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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Whats not to like about a guy who has made underachieving an art form. You can't have enough above average muckers who are good in the room and stick up for their teammates once a season, on average
  2. I've got a special bottle of Woodford Reserve Double Oaked I'm saving for the Laughton relocation celebration. I'd share with everyone but I don't want to
  3. I'm still baffled by the obsession with age. It's almost like the end all, be all. A player gets drafted at 18, takes two years to develop, enters the league at 20 and is too old and should be traded at 25? Your damn amygdala doesn't fully develop until 25. And of course you then have to mix in that no Flyer player is worth a long term contract, even if they happen to play well in that 3 year window. SMH. Silly me, I always thought talent and ability were the important factors
  4. seriously, what is the market for TDA in the off season? Seems like keeping him until the deadline would raise his value, assuming he played well. But given his attitude, he would probably act like a little bytch til then. I'd ask for a 2nd and settle for a 3rd.
  5. Loved Dave Brown, but Domi was a friggin pitbull. A true mouth breathing cement head. Could yo imagine him AS a Flyer?
  6. Wow! That was totally uncalled for. Why didn't you throw in Ivan DeJesus and kick my dog REPORTED!
  7. I totally think it counts. I would love to see the Flyers develop into a physical team again. I'm just saying that across the league, skill is the main factor. Any reference to Snider as it applies to today's hockey is just nostalgia The Provorov trade, and possibly a Hart trade, assuming it's for more picks, will give the Flyers a chance to build a new team. It won't be a team Snider would've built
  8. What I was trying to say, was "build" a team, not manufacture. Snider wanted his teams built to dominate by force, intimidation, and skill. Today all you can get is skill
  9. I'm totally on board with what kjdb+ are saying. It sounds good. And they know the fans. They know what to say. They know we in large part go into a fever pitch over nostalgia. So if you want to win the fans over, just start talking about how you want to do things the Snider way
  10. Pretty much, yes. I think this guy would be content to ride out his years with Flyers doing nothing more than he has done already. He's found a nice little niche, he's comfortable, and regardless of team success, nothing changes for him. He plays well enough that they won't change his role. He doesn't ask for more than he's worth, and there isn't any other team breaking down the door to get him He's under contract til 32 yoa, and he'll probably sign another one or two years to stay. Then he will become a scout, coach or stick boy for the organization, and will be remembered for playing his whole career in Philly
  11. I see what you're getting at, but I dont agree with this angle. I dont think it's that the bobby-bunch doesnt "love" the team. I think it started out as ego driven, then morphed into priorities, and now is just clueless. They want the team to win, they just don't want anyone else to get the credit. And they want it done with their people around them. It's very much like how AL Davis ran the Raiders into ineptitude. Now they are all just old and probably can't walk ten feet without tripping over a sandbag I also think we are so far removed from Snider, that he, or his memory, aren't even a consideration. In fact, today's team couldn't be manufactured the way Snider wanted. The league has changed too much
  12. Laughton and JVR are exactly the type of players who are satisfied to toe the line and cash their paycheck JVR was then, and is now, a pu$$y. I dont think the guy ever cared about anything more than getting paid and getting out. Laughton on the other hand, lucked into getting signed by a franchise where his meager contribution is overvalued due to the lack of any significant lly better options around him. He is perpetuating a fraud, and Flyer fans are buying it Personally I think there are a lot more athletes today who are quite content playing for the money. Do they want to win? Sure. But as long as they get paid, winning is a luxury, not a necessity. With the amount of money being thrown around these days, any bum can be a millionaire *see Laughton above
  13. Carter Hart hasn't achieved "elite" status. He won't do this until he is traded to another team
  14. This is a weird statement In Flyerland anyone over 28 is ancient and needs to traded away immediately
  15. Im not advocating one way or another, but the discussion was Hart for Matthews. To the rest of your point, you wrote "figure out" Coots and CA. What if that means they stay and play becasue they are under contract. Is that enough?
  16. I don't want my own answer, I already know what it is. Plus it continues to perpetuate the false narrative that Im always right How the hell should I know? we all know I don't pay attention to the rest of the league. There was that time Hextall was part of the trade to bring some Lindros kid to the Flyers. Does that count? and how about this.....i looked it up..... St. Louis traded Rick Wamsley for some guy named Brett Hull. So there
  17. I dont. I think that tweet is nonsense. No, you don't fix your goal scoring problem by trading your goalie. Unless the return brings you a player(s) who are better at scoring goals than the goalie is at stopping them. Not to mention a top flight offensive player who gets you says, 90pts, is now responsible in some way for 90 goals being scored My comments were based in generalities on how a team should be made up, and where the priorities should lie. They weren't specifically meant to assess this current.....team. I think more teams win SC with a better team, than with a HOF caliber, generational goalie. So if trading Hart brought you the assets needed to bring the team back to legit...LEGIT... contenders, I would do it Sounds like DB would too
  18. Somewhere in this forum, I made a feeble attempt at this POV. In looking back over the NHL, how many true generational goalies have there been? Not too many. MAF has 3 cups wins, but I dont think any team is mortgaging the farm to get him today. So given that Patrick Roy or Marty Brodeur aren't regular commodities, it seems like more emphasis should be building a well balanced team that is strong in all areas, preferably with a dominant defensive unit. Im not saying you can plug and play any slug back there. You need a guy you can count on. But you don't need a HOF goalie to win a cup
  19. VLC and any remaining 2nd rounder for the next 10 years for their oldest, slowest, and worst contract
  20. Many of us would be a whole lot smarter if we just agreed with you, Howie
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