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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. Can a player be singed to another contract once they are bought out? And, if so, does the original team still have to pay the buyout money? Knowing Holmgren, he'll buyout Shelley and Timmonen being that they are on the last year of their contracts. Then will be stuck with Yuri Gagarin in net till Claude Giroux has grandchildren.
  2. @B21 Whoops the Pens were supposed to be where the Caps are.... I need more coffee.....
  3. If only they had a video for the "buffalo" fan. Now that would be AWESOMELY EPIC
  4. "Why do the Sixers even exist? They don't even have Hip-Hop anymore" I may have pi$$ed myself on that line.....
  5. I am with @brelic, I think they should condense the season and play more meaningful games. I like the idea of 60 games starting in late Oct and wrapping up the entire season with playoffs by April. Some just always seem unnatural about playing hockey when it is 90 degrees outside. Maybe it's just me..... Anyhow, onto the subject in hand. I think the owners did give Buttman an ultimatum to get a season underway no later than January. And I also do believe that there was a magical number of games that the leagues needed to play to be profitable, not functional, but profitable. The fans can clamor at the notion of a boycott, and be pissed all they want, but I know everyone is just as excited as I am to see the puck drop on Saturday. Well almost everybody; I am sure there is only about three Bluejacket fans that seem to care. I wonder, if Fehr is considered to be a much harder negotiator, how come Goodnow lost an entire season? Does this go back to the Owners not willing to lose out on the vast revenues that would have been made regardless of the status of the current CBA? Maybe in 2004 the league was so defunct that loosing an entire season was better than operating at a loss. Maybe, but who knows. I was hard on Fehr and the Union all along during the lockout, but with the present facts, it is hard to side, even remotely, with the owners. Oh well, puck drops in less than 72 hours. Go Flyers!
  6. @Vanflyer I had no idea before the hint, but I remember a documentary on the 70's Habs and they made mention of Myre not having his name on the cup.
  7. @doom88 Side not my sig tag line may be hard to come true when there is only 48 games. I would like to say he'll win 24 due to the shortened schedule .
  8. This is an easy one, so no google. This has to be the WORST goalie mask ever. I'd rather wear a soiled jock strap on my face than this hunk of ****.
  9. @Vanflyer Phil Myre "Originally selected by the Montreal Canadiens in the 1966 NHL Entry Draft, Myre played parts of three seasons with the Canadiens. In 1970-71, because of an injury to Rogatien Vachon, he played 30 regular season games and dressed in 70. However, during the playoffs, the Canadiens went with rookie Ken Dryden. When Montreal won the Cup, Myre on the team picture and was given Stanley Cup ring. However, his name was left off the Cup, even though he qualified, because he did not dress for any playoff games."
  10. EAST 1. Flyers (Atlantic) 2. Hurricanes (SE) 3. Bruins (NE) 4. Rangers 5. Sabres 6. Panthers 7. Lightning 8. Devils 9. Washington 10. Senators 11. Canadians 12. Maple Leafs 13. Capitals 14. Islanders 15. Jets WEST 1. Redwings 2. Kings 3. Preds 4. Blues 5. Blackhawks 6. Wild 7. Sharks 8. Coyotes 9. Canucks 10. Ducks 11. Avalanche 12. Stars 13. Oilers 14. Flames 15. Blue Jackets Flyers v Redwings in the cup. Flyers in 7 Bryz is a Vezina finalist I
  11. @fanaticV3.0 The KHL has a union, but as far as I understand, nothing is guaranteed If you can't play or not living up to your contract, then they'll cut you with no $$. I think it is much like the NFL structure..
  12. @radoran I deleted the original post as it was out of emotion. I take it you can still see it? I agree the fans will be back to a degree. How many casual fans are already gone? I guess it doesn't matter though. Here is a good example of your point: I was at the gym today. While on the treadmill ESPN showed highlights from the WJC. The man next to me, wearing a FLYERS shirt (no kidding) asked how the Flyers were doing this year. I looked him and laughed a little thinking he was being funny. He then said, I guess you're not much of a sports fan, almost implying that I do not watch the game. I asked him if he knew that the Flyers have not played a game since May of 2012.....he looked puzzled. This gym is smack dead in Philadelphia.
  13. @fanaticV3.0 It's nothing but posturing and peacocking from both sides. It's actually sickening that this has been going on for this long. I get that Ferh has the players best interest in mind, and Bettman has the ownership's best interest in mind; however, nobody, not one article show where either side has the fans best interest in mind. I look at it this way: The NHL is a corporation and the fans are the shareholders. With that in mind have you ever witnessed a corporation flat out say f you to their share holders? In essence that is what the NHL is doing. Maybe the KHL has it right, a free market system without representation. They don't like you or need you, well there is the door. I know that is the environment that I work in.
