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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Who knows. Personally, I don't think so. Lots of moving parts that wouldn't have moved without the trade. I'll jist comment that when the trade was made, there were no Flyer fans upset about it. And I'd make that same trade over again, any day of the week
  2. Well, depending on what you choose to believe, Brindy demanded to be moved. Also, I get the love for the guy, but on no planet does any team trade a talent like Lindros for the sake of Brindamour. It's not even close
  3. According to the Hurricanes GM, the TDA-hole trade will go through as soon as the time requirement is met Per Waddell: "Us and Philly have a deal in principle. (It) just can’t be executed until a certain date,”
  4. everything about Laughton is exaggerated....except my opinion of him
  5. I'm not saying Staal is as good as Nisky was. I was just wondering if he could fill the same role
  6. Staal strikes me as a true pro. He's a seasoned vet. This seems like the kind of guy who could do a lot to help a young defenseman. Kinda like Nisky did
  7. am i that transparent? i refer you to my previous post
  8. ok, JVR is gone, but this one yo care about
  9. Pretty sure that was an expensive chair. I bought my kid one. I only have one nut remaining, the right one
  10. that wasn't intentional. I didnt realize I even did it. I just highl;ighted what had already been quoted and the little button popped up. I just assumed it would attach me since it was my post I was writing.
  11. those skates would be perfect for me. They say OPTION B....on my beer league team that what my line is called
  12. Yes. I don't like Laughton. Doesn't mean I know him better than the coach. It isn't implied either. I read Torts quote. here it is below..... "Sometimes outweighs". SOMETIMES! Not all the time. Not consistently. Not night in and night out. Sometimes! His words. Yeah, and he sometimes scores goals. Sometimes he doesn't. Most times he doesn't. On the issue of the "A", he said SL wore the letter, "He thinks" for a reason. He didn't state those reasons. He didnt say he knew for sure what those reasons were. If that comes off to anyone as a strong recommendation, that okay, that's your choice. For me, if this is the quote that supports all the love SL gets, then it isn't going to sway my opinion in the slightest. Remember, Torts also was quoted as saying, “He’s a pro. He’s a steady influence for us,” when talking about JVR.
  13. Definitely not offended. Lots gets lost in translation when you type what you think. I was once accused of losing my temper at Rick when I don't even know the guy. Last time that will happen When you put your opinions out there, and they aren't in the popular column, youre gonna catch schit....especially with this crowd. If you don't expect it, you probably shouldn't be here
  14. Lol, now where did I say that? I barely know how to tie my shoes. thank god for velcro straps. I wish they made them for hockey skates
  15. Well I was going to let it go..... I don't see the same thing many of you do. I don't see a guy out there doing anything particularly impactful, or special. He has moments. But I also recall watching games and not hearing his name mentioned until halfway through the second period. I also recall a instance where he literally got flipped on his head in a center ice faceoff, and did nothing about it. I never called for him to be a 30 goal scorer, and until these discussions took on the frequency they did, I wasn't even aware he was a first round pick. I hear all these statements about "good in the room", "leader", "role model", and my favorite, "sticks up for his teammates", and I don't see it anywhere. I also don't see where any of these accolades has made a particular positive impact on this current team. Maybe if he hit a little more, or dropped the gloves more than once a season, or scored more than 13 goals in season more than once in his career, I would see him different. I have no argument that his contract is affordable. I have no argument that hes a good 4th line player. I just don't get the hero worship thrown his way from many on this forum. I see him as another piece of this current cluster that has been such a disappointment for all of us. I'd like to see him shipped out and anyone else given the same opportunities. If I don't live up to your standards of intelligence when it comes to this guy, so be it. l will live happily in my ignorance cheering for the rest of the team. I won't lose any sleep over it
  16. fair enough. It has turned into wash, rinse, repeat. My point has been expressed. The only thing that will change my outlook is the player himself lets move on! Oh...did you hear? JVR IS GONE!
  17. i can think of 16 right off the top of my head I really liked Torts' comment. It was interesting: "The intangibles that Scotty brings sometimes outweighs what he does on the ice," Tortorella said. "He wore an 'A,' and I think that's for a reason. Other people didn't. It was only one 'A' [the first two games] and I thought he deserved that. So he brings a lot of that stuff to us." Torts says alot of things about a lot of players. I like how he "thinks" there is a reason SL wore the "A". I would've thought the head coach would know
  18. That's an opinion written by someone paid to produce material. If Torts had said it, it would have weight. And if SL was the only one wearing a letter, who is this "group " the article references? On a solidly built team, SL is bottom six, most likely 4th line. The only reason he is so versatile is because the Flyers have so many holes. It's out of necessity, not ability
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