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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. @canoli I guess by the other 29 GMs know the Flyers position, I am saying that the Flyers missed out on Parise, Suter, supposedly Nash and Weber. Thye can see the Holmgren is trying to upgrade desperately on multiple fronts. Next they (other GMs) can see that perhaps somebody (Holmgren) has lost some swager and cannot get all the top flight free agents that he wants. They can see that Jagr, JvR and Carle are gone and that it is quite clear that Holmgren is not pleased with the team as it stands, or non of the off season attempts would have been done. I also think that Holmgren had no desire to sign Jagr or Carle. The team is still good, but it is not much better than it was this time last year. Actually, I think it is about the same, a lot of question marks. Time will tell. But for now, enough with the madness from Holmgren. Make a push to ink Doan and call it an offseason.
  2. @AndyS Now that 29 other GMs know that the position that Holmgren is in, why would the Ducks ever agree to picks for Ryan? At this point, I think they need to stand pat and see what they have in a few months. Why Voracek has not been signed is beyond me though...
  3. People seem to act like those four 1st round picks could be or are garbage. Using the last 10 years as an example, minus the 2012 draft class; there has been a lot of talent in the later half of the 1st round. Let me toss you a few names: Chris Kreider Eberle Del Zotto Sbisa Giroux Varlamov Downie Zajac Meszaros C. Schneider Getzlaf Brent Burns Kessler Mike Richards Corey Perry Cam Ward Colby Armstrong And imagine packaging some of those picks and a roster player for something decent. Or even better ride the tide and exploit next years crop of free agents with the plethora of cap space that they will have.
  4. @brelic Wow. No kidding? Seems like Homer had his hand in all the cookie jars. Suter: massive offer Parise: Massive offer Nash: would love to know what the offer was Weber: Massive offer sheet That is a lot of action. I wonder if he does this yearly and we don't hear about it, or if Snider has given him an ultimatum to win or he is going another direction. I would love to know if there was some sort of back office workings. As in, if Suter or Parise signed, or both, that would mean no Weber. I Nash was traded for, would they still go hard after Weber? Or were feelers put out there driving up the price and Weber was the ultimate target? Wow what a summer.
  5. @brelic I am a little confused, does this mean the Flyers had a better offer than what was received for Rick Nash? Or they offed a good package to Nashville for Weber?
  6. @Flyers3217Cup It would be nice to give them Read, especially since Simmonds could be a valuable replacement to Hartnell. Wellwood is under contract till next July. He too is a good player. I just see that there is going to be a little give to get on the Flyers end.
  7. @flyerrod, you had to go there didn't you lol I just re-watched that goal again and still can't seem to get over it.
  8. http://www2.tsn.ca/window/podcastcentre/#podcastid=11655&id=1 Yeah, if I were Nashville, pre-offersheet, I would turn that down too. Meszaros is a nice addition the picks are nice, but just Read? Yeah no, pass. This is going to be a tough 37.5 hours. Hang in Philly Phaithful...
  9. @SgtMikal31@Pauliking I would like nothing more than Briere to retire in the O&B, I just think Nashville is going to want something more than a Matt Read or a Jake Voracek, who may not even sign long term with them. This is absolutely a nail biter
  10. I wouldn't send Meszaros in the deal, if there is one. I think MAB is a solid prospect that is NHL ready. In fact, I really wouldn't want to send him either, but the nature of the game is give to get. Poile is a smart GM that built a great team with limited resources, he is not going to get bent over like Howsen. They (Nashville), and this is no insult to their fanbase rather a reality, are going to need a "star" to fill seats and move merchandise. With that said, I would almost imagine a player like Danny Briere would have to be in the mix along with either Read/Simmonds, and MAB. This is going to be interesting in the next day or so.
  11. I wouldn't send them Couturier or Schenn either. If the Preds decide to match, then the Flyers brass gave it their all. No sense in dismantling our youth for one player, no matter how good he is. I like what most have suggested sending down, I just feel like there has to be that "star power" name in the proposal (if there is one). Remember Nashville is still going to have to fill seats. In that case, I think, and I know this is a long shot with the NMC/NTC issues, but I can arguably see Briere going along with MAB and two 1st round picks. This give the name to sell jerseys, gets them to the cap floor (I think, I should research this before saying it), gets them a solid defense prospect, and a 1st round pick. And to me, minus the age of Briere, is a far better deal than Howsen received for Nash.
  12. Fair enough regarding Amaro Jr. I do agree with your assessment of Howson though. Just brutal. Maybe he has a general dislike for the Flyers organization especially after last summers debacle and he refuses to do any legitimate or fair trades with Holmgren. Sather must of done some smooth talking on the phone or threaten violence. Lol
  13. You are correct in regards to Carter, plus we had no idea that Courts would be as good as he is. Howson is just flat out short sighted. There is no way they will have any success under his watch. I'd like to see if we can get Umberger back for Leighton lol
  14. Not taking this to a baseball rant, but you must have only been watching the Phillies for a few years jr. Amaro brought this city it's first professional title in nearly 3 decades. He filled seats and built a franchise to be proud of. Did he force Utley, Howard and Halladay to get injured? Next Nash was traded to the Rangers, so I am assuming you mean Weber? Sorry to put you on blast, but.....
  15. Agreed, but I'd say Voracek and Cooter were equally as awful. How this man still has a job is beyond belief..
  16. I am not too sure on the smoke screen angle personally. What if both players decided to accept the offer made by Holmgren? I think he targeted their UFA in Suter to play nice and when that didn't happen he went back to the drawing board and put together the best possible package to land Weber. Doan to me ins't worth it. He is too old to get that kind of speculated contract. Unless there really are roster players going back to Nashville then they have to replace that aspect. The whole help Poile save face stuff I am reading, c'mon people really? Why reward the guy for being a bad GM? He had ample time to lock up his star talent and didn't, that is why we are where we are at. Who knows though? For example, Voracek has yet to be locked up; which, tells me that there was some sort of plan all along. Or the fact that Matt Carle walked when he too could have been locked up long term. At the end of the day all we can conclude is that we all must wait another 2.5 days to see the master plan unfold. ***Let me clear an above statement from me*** I do not think Poile is a bad GM per se, I just think he gambled with Weber and may eventually loose. I do respect him as a cunning manager that assembled a great team with a limited budget. The NHL needs more like him in that sense. -end rant-
  17. Famous last word to a deep sixed employee: "hey Dan, your moms box". Yeah I am that immature. Kind of like trashing the only team in the league that would actually consider giving this no-talent fart box 1st line minutes.
  18. I like Weber a lot, and want him in a Flyers uniform more than any fan out there, but this is the wrong way of doing business in my book. I am not a huge fan of the offer sheet business. It kind of screws the small market teams; which, I thought the entire salary cap and parts of the current CBA wanted to prevent.
  19. How long does Nashville have to match? If Nashville matches, would the Flyers go the trade route for Weber? Personally I would have offered 112mm and 14 years. I want this to happen so bad. ***edit*** nevermind Pilldoc answered my question in an above response. Dang iPhone..,,
  20. How long does Nashville have to match? If Nashville matches, would the Flyers go the trade route for Weber? Personally I would have offered 112mm and 14 years. I want this to happen so bad.
  21. Going off pure questimation, i'd say around the high 4's low 5's. I would say it depends on his production this year too. The free agent class is strong next year, so it's not like he is the coveted gem. I think he is locked up to a deal by mid season.
  22. @ruxpin That hurt my brain housing group. You're hired. Report to your local Starbucks Monday (preferably hung over) ready to hash out a story.
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