causes you to like the guy. You can't make any argument about his qualifications for the job because he doesn't have any Look we are going back and forth saying the same things. I wont change my position and you won't change yours. Absent new information I think it's time to move on
  16. I watched game 1 of this season and that's it. I dont look to see if there is a game on that I can get, I dont ask for links, and I dont read the news to find out what's going on. Most, if any info I get, comes from this forum. However, I do go to hockeyfights.com when I hear about a scrap in a game. It'll be nice coming back because it won't happen until this team is relevant. But right now they are like social media, I'm not on it and I don't miss it
  17. Jon Sim was great.... But he's no Scott Laughton
  18. You realize what you've just dome, right? You are now saying that the firing of CF will be an excuse to cover up for the real problem, the management above him. That's the same management that is grooming DB. So you are saying management is inept, but you trust them with their ability to train and hire him. You are actually making all of our arguments for us
  19. You're exhausting! You simply want to take what you want to fit your argument. How about this, I will just stop arguing with you and let you go on being wrong Just because every other possible candidate is not Briere, does not make them Fletcher. You seem to be arguing that very point. You have no knowledge of possible qualified applicants, as you mentioned in an above post, so you are convinced Briere is the answer, specifically because you liked him as a player The BUF is currently 17-14-2 with 36 pts. Thats 5pts ahead of the Flyers. They are also the 5th Wild Card. If that's a "righted" ship make sure there are plenty of lifeboats. And I'm pretty sure you or I could convince Fletcher to trade us a carton of new game sweaters for a pet rock. Not much in that accomplishment Injuries? Yeah there were injuries. There always are. But we aren't talking about short term wins and loses. The issue is long term mismanagement of contracts that have anchored this franchise to dumpster. Did I read this right? You think Fletcher being fired would an "excuse" or "whipping boy"? If so please let me know so I can politely back out of this conversation and move on to something else
  20. I don't know if they are the next Fletcher anymore than you know if they aren't. But all of them, minus Weekes, have sustained work histories at the NHL level. Weekes is regarded as an up and coming, highly intelligent candidate. Then again, so is Briere. So that's a wash, good point. Again though, my point is I want a GM with NHL level experience, not a Holmgren "mini-me"
  21. What more do I want? I'm pretty sure AZIZ has outlined this ad nauseam. However, I want a GM with some kind of proven, and or established, record as an executive at the NHL level. And that is NOT Danny Briere. If being a good player was all it takes to be a GM, Wayne Gretzky would need a new house to display all his SC wins. In retrospect, you could've been a mouth breathing goon and have success in management. See Craig Berube. This franchise does not need another member of the good 'ol boys club who can sit around Bully's Pub signing autographs and talking about the good old days. This franchise needs a guy with the chops to do the job, and as said, they need to leave him the fck alone and let him do it
  22. This is a great post. I love to find fault with anything, but I think this perspective is flawless Well done
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