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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. @Podein25 Only 42? They must have character restrictions over at the BL.
  2. This may be worse, or better depending how you look at it. 1) Lindy Ruff's gene pool polluting the Greater Philadelphia region = maybe bad 2) Buffalo Rick having to stomach that his Savior's daughter lays down with the enemy = good 3) The creepy rapist behind her and what he may or may not be incarcerated for = bad
  3. Lubyanka. This is where all the deleted posts go to serve time.
  4. Sorry Idaho, I am a party pooper I am still very confused as to what the criteria is to be a columnist for the Bleacher Report. Does it start with Scopolamine abuse and end with a laptop and a few Flyers trading cards taped to a dartboard? Is it a satire of sorts like Flyers Goal Scored By? Or are these writers serious when they open their laptops and type away? :ph34r:I guess I get a rise out of trashing the BR. I know it is childish, but it helps me feel important
  5. Destroy is a strong word to describe that hit. Subban laid a nice check into him and subsequently it knocked some of the dust off of Larsson's fish box. Subban did check to see if Larsson was still alive; which is nice..... Note had to edit three times to get the female anatomy word through.
  6. Kronwall's equivalent is Denis Gauthier? Is there any criteria to write for the Bleacher Report? Seriously? Shea Weber is equal to Eric Lindros? Really? Kind of a stretch don't you think? The comparison should be that they are both prima donnas. Rick "I haven't played a full season in 5 years" DiPietro is the best this hockey genius could come up with from the Islanders? Cough cough Tavares... RJ Umberger's and Simon Gagne's equivalent is themself? WTF? St.Louis = Clarke? My head is starting to hurt. I want my two minutes of life back. I feel sick.... chest hurts... I nagna' mz bZ Mno[jsatyjq5067-iu2fgbolagb ;m4rgdlbdhow-=6ow6u52.02 23
  7. @Polaris922 That would never happen because Holmgren would never let him reach RFA status. That was Nashville dropping the ball not the Flyers being bullies to some poor little small market team.
  8. @flyerrod We'll see Rod. I guess anything is possible, but from what I have seen from the two, I am not expecting it. Howson could have gotten more elsewhere, I am sure of it. In any case, for his (Howson's) sake, I hope you are right....
  9. @habsguy26 Works for me. I enjoyed reading your thread though. Trade discussions are always entertaining in my book.
  10. @TedZep I just referring to typical Sather-isms. He made out on Nash, but by default Howson is a moron.
  11. For that price, I personally wouldn't touch him with a 40 ft uranium rod handler, but that is me. I recall in 2009 he was all the rage and a must have commodity. Being that his cap hit for two more years @ 6.68mm and #11 in the NHL with regards to his salary (as a defenseman), the expectation should be fairly high. I would suspect that they would want a roster player to fill the gap right now and the Flyers are very thin in that department. I would offer Manning, Lilja, a 3rd at most for him and that is doing jay Feaster a huge favor. Let the Rangers overpay for him, they're good at that. I would need this to handle that contract:
  12. @Mad Dog Seeing how Bryzgalov has played behind a "run-and-gun" style, would you say a more stay at home type like Hannan would be better suited? I like Colaiacovo when healthy, he (from what I have seen) possesses many of the skills that Carle has/had.
  13. Just to get this straight, Philly takes 9.18MM in salary vs shedding 3.39MM to get: 1) Bourque- who has been injured most of his career and in seven NHL seasons has managed to score 247 points 2) Gionta - who is 33, makes five million dollars, and re-aggravated a torn bicep and doesn't look to be doing any better on the injury front (according to CBS Sports) 3) A Defense prospect that hasn't been able to crack the line-up on a full time basis 4) Another Defensive prospect that may or may not make the cut in Philadelphia FOR 1) A guy that is a top-six forward on most squads, that is signed way under market value, that had 28g and 21a (career year) 2) An energy guy who can put in the occasional goal and looks to compliment most clubs 3rd lines 3) A guy who is as useless as a set of t-i-t-s on a hammer Eh, it's not too bad aside from the age of the players being moved and the salary that Philly would absorb. I think Simmonds is movable, but your squad would have to pony up a little more, or at least make a reasonable salary match offer.
