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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. @RonJeremy I hear you. I am trying to find a glimmer of hope here. Hopefully Matt Carle can program his GPS to get directions to get his head out his a s s.
  2. Is it definitive that Grossman is out? He is listed day-to-day. I hate to sound like "that guy", but If I were Lavy I would paint a huge bulls-eye on the head of Crosby.
  3. I really liked this logo a lot. Wait did I just derail the derailed conversation? Carry on...
  4. @Clarke2Leach I hear you a win is a win. I don't blame anything on Bryz, but the lapse in concentration must be addressed on his part. Somehow they are winning. I never thought you could spot Pittsburgh 2-3 goals and win, but they figured it out and are outright embarrassing the Penguins in the process.
  5. @Clarke2Leach The 4th goal was an absolute back breaker though. He [bryz] just basically gave up on the puck. I don't blame it all on him, but let's be honest, if we were down 0-3 in this series, this message board would implode. They (the team collectively) are going to have to tighten it up in the next round (assuming we get there; which I am) and play solid defense. In an ideal world. The Rangers beat the Senators, Washington Beats the Bruins, We win, Devils win. We get the Debbies, NY gets the Capitals. Keeping my eye on the prize.
  6. @Phillygrump They were getting out worked in the first and couldn't even get a forecheck going. They also had a lot of problems with their passing game. Much of it looked forced. It's good that they got the 1st game out of the way and they won it. I really hope this help with the momentum. I can see both teams being very cautious in play come tomorrow. Pitt blew their load and we out hustled by the Flyers in the 2nd and most of the 3rd.
  7. @Podein25 Against the Pens I almost have to say Kubina just for his size alone.
  8. @Phillygrump "Oh its Crosby, he threw his head back." JJ and Clement were a were calling the whiplash jazz all night. Coatesy seemed to be all over Sidney. Strange love affair. Maybe he wants a national spot.
  9. @bullies Knowing what I know now, I would say yes. However, last summer I thought that we were fleeced on the Richards trade. How my opinion has quickly changed. At the end of the day I would have [and still will do] the Carter trade all day long. The Richards trade is a tough one still. Granted Schenn and Simmonds have played very well and have proven their worth, I just think this team is lacking the intangibles that Richards brings to the table. Ok, I am all over the place. Long/short: yes I would do that trade knowing what I know now.
  10. @flyercanuck The 3rd goal was a joke. I almost think Bryz too thought it was icing and took a very lackadaisical approach to protecting the net. The second goal was very stoppable, yet at the same time MAB should attempt to stop gift wrapping odd man counter rushes. The first was fluky, but he seemed to take his eye off the puck. I have a feeling we will not see the same Bryzgalov come Friday. His team bailed him out big time and he knows it. I am not typing this on my Orange and Black keyboard either, I really think we will see a much better effort from him come Friday. In the mean time Lavy needs to figure a way to limit the quality 2nd and 3rd chances the Pens are getting. The Flyers were having a tough time clearing the zone and getting around the Pens forecheck. A highlight that is completely unrelated, Schenn looked like a monster thirsty for blood. I hope he can keep that tempo up and his team gets inspired by his play. All in all they shocked me last night, not only with the win, but with how bad they were out played in the first. I expect Lavy to change his defensive scheme tomorrow night and we may see a lot more protection around Bryz.
  11. Not to knock the guy when he is down, but from my perspective he wasn't going to play game two healthy or not. His passing cross ice in the O-zone was atrocious. I think one of the Mites on Ice could put more a-s-s on their passing than he did. I would like to say goal #2 had his name all over it. Aside from that, Grossman is an absolute beast!
  12. @AndyS Feeling the love Andy.... After lastnight, I retract my Lilja statement until further notice.
  13. @orange_crush Krajec. Man I forgot all about him. Yeah those were the dark days of our 3rd pairing.
  14. @orange_crush I would rather have to Modry, Kukkonen, Parent, Bartulis, Vaananen, Tollefsen and Picard before that scrub Lilja.
  15. Did I miss something here? Kubina is hurt? I mean he isn't a Norris caliber defenseman but anything is better than Lilja...
  16. @LongTimeLurk Thanks for the link. I read it about 10 times today and laughed harder each time. I agree Wash/Boston is pure gold.
  17. @radoran Exactly, I do not see any Flyer with a NTC waiving their rights to go to Calgary. Not that it's a bad place, but I just don't see it happening. Iggy is a great power forward, but not for a team like the Flyers, it just does not seem to make sense. Perhaps a team in transition that needs star power to build their identity, such as (no joking here) the Islanders could use his services and extend him beyond the 2014 season. My original response was more along the lines of if you had to give up somebody, who would it be type of response.
  18. $7mm a year for the next two years? Eh no thanks. We would have to send similar salary back and I doubt Briere or Timonen would get the job done. The youth on this team is too promising to do such a thing. If it could happen (which it never would) Briere and a 5th.
  19. I am rehabbing my ego with some of this in about an hour.
  20. @FlyersFan4Life The comments on the bottom are pretty funny. "JvR is a c**t muffin" lol
  21. @Miller Time I hope either Seattle or Quebec. I noticed that on Center Ice as well regarding the cities in consideration. I think Seattle will have a stadium completed before Quebec, but Quebec has the old Pepsi Le Colosseum (SP) that can house about 15k fans. Logistically I think Seattle makes a lot of sense and the Pacific division can get re-formatted to: LAK ANA SJ VAN SEATTLE Not too sure how big of a hockey bed Seattle is. Then again I wasn't aware that the Yotes were selling seats. I am basing this off of a article that I read stating that the Coyotes were last in the league for attendance. http://espn.go.com/nhl/attendance
  22. @Jmdodgesrt4 Can he retire? Basically some structure works out that he retires and the Flyers bring him in with the capacity to make just as much as he is now? That would be win/win in my books.
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