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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. if the Flyers still suck a year from now, will it be Briere's fault?
  2. anyone can say anything. IMO Briere hasn't done a thing yet. Like you though, I will retain optimism. Any change right now is a good change
  3. I only watched two games this season, one by accident. I'm not in a position to really comment on this, but I will anyway. It was as bad as I thought, so I made the right choice. Torts is a good coach, and hopefully will remain to orchestrate the rebuild. Everyone else sucks (minus a few select young players)
  4. Humor me. Come up with a scenario where Laughton gets moved
  5. The cup winning teams of the 70s weren't just a bunch of thugs The 1979-80 Philadelphia Flyers put together an astonishing unbeaten streak that has never been matched: going 35 games without a loss. It's the longest undefeated streak in NHL history and the longest in any U.S. professional sport. The Flyers played the better part of three months without a defeat, posting 25 wins, zero losses and 10 ties from Oct. 14, 1979, to Jan. 6, 1980. But I get your point. A team can win over a group with individual talent
  6. @GrittyForever The problem with today's athletes, is its more about them and less about the team or fans they play for. its totally backwards A coach should not have to conform to the player. The player should conform to the coach It's just that simple
  7. So if the Flyers traded for him, he would be the equivalent of a top three pick. Yeah. I'd make a move like that
  8. @mojo1917 let me ask it this way, and maybe its the same thing, if Matthews was in the draft today, where would he be selected?
  9. other than Bedard, is Matthews better right now then any other draft pick ?
  10. Thats kind of a defeatists attitude. I get where you are coming from. Most Flyer fans do. But it comes as more of an emotional based POV instead of specific to the current status quo. As Rad points out, the Flyers could make a deal for an impact player without gutting the young stable, and while clearing out the dead weight. Personally, I don't think it sends the signal of "more of the same". Now if they mortgage the farm for some magic beans, the you're spot on. I more lean toward your way of thinking about the Flyers overall, DB as GM strikes me as more of the same. Torts, did not. Recent statements, front office moves and whomever they hire as Pres will give us a better idea of what is really happening. But back to Matthews, that's the kind of player I'd like to see on the Flyers. At least its something to watch
  11. Right? I mean, seriously? The only time I watch those mouth breathers is when they play the Flyers. And since I am not watching the Flyers this season, that measn not at all. The only thing I hate more than the "T-leaves", is Pissburg
  12. this is the NHL and Pissburg. Rules do not apply. I predict a special supplemental lottery pick will be implemented and go figure, it will go to them The league will not allow their little darlings fall apart
  13. Rumors of Pissburg going through a transition.......Beddard will end up there
  14. JVR is mad? About what? Him being mad is like a homeless person getting pissed about free rent
  15. The shoe needs to be firmly on the azz of the dead weight walking out the door
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