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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. To further your point, or just restate it, I don't get how anyone supports this team by going to that arena. I'm still a loyal Flyer fan, but this not a product that is worth supporting. So I won't. I am not watching. I'm not buying. And I'm not wearing any swag to show support. I don't know if it matters, but I dont click on a lot of internet stories either I think you are spot on regarding Comcast. They are a business that offers goods and services. They don't really care about the on ice product. They are getting their money Funny thing is, without fans, there is no professional sports. If we were removed, the NHL would be as important as my Monday night D division beer league, and the Flyers wouldn't be good enough to win that
  2. When it's comes to "boo-ing" the more "O's" the better
  3. Maybe the NHL will step in and rig the draft (ala Pissburgh penguins) and get the Flyers back on track with beddard
  4. Lots of nasty going on in posts here. Some buttons look like they are being pushed. I hope no one loses their cool and gets suspended
  5. He prolly thought he was getting Mario Lemieux at a steal
  6. I'm so disinterested in this team, I dont even care if they traded Scott Laughton
  7. How do I quit the internet? I just want to forget the Flyers exist and then tune back in ten years from now when they are relevant again. I want to be ignorant of everything thats happening and pretend it never did
  8. It is past the point of comprehension, how awful and inept this franchise is
  9. maybe if he grabbed my a--, I would have a reason to miss him
  10. Lots of really good POV in this thread. There is a long list of ex-players who I miss watching, without any of the intangibles of contract, team make up, trade decisions, win/loss record or management. There are Players I would tune in to watch if they were on this current team, with those current intangibles. Players that if they suited up now, I would watch Giroux is not one of those players
  11. For 15 seasons we had Giroux here in Philly. Early on he was hungry and tenacious, at one point being considered top 3 in the NHL. But it seems to me like I have a really hard time remembering his impact. He hasn't been gone that long, but its feels a lot longer in my mind. I don't really miss him. For a guy to have spent that much time here, I'd think the lasting impression would be more. I was expecting a void. What I have is on par with the same feeling I had when Voracek was finally moved. More of a, "so what" mentality. Focusing solely on the "Philadelphia" sports dynamic, the guy just doesnt rank up there with other Philly sports players who were/are major players on their respective teams. He never really embraced or held that Philly persona. Guys like Harper, BrindAmour, Hurts (short sample), LeClair, Kelce, all seemed to get what it means playing for the city. I never thought Giroux did. For our forum friends who are not Philly sports fans, but Flyer fans specifically, I would guess you aren't faithful due to the many cups the Flyers have won. You probably weren't drawn to the team because of the high flying offenses they have had. More than likely it was some form of physical, hard working, in your face, type of dynamic that got you on board. In fact, when I talk to hockey fans of other teams, if they aren't mentioning the Bullies or Lindros, they talk about Richards and Carter. Rarely does the name Giroux come up. Like I mentioned, early on he looked like that kind of guy. But then it was like something changed and he became more of a "paycheck" guy. Then he left, played in the playoffs, then went back home to finish off his career. Now he is down below 50 in league scoring. I imagine he is good player for Ottawa. He would still be ranked highly with that production if he was still here. But Im not trying to reset whether or not it was his fault, or was he a point per game player, etc. Im just saying that being the cornerstone of this team for 15 years has not left this fan with a lasting memory of his legacy with the Flyers
  12. Hell NO! I was just pointing out Gritty as the only piece of this franchise that has value
  13. Agreed. It's funny that the team component of a franchise is all about winning titles, but the front office component in this case, is just about ensuring financial career stability and taking care of your friends. How nic that all those front office execs and team managers have had successful years while the team failed and the fans suffered but hey, they did give us Daniel Carcillo and Nic Delauriers. Yay us
  14. I don't think the Gm should be allowed anywhere near the players. His useless virus might infect them
  15. I knew I liked you. Very profound for a guy with anger issues
  16. Speaking of Provorov, his sitting out of warm ups the other night is making national news. Maybe that will hurt his trade value
  17. Im basically a logical guy who thinks rationally. The flyers are illogical, irrational, irritating and inflicted with dumassedness. Therefore its impossible for me to speculate on anything they might do, or the reasons they may do it. It would be like arguing with a drunk. I hope they keep Provy and TK. But I know they have to do something, and will. I am conditioned to dread that day. I think I will leave the speculating to all of you
  18. as far as I know, the media have never been involved with making Flyers transactions. However, in Fletch's case, they would be a better option
  19. I think what's being hinted at is, Flyers need a superstar. Most team have one. You know, that player that a fan can brag about even when the team sucks Hayes isn't a superstar, so he doesn't fit the bill. You can't have beers with a buddy who is a Capitals fan, if all your armed with is Kevin Hayes Oh, and said superstar has to be a good guy, humanitarian who always says the right things, loves the city and fans, and plays for contracts that always benefit the franchise So he must be a hero and a superstar
  20. Can you find one where Hayes bursts into Flames?
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