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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. @Irishjim That is the most intelligent thing I read all day.
  2. @BearOnIce It's a messed up system. I was actually debating this very subject on the chatbox today. It would make the most sense if the top 8 teams from both sides in proper order made up the playoffs.
  3. @OccamsRazor I hear you. To think just two years ago I was begging that Homer would have pulled the trigger on the Alexander Frolov rumors. Even in October I was screaming for his exit. Nice to see him turn it around. Go Scott!
  4. @hf101 No other than Mr. Brian Boucher.... "While with Phoenix, he broke the modern-day NHL record for the longest shutout streak by a goalie, going unscored upon for 332 minutes, or 5 and a half games"
  5. It won't let me save my humongous big score. WTF?!?!
  6. @mojo1917 Sometimes when it is mysterious it could be personal; however, word on the street is he was limping bad after practice yesterday.... Who knows. I think the NHL should be a little more up front about injures instead of upper body/ lower body.
  7. That bear looked pissed when I netted a goal. I wish Bryz would look that angry when he lets up a softie....
  8. Score 70. one goal. A natural Pavel f====ing Brendl over here!
  9. @MaineFlyFan I mentioned this topic in the shoutbox this morning and didn't get a response. Figured I was seeing things, sort of a flashback from the Cechmanek era. Or perhaps I had too many Victory Golden Monkeys..... In any case, I tried to google it to find a video with no luck. It sort of looks like it was directed at Simmonds, but could have been some on ice stuff involving a Wings player. Anyhow, thanks for starting the thread because I was wondering the same thing.
  10. I say Wellwood. Though I really like Cooter's game. Lavy must have a ton of confidence in him as Cooter was matched against the Islander's top line all night. Notice how ashamed he looked potting the empty netter? It's like they all were trying to get Read his hat trick. This core will be legit soon. Like a year or two soon. Please Homer keep these guys together.
  11. @emwags618 No doubt in my mind that they'll make it. I think as of now we don't fare too well against the Rangers or Bruins, so it may be best to get the 6th seed and (as of now) match up against the Panthers. Then again, if you would have told me two years ago that we would have been the 8th seed on a shoot out win and went to game 6 of the SCF I wouldn't believe it. So my bold prediction is we are the 6 seed and face some team from the South East. From there it's anyone's guess.
  12. @Podein25 I hope he looks humongous big come April. Like the universe in nyet. Or we'll probably see this guy next year.
  13. @Podein25 You mean these guys? K-mart and his cat at the computer waiting to pounce on anything not called hung like eaton.
  14. I really think the conspiracy goes deeper than Mr. Snider. In fact, at lunch today I put on my best tin foil hat and stared due East towards the Flyers Skate Zone for answers. I believe the team issues revolve around no other than Mr. Derek Settlemyer, the team's equipment manager. It has to be him and here is why........ no answer is better than a bad answer, I guess. Carry on
  15. Move Closer To Your World

  16. @Vanflyer I should have looked at that part (AHL coaching). I missed that one completely, good point taken on my end Van. I remember liking him, but scratching my head as to why another former Flyer was heading the team. I also remember wanting Clarke gone too (clarkemustgo.com). Hard to believe this was a decade ago.... Even stranger that Holmgren has almost been at the helm for almost 5 years.
  17. @aziz From the limited Kings games that I have seen this year, I think that sums it up perfectly. I have a few friends on the Left Coast that are huge Kings fans and they are more than disappointed in his game this year. With the exception of being hurt this year, JvR doesn't look terrible, also he is five years younger. Not that I am always right on these kind of things, but I would expect JvR to have a little higher value than Brown straight up.
  18. Three words to describe him this year (in my humble opinion): Diver, streaky, lost. This is not what you expect from somebody who is supposed to be leading by example. If he were still the hard hitting motivator, I would be all for it. However, this is by no means addition through subtraction. I'd sooner see how JvR pans out.
  19. You hit the nail on the head with that one MD. Giroux will be the skipper one day, but it is far too soon for him right now. I like how some suggested Talbot. Timmonen would also seem logical, but I will second your statement of they seem to tune him out. 2004 was close, they could taste it and I am certain they would have steam rolled Calgary. To me I feel that 2000 was the closest to a cup.
  20. @Digityman Nash with Jagr and Giroux would be the best line in the NHL. It would be nice, but I doubt any of our vets worth anything making similar salary would agree to be moved to Columbus.... NMC/NTC need to be outlawed. It's like free money basically....
  21. @Digityman Agreed. Last night was kind of an anomaly of sorts in that they had solid goaltending [for the most part, I am pretty sure the mulligan rule on Bryzgalov thus far is to let up at least one softie a game], yet the Flyers looked extremely disorganized and couldn't finish. Night and day from Tuesday's game in Winnipeg. Two things I have to admit that are bugging the hell out of me is all the passing in O zone and the inability to breakout of their own end. In regards to the passing in the offensive zone, I get that they want to get the goalie moving, but it is becoming all too easy for the opposition's defense to read and spring odd man rushes the other way. Also, I could have sworn that Kubina was playing right wing last night as I saw him saw him deeper in the offensive zone than the defensive zone more times than not. The lines too. He had amazing forward lines in Winnipeg, so he decides to change them going into Edmonton? I like Briere and Jagr together. Hartnell and Giroux work well. I think JvR and Schenn should always be together. Simmonds can be plugged virtually anywhere, the man is a beast. Voracek would probably look great with Briere and Jagr. Never mind, I am getting side tracked.....sorry for the rant.
  22. @Podein25 I left Roger Nielsen out because I am very biased when it comes to him. He was my favorite coach of all sports, of all time. Stupid cancer.....
  23. @brelic I hope not. His system is a little annoying, his line combos have me scratching my head at times. But to be honest, I like him at the helm a hell of a lot more anything we've had in 15-16 years. Hitch had his moments, but often his hockey product was dull. Stevens was just a wuss. Barber was selected due to the good ol boy network and was in over his head (not due to his coaching abilities, rather his personal life and the s hit team he was handed). Ramsey was given too short of a leash in my opinion but wasn't the best for the long term.
  24. @ Did you happen to catch the game? Bryzgalov actually played well. The rest of the team? Not so much....
  25. @Green Man I wish you were my boss. I'd be getting PAID, getting PAID!!!! CA$H M-O-N-E-Y Start as 7 you say? My @ss see you at noon, then I am taking lunch, then off to get lifted. Seriously, I do get what you are saying about the mysterious quote and how we may be over reacting. Anyhow, like you and the rest of us, I am pretty sure we'll be fans long after Ilya's ship has sailed.
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