  14. @radoran, I agree giving up young assets stinks of the Bobby Clarke days and never should be done. I just fear that there is a panic move coming from the man running the show (Ed Snider). Of the UFAs Eminger: no, please Lord NO! Foster: Great shot, but plays small Clark: I like him, a little old, but mobile and a good shot blocker Spacek: A little old and injury prone, but gets the job done Hannan: I like him the best, but fear his inability to put up points may hurt in the long run Barker: pass, let some other team with a lot of depth sign him as a reclamation project Rozsival: I am worried that he will want upwards of 5mm a year Colaiacovo: has some nice puck moving skills. He would be my #2 choice. There you have it, there is still some depth that can help if the cost is right. I have always been a fan of Hannan. I like his game, his discipline and think he would look good paired with MAB.
  15. @sarsippius You're right. They shouldn't even show up at all this year. Why bother? They should just give the cup to the best on paper roster right now. ^^^^insert sarcasm font^^^^ Though I hate to admit that in all likelihood, you are probably right, it is a little premature to say that they are not going to compete for a cup. This time last year who would have imagined: 1) Carter and Richards reunited 2) The Coyotes going to the WCF 3) The Kings going, winning, and playing the Devils 4) The Sabres not winning the Presidents Cup (Rick Bashing) 5) Couturier playing in 77 games for the big club A lot of questions unfold as the season progresses. Though I am not a fan of the Flyers roster on paper, maybe we'll get a big surprise in the end. Not likely, but not out of the realm of possibilities. Stay positive.
  16. @AJgoal I agree If Schenn becomes what he was expected to be and MAB steps up big, we may be ok. Bryz could have a monster year (not holding my breath, but it is possible).
  17. @AJgoal Though I agree with most of what you say. Why is it every year people say: "This is not their year", or "I do not expect a cup this year"? I don't get that logic. I also think that management may think differently as well; i.e., Shea Webber, Ryan Sutter, Zach Parise, etc. I know we just need to see where the chips fall in October, but as of now I am not sold on the defense one bit. Believe me, I am in the see where the chips fall camp, and I hope to eat a healthy serving of crow and see our young guns develop. I just feel that it will be a man in a very high position (cough, cough Snider), that see that the Flyers trade away tomorrow to fill seats today.
  18. @radoran While I agree that the Flyers brass should not ship out any youth for a d-man, it is not out of the realm of possibilities. If any of the previously mentioned are to be traded; I would imagine it is not for a stopgap defender, rather a franchise defender. In any case, no matter what shade of orange the glasses are, life is not so rosy for the Flyers blueline. In fact, it is getting more dismal by the minute. And as fans we may have to accept the reality that other teams are going to demand budding vs. fading stars when talking trades. I am not a pessimistic fan by any stretch, but I do not feel comfortable with the current make up of our defensive roster.
  19. @Howie58 I agree with you there Howie. Our untouchables are not so untouchable any longer given the circumstances. I know as fans we are to remain optimistic; however, the reality sets in that you cannot construct a winning team with spare parts. Teams are not going to want the picks, or the Briere's of the world. We may have to sacrifice Schenn or Simmonds, or even Couturier to get what the defense needs. Other case is let it ride and hope for the best. However, winging it is not in Ed Snider's vocabulary.
  20. BEHOLD RANDY! Best NHL blue liner ever......
  21. "Add him to the list of great players who's careers were too short in the sport." I agree 100%. The game, in my opinion, was much tougher in the 90's, and KS and JL were some of the toughest skill guys. I am glad he is doing well and doing good things for the Penguins. I would have loved to see him play his career out properly.
  22. @Spinorama I am agreeing with your agreeing
  23. @Spinorama I just can't see them going through the offer sheet route again this year. Suban is too good to let him walk, Montreal knows this.
  24. The reason I say NO is because the Flyers put themselves in this position and PK Suban isn't going to fix the problems and probably will only cause more. Here is my unbiased opinion on the situation: 1) They will overpay 2) He is an a$$hole 3) We will get the same treatment with our RFA's in the upcoming years. 4) They will really overpay 5) He will always be remembered as the consolation prize of the 2012 off-season 6) The locals will eat him alive the 1st mistake made 7) THEY WILL OVERPAY 8) Montreal will match
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