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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. @Poulin20 I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is smoke and mirrrors, but Holmgren is pretty straight forward with the teams needs. I can honestly say we are out on Webber and Suter, but there are a lot of quality 2-3 guys that can eat up minutes and keep this team afloat. I would love another 2 Grossmann's on this team and sell the farm to get them. Nash, is too expensive for my blood.
  2. @DaGreatGazoo Whoops, good catch Gazoo. Didn't you know that wide receivers make the best goalies? Kind of like how long snappers make the best face off specialists.....
  3. I would say Holik was onto something, if: A) Gagne was traded to Tampa in 2010 first (after playing 10 years for the Flyers) and it was Tampa that proved to not have any patience in him. B ) Carter didn't sob his way back into Mikey's arms. Remember Holik, Holmgren traded him to Columbus and again it looks like Columbus had no interest in keeping him around. C) Mike Richards is the only player that was sold short and sent to LA. Lest we forget, the Kings hardly made the playoffs and it was the strong play of Mike Quick that landed them the cup. Would this little rant of Holik's exist had NJ won the cup? Even if the Philly media and fans were pulling for the Devils to win? To me it's like the Vader 's of the world have just came out and want to take any angle to rip the Flyers. Last I checked Bobby, 29 teams aren't awarded the cup come June. The only reason Gagne was traded was because crap teams that can't stay afloat forced these horrible numbers and Holmgren must have failed math class. In a cap free world, MR and SG would still be Flyers. Jeff Carter got us a better return than what Carter had showed Philadelphia his worth was. This rant from Holik is the only reason I didn't want to see the Kings win it. THE ONLY REASON. Too bad Bobby played for a team and won cups with a team that has about 27 fans and they didn't even make the front page after any of the wins. SOB SOB SOB SOB
  4. @orange_crush The Flyers Management threw them under the bus? Or was it the fans? I recall Holmgren nearly crying at the press conference regarding the trade of MR. To me the whole thing, if true, was a wake up call. Mike Richards shined in a reduced role and Jeff flourished when he was not expected to be the #1 scoring guy on the team. If anything, the Flyers brass did them a favor and let them play to their capabilities instead of over their heads. Lupul is a child and plays for the biggest joke in all sports franchises, he can suck it.... as Hartnell would put it.
  5. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bro? I'm soooooooooooooooooo stoned This is how I imagine him as he was typing that tweet. Was the follow up tweet something like this: "#JLupul, please trade me back to Anaheim so I can get some of that fine medicinal cannabis"?
  6. @Spinorama I think it was to add Meszaros' salary and get get some relief to ink O'Donnell and Zherdev.
  7. Down Goes Brown should see if he can get The Onion to pick up his blog under their sports section. The blogger absolutely cracks me up!
  8. @doom88 Man this may be rough for me come April. Well it is in the books.
  9. Steve Yzerman has fleeced Homer in the past and probably would do everything to do it in the future. I would love Stamkos, but I am sure the asking price is going to start at Giroux. JvR is unproven and often hurt. Bob had a great rookie season, but so did Brian Boucher. Our 1st should be used to get help on the back end. However, I am on board, 2012 off season slogan: Stamkos to Philly.
  10. @Spinorama This is true Spin. I would like a cup even if it means 30-35 wins. I think the team defensive strategy will be a greater threat than he (bryz) will, but I am confident that he will work on the "brain farts" that killed us most of the season.
  11. @ Unfortunately, crazy does not count, nor does playing through an injury. Lucky for me, the person I bet is not a Scotch and Steak kind of person, so I may get off with TGIF Fridays. However, if I win, Flanagan's Steak House here I come. Porterhouse Med Rare with a nice glass of Glenfiddich 18 Year sounds about right...... Bryz don't fail me now!!!!
  12. @ Man, now I am re-thinking this bet now that you put it this way. It was for a dinner at a nice restaurant. No real monetary value discussed, just if he finishes the regular season with 44+ wins, I get to order off the big kid menu with drinks. What costs more Porterhouse or Prime? ??? I better start saving now :/ The only stipulation is if he gets hurt, as in misses more that 15 games hurt.
  13. @flyerrod I have a money bet right now with somebody, so that space cadet better find his inner peace and muster up 44, so I can get paid.... Oh and a cup would be nice too.
