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Everything posted by Bertmega

  1. PK is certainly a talent. Your proposal isn't bad either. I would rather keep Schenn being that I think he will play an important role for the Flyers in the next year or so, and send Voracek in his place.
  2. @Podein25 Lindros? I hear you on that. Just today I blamed him for slipping on the ice on my way to work. That mother f'er I was thinking. Always trying to jam me up on a Friday.
  3. He has looked competent this year, but we are only 4 games in. Maybe in June we can re-visit this thread with a little more data to work with.
  4. His nose alone takes up four roster spots. Welp, welcome back Mike......I guess. Still waiting to hear if the Phils inked his brother from another mother, Jamie Moyer...
  5. I would give up B Schenn, Couturier, and a 1st for Price and Subban. I know that would never happen. but there is where I am at.
  6. @brelic "So who is the replacement goalie? I just don't understand the buyout talk if we have no one better to replace him." Why pay one 5mm+ to be average? The Flyers are going to have to upgrade their D at some point and think about locking Giroux up long time. But I do see your point on who the replacement is going to be and how much they would cost. It's definitely a tough spot for Holmgren to be in.
  7. Another thing I picked up on is these guys, for the most part, are reaching hard with their sticks to get at the puck. Instead of moving their feet they are over extending. This tells me that they are being especially lazy in their game play. At points of the Jersey game, I honestly thought I was watching a beer league game. No hustle in the neutral zone what so ever. Passing is pathetic, borderline brutal. And they are either all trying to swarm the puck in the defensive zone (hence the NJ breakdown on goal #1), or they are playing musical chairs with the puck (meaning nobody wants to be the guy with the puck) hence they are forcing the pass. And @Podein25 the Flyers had 17 player either in Europe or the AHL during the lockout. Sad that they are acting like a squad that never played the game. Maybe Lavy should take them to a local rink and have them play in an Instructional League so they can harness the fundamentals again, or option B skate them till they meet Mr. Puke.
  8. I think with the current make up of this roster (built for speed) any other coach would have a real difficult time adjusting the system. Lavy wasn't exactly handed a competitive team (from a defensive standpoint). With that in mind, I think no matter how the chips fall, Bryz will be bought out at the end of the season.
  9. Lundqvist is human as we saw last night. That third goal was absolute garbage. The Flyers need to come out hard and slow down the Rangers game. I would use Coots to shutdown the Rangers top line (Should they decide to use Gaborik, Nash, Richards on their top line). Talbot on his wing may not be a bad idea either. Simmonds on the top line with Giroux could prove to be interesting. My key would be to not let the Rangers cycle the puck low. Keep most of the shots from the parameter. And for the love of God, please defense communicate with your goaltender. The Flyers can win this, but they need to play a hard nosed defensive game. Too bad Lavy won't see it that way
  10. Man this guy just can't catch a break from the injury bug.
  11. Good thing Shanaban wasn't in charge of the league disciplinary actions back then because I saw about 15 textbook charges without the arm going up. Man Lindros was an absolute beast. What I wouldn't do to have a player like him on the current roster.
  12. @radoran Maybe they can bake cakes together sweetheart.....
  13. @activestick Hartnell and Simmonds and even to an extent Schenn will fill that role (power forward). The team just seems like they are in a funk. I think Lavy needs to skate them till they puke. Seriously skate them hard. Set curfews, dining times, mandatory skates, etc. Be a real f'n ball buster. The players will find unity in hating Lavy. Once they start playing well, give them a little back. It's a shame that millionaires need to be treated like children, but in this case, they are playing like a bunch. On a side note, and not trying to make excuses, It doesn't help that our first four opponents are actually decent squads. Bryz held up enough to win last night, but they seemed to get too cutesy with the puck. What I have learned from the past 17-18 years of watching Marty, is that you pepper the $hit out of him and crash the net. I know it sounds easy and that I should leave the bountiful world of corporate finance for hockey coaching......anyhow..... When he (marty) is on his game he is unstoppable. Defensive breakdowns happen, but maybe once or twice a game, not every other shift. The problem starts and ends with Lavy. He needs to crush their spirits. I'd have Captain Giroux cleaning crappers at the WF Center, Harnell washing equipment, Bryzgalov parking cars, whatever it takes. I feel the Marine just oozing out of my pours as I am typing.
  14. Why do the Flyers need another young forward? Defense seems to be the problem from my observation.....
  15. That was a dandy of a hit though......
  16. Wow 4m per year? I can see why this is taking so long. To get a young player on D that has his talent, I would give up a lot. I like Coots, I just can't stand this D.
  17. I would see what the deal is with Subban. See where Montreal is at with him and if they would be willing to trade his rights. I would offer Luke Schenn and Sean Couturier for him. Two first rounders for PK. There I said it. Feels good to get that off my chest.
  18. FC is right, without stellar goaltending Lavy's system has been exposed. For the past few years they have been mainly flat in the 1st period. In hindsight, it was easy to dump this all on Mike Richards, but now it's time to look at the coach. I like the fire that he has brought to this squad, but with the mess we have on defense and in net, I thought, maybe, just maybe Lavy would address his game plan in the extended off season. I like Larry Robinson for his defensive prowess, but outside of that I cannot see canning Lavy yet. He just needs to get his guys playing 60 minutes of hockey. Oh and Luke Schenn needs to be riding the bus in the AHL for a few weeks. That kid blowssss!
  19. @Digityman I agree with the intangibles that work off the ice, but 6.5mm is a tough pill to swallow especially if Laughton proves to be a valuable center. Time shall tell.
  20. What are the chances they expose the kid in an effort to secure a solid Dman? Or even make Briere a little more expendable? I would almost guess the latter of the two. I like Briere, but Giroux needs a contract after next season. I would imagine they are going to want to lock him up ASAP especially with the cap going down next season.
  21. @Podein25 How can you forget this gem of a goal? I can see how you forgot such a scoring threat being that he was part of the Mike York Flyers
  22. He (Nodl) and Ruzicka worked hard and it never transpired to much. I thought one of the two would have panned out.
  23. @radoran Wow! So, if some sad team is in need of a center, they can ink Gomez for pennies on the dollar and he still collects his $6.46mm for the year. Not too bad of a deal if you ask me. If I were Holmgren, I would put the feelers out on Redden to see if he'd ink a one year 2mm deal the second Pronger's cap hit went on the LTIR.
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