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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. Ray's pitching a shutout tonight. For the season he's boasting a .916 save percentage and a 2.26 goals against average. He did pretty well even when he was with the Flyers - .905 and a 2.64.

    Oh, and then there's Bob. He's only played 23 games for the Bluejackets, but he's put up a .927 SV %, and a 2.17 GAA.

    And then there's Bryz at a whopping .898 and 2.83. Stark comparison. Just stark.

    I'd be pretty happy with either one of those other guys right now.

    Hindsight's always 20/20. And a b!tch.

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  2. I think the article needs to be retitled:

    "Why the expectations for the Flyers were nonsensical"

    Seriously, consider what we did in the offseason:



    van Riemsdyk



    Luke Schenn


    Knuble (following in-season injuries)

    How can any serious journalist believe that the 2012-2013 Flyers would improve upon their 2011-2012 finish (5th in the East, 2nd in the Atlantic)? Expectations are out of whack with reality.

    Based on last season's performance, I have to admit that my expectations were a little higher this season than last for our young forwards - and I'm talking about the under 25 (26 for Read) group. Hoping, expecting them to build on last season's strong effort - thought they had some momentum, developed some skills, got some experience they could build on this season.

    But Read (7 G, -3) has siginificantly slumped, Couts (2 G, -13) is awol, Simmonds (11 G, -8) is significantly off pace from what I expected, B. Schenn's (6 G, -6) not really lighting it up, Giroux (10 G, -10) has faded, Voracek (14 G, -8) has barely met but not exceeded my expectations, Rinaldo (3 G, -6) has at least met, maybe exceeded expectations - his energy level has beenawesome - just not contagious enough to get the rest of the team fired up. Overall, it's been disappointing. Apparently they're all in some sort of sophomore slump or they just don't care. The +/- stat for all these players is what's killing me. As far as I can tell, Talbot, with 0 (zero), is the only forward that isn't in the red and he's pushing 30. There's always next season, I suppose.

  3. As well as Bryz played, he went down FAR to early on the last 2 goals....esp the overtime winner. All he had to do was stand there, take the appropriate angle and let the puck hit him...instead, he goes down early, leaves the whole top of the net exposed and WHAM...that is the exact spot the game winner gets depoisited....sickening.

    But still, he only let in two goals against Pittsburgh. I ain't expecting the moon with this guy, so for me, this was one of his better games. Like someone else said, can't win with just one goal. I'm actually more disappointed in the offense. Bryz didn't win this game, but he gave the offense a chance to. They just didn't take it.

  4. Schenn


    Simmonds 1A

    Hartnell 1G

    Read 1A


    WTF!!! It gets worse when you try to look for something.... anything to be positive about.

    At least Grossmann still leads the league in blocked shots.... Nope, that's a Penguin now.

    Our offense is what I had hung my hat on at the beginning of the season, knowing our defense was weak and our goaltending streaky and sporadic at best. Things would be fine, we still had a chance, it would work out. I figured, based on last season, if we could score a good number of goals and we could compensate -- the team could give itself a cushion. Now, looking at these demoralizing numbers, I'm just hanging my head.

  5. I'm not sure I've even seen Foster. Have I seen Foster??? A Bigfoot sighting would be more likely. People have seen the Loch Ness Monster more often. I'm convinced Yeti's get more sightings. I think I even saw a Dodo the other day, and I'm pretty sure they're extinct......but I haven't seen a Foster. Unicorns. mermaids, and minotaurs get more coverage. Is this Foster creature even real???

  6. .....oh, wait. That would be Bob. My mistake. SIIIIIIIIIIIIGH.

    "Can Rask win the big prize over division rivals like Carey Price and Craig Anderson, who’s still in the mix despite his injury? What about the Western Conference’s hottest goalie? You know, Sergei Bobrovsky? (Seriously? Yes, seriously.)"


  7. I agree. This one was a nailbiter and without those few good saves, we'd be packing it in for the season. I think this may be the one game Bryz stole for us. He even did what he needed to do in the shootout. Give him credit for that if nothing else - usually going to the shootout with him in goal is a guaranteed loss. I would have liked to have seen more production from the offense, but this is one game where they were able to get by without putting up 4, 5, or 6 goals --- not that we've been doing that lately either. Ha. Hopefull this boosts their confidence going into Monday's game.

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  8. I say they win tonight, but exhaust themselves in the process, making it impossible for them to be competitive (truly competitive) for the rest of the season, like they need to be. They'll win, get our hopes up, give us a taste of some brilliant play, like they should be capable of, and then tank the last 19 or so games leaving us wondering what the heck happened......again. :blink:

    So maybe it would be easier if they just lost tonight.....which they also are very capable of doing. I like that this game is at home, though.

  9. I think the countdown clock on Lavy is in high gear. Lose on Friday and Lavy does not make it through the weekend.

    Does that mean Lindy Ruff is coming to Philly? Who else is out there? One of our own? I keep seeing Terry Murray's name.

  10. 1. Can't steal a game

    2. Can't reliably hold a lead

    3. Has to outplay the other team, count on the other team failing to convert on their chances, bury their own, and hope Bryz plays a decent game

    I'd add a number 4. Can't play when down. They get behind and just seem to fold it up. That's what's so hilarious about this team this season (and yes, for me it has reached the point of high comedy), they can't hold a lead and can't come back. That doesn't leave many opportunities. Madness. Madness.

  11. It's been fun to watch him here in Columbus. I think he's just what the Bluejackets need. He has a lot of room to grow within that organisation as it is still young and developing, like him - both trying to find their identity. I'm glad he has this opportunity. He's shown flashes of brilliance, or maybe if that's too hyperbolic, just strong solid play. And he's done it with a defense that's arguably worse than the Flyers have.

    Bob could be a really good goalie one day. Perhaps even great. I like Bob and since we're in a rebuilding year ourselves, would have liked to see him stay here and be a part of that. It was disappointing to see him go. I would have much preferred keeping him, developing him, over signing Bryz to this albatross of a contract. At the end of the day, we gambled on Bryz and so far, at least in my opinion, we've lost our money and haven't earned it back to break even yet. Maybe in the next three or four years when he's pushing forty......oh, wait, I just realized how ridiculous that sounded. Unless you're Marty Brodeur, of course.

  12. I knew as soon as they went up 4-1 with two full periods left to play the Flyers were in trouble. And then when they went down by just 1 single goal with over half the last period left to play, I knew the game was over because they can't, or don't, or won't ever come back.

    My one word answer to your question PG is - laziness.

    The most frustrating thing for me is watching the great starts and then the epic collapses. They get your hopes up only to dash them to pieces. I feel like freakin' Charlie Brown every time Lucy pulls that football away.

    And I couldn't agree more with Doom88.

  13. I've been reading good things about this kid. Doubt the Penguins would let him go to the Flyers!! Ha.

    "Though he is physically ready to play a top-six role at the NHL level, the Penguins have a logjam of NHL defensemen and consequentially Despres could start the 2012-13 season in the AHL. Ultimately, he has the upside to be an all situation defender capable of playing 25 minutes a game."


  14. Bob had the makings of a franchise goalie, but we didn't want to wait.

    A-freakin'-men!! This will haunt us too. Bob could have been brought along into a very competitive goalie. Heck, everyone else on this team is so young, is going to take a few more years to hit their stride, why not swallow hard, accept that, and bring the young, home-grown goalie along too. This franchise lacks patience. There isn't anyone on the market they can go out and buy to win all things now.

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