  14. @flyerrod Lol Rod. I may be having the lingering effects of an acid flashback, but I honestly think he'll get 44 wins this year.
  15. I think we were contenders this year and will be next year. Timonen is good and I think we need to strengthen our D, not weaken it. Therefore, we should keep Timonen, but find a Dman out there that is a 1-2 guy, so Timonen can get reduced minutes and still remain effective. Shelley- Agreed- gone Briere- if we can move him and he agrees to be moved, then yes I would move him. I don't see that happening though. We're stuck with him Pronger- Agreed Bryzgalov- I am probably in the minority here, but I say keep him. I will go on record to say he will have at least 44 wins next year and be a Vezina finalist. I am that serious and typing this with a straight face.
  16. xxxxxxxxxxx Not sure why this got xxxxx'd out, so I'll try again. Humor ladies, it's called humor
  17. Wait, you are saying you don't trust a man that wears fur? Me personally, I think his orange tie knows more about the Flyers than Eskin himself.
  18. If you google frosted tips hair + NHL, Jeff Carter is one of the first images. Kind of funny. Or not.... Fak it, it's Friday
  19. @Polaris922 We'll agree to disagree. Your opinion is thought out and I can see your side, I just think you may be undervaluing certain players and their attributes to the organization. In any case, it isn't a matter of me needing thicker skin, or tinted glasses, or whatever the cliche of the day is as I am not offended by your assessment of the Flyer's Defense. I am just pointing out flaws regarding your assessment of the players, mainly Carle and Timonen. Anyhow, you kind of lost all my attention when you tried using Lilja as leverage in your argument against Timonen. Timonen is aging, as he is 37, but he is still serviceable and an intelligent player; something the Flyer's defense is sorely lacking (hence Chris Pronger). I think the Flyers need to get a true number one guy to play with Coburn and let Timonen play a reduced role where he will be just as effective in my opinion.
  20. @idahophilly I'll switch the channel real fast when the cup is passed to Carter, then I'll change back after a minute to watch the rest.
  21. eh, whatever. The Kings will probably win a cup yay. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Quick is the reason, Jeff Carter is playing well and that is that. Moving right along.
  22. @Polaris922 Dude, let me start by saying I am sorry to always pick apart your posts, and I don't mean to come off as a d***, but your name wouldn't happen to be Kuato would it? With these ridiculous statements about the Flyers I am thinking you do not even watch Flyers hockey. Let me break this down a little for you: 1) Pronger is one of the sole reasons that the team sniffed a shot at the cup in 2010. He is probably done now, so the team will have to figure that out. 2) Timonen had an outstanding year in 2012 (41 points and a +8, well above the league average) at 37 he still has gas in the tank and is an excellent defenseman and team player 3) Meszaros had a bad year due to injuries, but not too bad to amount 25 points and a +6 in 62 games. Let alone mostly as a 2nd/ 3rd pairing. 4) Matt Carle, your assessment of him made me make piss in my pants. First off, his shot blows; however, his skating ability and ability to move the puck effectively out of the D zone is what he does well. In addition, he can contribute on offense. But, at no point would somebody who watches this guy play say that Matt Carle is known for his shot. Please don't start saying long snappers = faceoff specialists Not for nothing, but maybe you should understand the dynamics of the team before spouting off such off base statements.
  23. @ These damn facts always seem to get in the way of my dreams.... Oh well, how about Michael Leighton? He should accept a pretty steep discount being that he hasn't seen a puck on an NHL rink in over a year. Or even Josh Harding? My concern is that the back-up can't be good because that would be yet another distraction to Mr. Universe (insert sarcasm font on that last sentence).
  24. @ You're assuming that Bryzgalov will ride his entire contract out; which, at this point, may be a fair statement. However, I am taking what you said in consideration and thinking that maybe in two years Hovinen will be ready to back up Bryzgalov. Maybe Hovinen gets two years in the AHL and then moves up to back up Bryzgalov for two (that would put him at 28). In any case, Boucher would be ideal, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. To me Bryzgalov will probably get 3-4 more years under his contract and then either be traded or go back to KHL. That is my take. From day one of his contract I never envisioned it going all the way to completion.
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