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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I ***** hate "agree to disagree" We are Flyer fans. Keep punching til your arms, or lights, go out
  2. No real disagreement. If they traded for him, I wouldn't throw a fit. Just trying to get perspective on this
  3. Defensive much? Blaming Torts for this train wreck is a totally unfair. Staying specific to the point, how does sitting an a-hole player, who doesn't have any part in the the teams future, translate to not, "doing whats best for the franchise going forward"?
  4. This was my thought. I think this is a prime example of hating the coach more than you hate player. Or it's a misguided opinion
  5. I did. You said Tortorella "devalued" and made him "worthless". That must mean you feel that TDA had value and worth before. Right?
  6. I just worry about a player who changes teams so often. Revolving door doesn't sound like a good approach The exit door should be removed from the hinges
  7. Wasn't that guy one of the big trades a few seasons ago? I think Chicago jettisoned him so they could rebuild. Not sure it sounds logical to trade for him as a rebuild piece. Why would he want that? He'd prolly be a pouch bytch and cost us in the long run
  8. So you're saying TDA is a good player and it was a smart move for the Flyers to trade for him?
  9. Firing Fletcher is liking taking credit for a .10 cent reduction in gas prices, when you are responsible for them going up a $1
  10. As you said, they haven't started "YET". So your assessments here of Hayes and Provy are speculation. I get your point about "picks", but you cannot have a rebuild with Hayes still on the roster. He has to be the first move. And whether you like it or not, I think the way he has been used in the second half, shows the Flyers feel the same way. I'll double that by adding TDA DB has has some time to set a plan in place. At least he better have if he wants to remove the interim tag. And it seems likely he has relayed that plan to his coach, who has responded by essentially putting these two players in the doghouse.
  11. My question was to SC. I completely got where you are coming from. But thanks for the answer
  12. @SCFlyguy So, you're not pulling for them (Flyers), to right the ship ?
  13. I find it amusing that there is any sympathy or understanding for the guy. He was lambasted as a douche from the day he was signed. None of us wanted that move. So what he got benched? Seriously who cares. He isn't a part of this team moving forward and nothing he would have done in those games would've changed anything, unless he took of his skate and stabbed someone
  14. Pretty obvious to me that this played some part, we just won't know the specifics. Worst part is it once again shows the Flyers will ignore the the known flaws of a player in hopes they will be different Maybe TDA did something to bring it on. Personally, I think it signals a change in how the team will do things moving forward. Not placating to players is huge. I think DB and Torts are making it so difficult for players like KH and TDA that they can't wait to get out
  15. summation.... JVR contract is up, so they dont sign him and he walks? Hayes can be traded to 12 teams, unless he waives? Braun is gone.? Atkinson can be traded? Laughton (please, please, please) can be traded? Ristangelo can be traded?
  16. Sadly? not from where I sit. Clean house! Good guy? Yes. His fault? No. This team doesnt need "good guys". We have Laughton. We need performers That wasn't too negative. Were it?
  17. according to the Urban Dictionary, "Ristangelo" is the "act of going through life at a functional level, with your head permanently inserted in your a.s.s"
  18. Someone should do the same with JVR
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