  14. @Vanflyer I was wondering the same thing when I posted it. I want to order the shirt, but the "M" is stopping me from buying it. Since they used old time logos, I would have used: for my M (Montreal Maroons) for my T (Toronto Arenas)
  15. I hope Bettman and Fehr got coal this year. No wait, coal has value these days. I hope they got Enron company stock and Voided Winter Classic tickets. Everybody else, I hope it was a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
  16. @Green Man Fair enough Green, I can respect that. I was just kidding with my last comment directed at you. Sometimes it's tough to see athletes as humans. In any case, I have a feeling that Mr. Ilya will be under the microscope for the next 7-8 years on this board. Take care.
  17. @Green Man Hey CVS Pharmacy has a sale on Midol and Maxipads. You should check into that. We're hockey fans and we're bored. Lighten up....
  18. translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Flenta.ru%2Fnews%2F2012%2F12%2F14%2Fbryzgalov%2F&act=url 12/14/2012, 14:26:41 Printable version | PDA / PDA Ilya Bryzgalov in the suit. Frame channel "Russia 24" style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 22px; margin: 0px 20px 1em 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;"> Ilya Bryzgalov wore the suit on TV Comments The flight was delayed 12/11/2012 Ilya Bryzgalov quotes about hockey, life and the universe Goalkeeper of the Russian Ice Hockey Ilya Bryzgalov visited the Cosmonaut Training Center and put on the suit there. The goalkeeper made it on the air TV "Hockey 24", which goes to the TV channel "Russia 24". Recording of the program is laid out on the site vesti.ru. Bryzgalov was included in the Russian team at the Channel One Cup, but missed the tournament - as reported officially, due to injury. When contacted by a journalist with the goalkeeper, "Sport-Express" to learn why Bryzgalov will not play on the First Channel Cup, hockey player said that to say it prevents the suit he wears in the Mission Control Center. "Space - a special substance. Perhaps my flight delayed ", - said the goalkeeper.Bryzgalov held a conversation with a journalist during the recording of TV programs is unknown. In the program "Football 24" showed how Bryzgalov met with a hero of Russia, cosmonaut Valery Tokarev and asked him a few questions. "I'm interested in space and I did learn a little bit, but more by the stars - as infancy universe, how it all happened," - admitted goalkeeper. The astronaut said all that one sees in space, except for the planet Earth - "cold, lifeless and dead in our understanding." "There's a man can not live," - said Tokarev. The program also showed how Bryzgalov dons the suit. "I like Darth Vader is from 'Star Wars'," - said the goalkeeper, when dressed in the clothes of the astronaut. This is just nucking futs! This dude has completely lost his marbles. I take back my buy-out Pronger stance at this point.
  19. This is an excerpt from the hockeynews <dot> com, so take it for what it is worth, but I thoroughly believe it. "1. Roman Cechmanek In his three regular seasons with the Flyers (2000-2003), Cechmanek had a 1.96 GAA, .923 SP and 20 shutouts. Unfortunately, in his first post-season with the team, he posted an .891 SP and 3.12 GAA and in his final playoffs he had a .909 SP. Making matters worse, in Game 4 of Philly’s 2002 series against Ottawa, he skated to center ice before yelling at his teammates on the bench. The next day at practice, they were taking shots at his head. Technically, Cechmanek posted a better SP than Moore, but his mental meltdown on his own teammates sets him apart." I always recall being nervous with him in net. He was so unorthodox it was scary. I always wondered how he could put up great numbers during the regular season, but stink up the joint in the post season. I will take JR's story with a grain of salt, but believe that there is a semblance of truth in what he says.
  20. for those who want to purchase the shirt here is the link: http://www.etsy.com/listing/109799226/i-hate-gary-bettman-nhl-t-shirt-custom?ref=sr_gallery_22&ga_search_query=la+kings&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=ZZ&ga_min=0&ga_max=0&ga_page=2&ga_search_type=all
  21. @Podein25 "Plus I like halibut quite a bit." Well than I have a recipe for you. Get your Halibut, soak it in coconut oil, next go outside and start up your 1992 Lumina (this is important that you do this for at least 45 minutes). After the 45 minute soak in oil, lightly bread your halibut in Pankos bread crumbs. Next take the breaded halibut and place in a pan and place the pan on the engine block of the pre-heated Lumina. Allow to cook for 35 minutes with the hood open on the Lumina. Enjoy the Halibut with a nice glass of Riesling White Wine and a Buffalo Sabres game.
  22. @Podein25 Man pods that is a great music selection. For some reason I had you pegged as a Beiber or Lady Gaga fan. Who knew?
  23. @MaineFlyFan He sure did look pissed off. He could hardly keep his bearings. I am not so much worried about a season this year, I am more worried about a season next year....
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