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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. And their three fans and Uncle Gary rejoice. What a crock of $hit
  2. @brelic Thank you kind sir. Enjoy your Thursday...
  3. Bertmega


    If you had the chance to meet and have an open discussion with Gary Bettman; would you: a) b) c) d) shake his hand for a job well done If you answered "D", you are obviously Kuato, or a basketball fan.
  4. Ok after much thought, I change my stance on who should be bought out. It has to be Bryzgalov for tow major reasons. 1) The cap is going to decrease by a lot, could be nearly 20mm a year 2) Claude Giroux will need to get a raise I think with Timmo and Shelley off the books, the brass can LTIR Pronger and have space to work a new deal for Giroux. He's probably going to get somewhere around 7.5mm a year for 5 years (depending on contract term limits)
  5. Well you missed two major pieces of the franchise in my opinion. In order I say: 1) Mario 2) Coffey 3) Francis 4) Kasparaitis (actually my 1a) 5) Tibbetts (notable mention) If they never had players like number 4 and 5, they never would have sucked enough to be awarded Malkin and Crosby by Uncle Gary.
  6. @Puck Don't forget Mystery Alaska, now that was a real gem.....
  7. @yave1964 I saw that you posted this in the shoutbox last week, so I gave it go on Netflix. I am sorry, but I couldn't get past the first 20 minutes of it. Maybe it was the mood I was in, I don't know, but it was really bad. I think I made it to where the main guy's girlfriend was cheating on him in the parking lot of the bar. I might give it another go in the future. "I put it in the top ten hockey movies I have seen." I think there has only been 10 movies made about hockey lol
  8. Bryz is such a b-itch. Seriously, when he gets called out on his bad play he cries. I hate this guy now more than ever.
  9. @Irishjim While I agree on the LTIR, if the cap should drop to the 50mm range for the 2013-14 season, Pronger's post season cap hit is going to hurt the Flyers ability to ink free agents. Also, I fear that they buy Bryzgalov out only to trade for Luongo.
  10. I have to say buy out Pronger. He has zero value to the team at this point. Bryzgalov may have a bad season, or he may not, but Pronger is just wasted cash. In addition, I concur with @brelic having Michael Leighton is enough to all but want to keep Ilya on the roster.....
  11. @hf101 From what I understand of the situation, the other team's goalie was under the weather and the team did not know about this until 5 minutes before the game. In a mad scramble, they elected to use the shooter tutor as their net minder. Also from what I gather, the shooter tutor had and assist on one of the goals against Bryzgalov.
  12. @xganarchy Congrats man. Greatest feeling in the world. I hope mom and dad are doing well and that you picked out the finest orange and black paint for the nursery. May I suggest the name Bert? It's making a comeback. lol
  13. "Flyers winger Wayne Simmonds was the subject of racial slurs after getting in a fight during a game in the Czech Republic on Sunday, Yahoo! Sports reported. Fans chanted "opice," which means monkey, according to reports. The marketing director of Chomutov, which faced Simmonds' team, issued an apology. "We are disgusted with the behavior of small groups of spectators who significantly damaged the reputation of the whole. . . . club. We would like to deeply apologize to Mr. Simmonds and the Liberec players," David Dinda said in a statement. Last year, during an exhibition game in London, Ontario, a fan threw a banana at Simmonds as he went in on a breakaway during a shootout. Simmonds had a career-high 28 goals last season." Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20121030_Flyers__Simmonds_subject_of_racial_slurs.html#ixzz2AsvLksnt Watch sports videos you won't find anywhere else Very sad that he faces stupidity like this in this day and age.
  14. Surprised nobody has posted Greg Goldberg. He is after all a legend in SoCal.
  15. If the Russians think Columbus is bad, wait till they have to play and live with the Pabst Blue Ribbon drinking, skinny jean wearing, faded flannel donning, hipster douchebags in Brooklyn. Then again there always is Brighton Beach, so I am sure they'll feel right at home.... Sorry Brooklyn, but I represent the (215) and still think you are the worst borough of the five in NYC. Hard stop..... end rant
  16. Columbus may not be a hockey hot bed per se, but it isn't the gloomiest city in North America, I reserve that for Chester City Pennsylvania or Camden New Jersey, or Wilmington Delaware. The irony here is the dude plays in Siberia, SIBERIA for crying out loud!!! Though I have never ventured to Siberia, I am going to assume it is a little worse off than Columbus, Ohio, United States of America. This: Versus Ehh, it's a wash.
  17. Wait, with those fancy uniforms I got all confused for a moment. Then I found another video of Eisbären Berlin playing the Eisbären Berlin. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn7fbGRE3U0
  18. @radoran I agree with you that there is not 30 North American Markets and there are 30 NA teams. With that said, I have seen heavily populated urban areas that have two Starbucks on a single city block. What if eventually, say 10 years down the road, the NHL adapts the same logic. Move some of the teams to areas that have proven success with the sport. A team in Quebec City, Hamilton, Seattle, a second New England Team, etc? I think that would bring the revenues into the positive for many struggling teams. I understand that they want to prevent cannibalism within the market segment, but sometimes you need to amputate the foot to save the leg. If Gary Bettman is true to his word that he wants the grow the sport via a grassroots movement by expanding to non traditional markets, than kudos to him. Maybe at this rate one day we'll have a few players emerge from Alabama and Florida, but until then the reality is locking the doors and the players and the fans. I think growing the sport is admirable, but not a possibility that truly exists. For example, I played in my youth, I remember waking up early to practice, I remember the early days and late nights, for many families the commitment both financially and time wise is not possible. My take is move the sports to where it works and let the rest pan out from there.
  19. @Howie58 you bring up a great point with Holmgren having to tweak his GM strategy should the new rules go into place. With that said, do you think that they will need to find a new GM that is up to speed on how the new rules would effect roster development? Clarke seemed to have a very hard time adjusting to the 05' CBA, could this be the same with Holmgren? As in he cannot front load contracts, extend contracts over multiple years, etc? This is going to be a new era for the star power if you ask me.
  20. The one thing that really sticks out to me regarding the leagues proposal is the part where if a player is traded then retires, the original team that granted the contract is on the hook for the remainder of the contract. This to me is what I would call the Ed Snider clause. Think about it, all the bad contracts that the Flyers signed over the years that did not pan out. To think that the Flyers could push dead contracts back on the original grantor is genius. I can't see where the union would argue the validity of that point as it protects owners from themselves. The players still get paid and the owners eat the bad contract. This could help teams get from under a Bryzgalov type contract. The revenue sharing seems fair to me. A lot of the bullet points seem to be the owners protecting themselves from their own undoing. I hope to see a deal hammered out soon.
  21. I was looking for this thread the other day...Anyhow, I would say 10/8/13
  22. What do they do with the contracts like Weber, et al that are longer than 5 years? This is all too confusing to me to understand. I think the NHLPA has to entertain or decline the offer NLT 10/26/12
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