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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. @sarsippius I am sure he [Lavy] will. They are a good team that took a night off. It happens, I just hope they don't do that again.
  2. @AndyS I was thinking the same thing. After the 3rd PP in the 2nd period I said that he should let in two softies to make the score 2-1. Then maybe Lavy would figure on how to get them going again. I couldn't count how many icings I saw yesterday, how many blind passes, centers standing around, defensemen not supporting thier centers behing the net in the D zone. It all was too frustrating. Hartnell looks like, well, Hartnell of old. I thought he was skating through quicksand. Jagr was completely ineffective, etc. Lavy shakes up the lines with no avail. Coburn pinches with Carle left to defend, etc. The game was just a mess and I hope they get their act together because Jersey should not be taken lightly. I am pissed just typing this.
  3. Word on the street Luongo is headed to Buffalo to back up Miller. This of course after they sign Nash and Parise.
  4. Juicy rebound is not a great catch phrase either. In fact, it sounds kind of..... nevermind. NTTIAWWT
  5. @Green Man There isn't too much of the photoshopping when it comes to this team. I guess nobody wants to waste their time to pi$$ off 6-7 fans. To me I see: Ronald "Mac" McDonald (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) holding down the victim, Shinya Aoki putting the victim in a nasty Rear Naked Choke-Hold, John Bolaris coming in with the Big Hand Straight and some lady with incredibly bad t!ts.
  6. I could only imagine. I am guessing that took place during game 7 and it had something to do with Scott Stevens leveling Eric Lindros. I remember the hit like it was yesterday. It completely took the life out of the gathering I was at watching the game.
  7. @bryanc I try my hardest to report with the utmost journalistic integrity. Ha ha ha
  8. I got it. It took all my resources, but I finally got it. Paul Holmgren saved a boat load of money by switching to GIECO. Who knew that 15 minutes could save you 15% on your car insurance.
  9. Bryzgolov is......... Lindros is......... Jeff Hackett can't......
  10. Man this was sooooo much easier with the Pens, but I'll give it a whirl.
  11. Devils I think would be a good match up as well. They lack depth and to take Kovy out of his game makes it much easier on us. I would almost be inclined to put Kubina in if he is healthy as he has the most experience with Kolvachuk. After watching the the 1st round across the NHL, I am willing to say no one is safe.
  12. Why do I picture Ivan Drago right now?
  13. That's not good news...... Well hopefully we'll see Grossmann back. I guess the pairings will look like the following: Timonen/Coburn Grossmann?/Carle Gustafsson/Lilja (crap) I'd insert Kubina somewhere in there if Lilja or Gustafsson crap the bed. More and more I want to see the Devils at this point. In my opinion they are paper thin up front behind thier 1st line. I'd 100% start Kubina if we play the Devils as he has the most experiance against Kovalchuk. He actually may be movtivated to shut his [Kovalchuk's] punk-ass down.
  14. I am not trying to play the hometown fan here, but no Holmgren? That is insanity! We lost Carter, Richards, Versteeg (not that it matters) Leino. Bring in a rookie to shut down the leagues top scorers, Schenn, Read, Talbot, Jagr (3 years removed from the NHL). He manages to stabilize the blueline by acquiring Grossmann and Kubina. The only blemish that I see (and the jury is still out) is the Bryzgalov contract. Other than that I agree with the selections above, but think the Holmgren should be in the mix somewhere.
  15. Did you guys ever win that Presidents Trophy this year? Man this is great. Well if it is any consolation, I am still pissed at Jeremy Roenick for his reckless hit on Eric Desjardins back in 2004. This quote from Mark Twain may help: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
  16. This guy picked the Flyers to win it all and "he" is all that matters.
  17. That is awesome. Well I am looking forward to more handshake videos with the Flyers on the victorious side. Great seats. Go Flyers!
  18. @sarsippius Damn Sars you have some great seats. Are you a season ticket holder? Cool video too.
  19. I would like the Devils and am not too sure where this will go, but I can say this; this has been by far the best opening round I have seen in years. I almost want to say the Caps and the Rangers win and somehow the Devils figure out how to beat Florida. Time will tell, but the week off should get this team nearly healthy for the next battle.
  20. @PHI Flyers10 WTF? Over. I just had an acid flasback.
  21. reading the comments were pretty much what I expect from that site. The bridge jumpers, the trolls, the overly optimistic. The last comment was the best. Paraphrasing of course "We won't get past the Rangers so what does it matter anyway?" Every other match up in the East is tied. What if the Rangers lose? The poster on philly.com never thought of that. What if Boston loses? Again they never mentioned that either. I think we will see an interesting 2nd round should none of the top 3 make it to the 2nd round. Big game tonight and a much needed win is needed.
  22. @SoCalFlyfan That would send shock-waves to an already fragile goal-tending situation. Leighton is not the answer. He caught lightning in a bottle and did well a few years back, but let's face it, our defense had a healthy Pronger and defensively minded forwards like Mike Richards and Simon Gagne. Leighton hasn't played an NHL game since last year in Boston and I don't t think he has it in him to stop the most potent offense in the league. If Bryzgalov is hurt than Bobrovsky needs to step it up and be ready; that is what he gets paid to do. The defense also needs to play with a f'ing purpose tonight as well. They left Bryzgalov out to dry on 3 of the 5 goals in my opinion. Without saying, big game tonight. This is what I would call a character game, if they play hard and bust their a s s es every shift we should be fine. If they look like the Ringling Brothers Circus again, then it's going to be the end of days for them.
  23. @OzFlyer Are you saying that because you have him on your fantasy squad? lol
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