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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I question Jones' experience/qualifications to do the job. I question the Flyers constant commitment to hiring ex-players to run the team. Both scare the outta me. But....I don't question KJ's love for the city and franchise. He is widely admired in the hockey world for his personality and intelligence. He could have gone anywhere. But he stayed with Philly. That means something. And although it could be argued that he is the next evolution of the bobby-bunch, there might be another way to think about it KJ has watched this team get decimated. Although an ex-flyer, his only real connection to the previous era was the Lindros fiasco. He has commented openly things that many of us feel. So he might be empathetic, and motivated to right the ship. With the new guy running the show, the Bobby-bunch, might be nothing more than figure heads with no real impact
  2. If DB is a good GM, Jones' opinion of players should be minimal, and have little to no impact. And if Jones is a good POHO, he will stay in his lane. So Risto should be DB's issue, regardless of Jones' opinion. I'm with you on the Good Ol Boys (Bobby-Bunch) dynamic. It has to end or the team will never recover
  3. in order for him to have a true opportunity to succeed, the old guard should not be there
  4. And Briere doesnt have the experience to know the difference There isn't one part of this duo that's better than the other.
  5. Yes. If either had a sustained history of success in their "job field", and were hired based on that success, I could see them "deserving" a chance becasue they earned it
  6. Not trying to pile on you Howie, but I can't agree with this. Neither DB or KJ have done anything to "DESERVE" a chance. You don't deserve just by being hired. You should have to earn. They WILL GET a chance. We all know that. We have no choice but to sit back and watch, or stop following the team. Maybe if they had accomplished something worthy of the position they were hired for, then I could see them being deserving. But just walking in the door does no get you applause. Fix it! Then you can talk about what you deserve
  7. where's the fun in that? we should always first and ask questions later
  8. I've lost absolutely nothing by this. I'm already a season and a half from watching. This hiring isnt going to make me tune back in
  9. Thats becasue I called them out on it in an official forum post. They want no part of me
  10. Has it? He did a short stint on a minor team where he ran day-to-day operations and Paul Holmgren was the governor. Then he was some made up position with the Flyers after that minor team was taken over by the Bruins. So his management resume is at best, lacking. Jones has no hockey management resume that Im aware of. He was one of the partners that owned a horse that won one the 2005 Queens Plate. Canada's most prestigious horse race. I would assume that indicates he has business/finance background Both are equally qualified, they are ex-flyers
  11. Let's talk about "the plan". It is widely agreed that DB will be the next GM. Ok. I don't like it, but who cares what I think. But, if the interim tag is going to be removed, what is the hold up? If the argument is that they are waiting to sign the new Pres, that makes no sense. Does anyone really think they will hire a Pres who would object to DB as GM? If that person did, why would they hire him/her? They wouldn't. So that tells me that Torts and DB are already working on whatever the plan is. They have to be, right? The draft is over. You know where you are picking, and probably know who. You should also be working whatever avenues are allowed to be laying the foundation for how you will jettison the junk from the lineup. Other have eluded to a shakeup in the hierarchy. Against my better judgment, I think that is coming. So a plan, if not already laid out, will be prior to the draft
  12. I think Jones empathizes with the fans. He hates that the team sucks. Maybe that would make it work
  13. Quite simply, the Flyers need to do a complete rebuild. Anything else is a waste of time. Its long overdue. Nothing else has worked. They need to develop a sound plan and strategy, and give it a chance to work. You can't fire the GM or coach every couple of years becasue you aren't seeing the quick results you want. If DB is the GM choice, then let him do the job. He needs to decide the direction, put it in place, and stay the course. I think most will agree the draft will be the answer to get this going in the right direction. They need to make a good choice at 7. The days of wasting the number 2 overall needs to change. I will happily support our team while they go through this. If they jump ship, chase wild hybrid plans that happen to work out for one team, or start chasing over the hill FA's, I will happily find something to stream. Im catching up on the shows I never watched back when the Flyers were worth my time
  14. So we fans clamor for years for a rebuild. Now that it's here, we don't want to wait and let it happen. Now we want some experimental science project to get us in the playoffs right away? Yep. That makes sense
  15. So we should follow and deploy the model used by the coach we fired? That makes perfect sense in Flyerland
  16. I liked Giroux in the beginning. By the end I felt like he was just dialing it in. Who can blame him. The team sucked. It wasn't his fault
  17. Honestly. I would just like to see the guy have a little more fire. Be more like TK. Lay more hits, maybe drop the gloves a bit more. Im not saying be a goon, we all know that stuff is no longer relevant, but get your nose dirtier more often. Back when I watched , periods would go by without hearing his name called. But you are right, if he could be an effective 4th liner. Im just over it him and most of this team. So I hope they trade him so I don't have to look at his stupid face anymore (assuming I watch again)
  18. This is part of the issue. His best isnt very much. Being cheap should not be a trait one desires to have Again, these things should not be your most appealing qualities. You don't win with a bunch of "good guys" who can't play at a high level. As I previously stated, he averages 8g, 11a, 19pts a season and is a career -16 player. All that from a first round draft pick. And yet, on this forum, people are propping him up to be the friggin captain. That is exactly the same type of mindset that has made this a team that blows goats season after season. They reward mediocrity and then package it as a gem. This guy is JVR light, without any skill, and little bit more effort.
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