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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. The way the rest of the team has played, I'm afraid it's going to be too little too late. Mezz fresh back from injury, not up to speed and rusty can't carry this team on his back. They look like they've just decided to stop playing. New Jersey is playing good, but they aren't great. If we were playing the way we did to beat Pittsbrugh, we'd have already won this series. Something broke.

  2. Where was the defense on that last goal? Bryz ain't gonna stop those shots when he's one on one like that. D needs to step up. A little offense would be nice too. Some balanced officiating would be even nicer. Ahahahaha......okay, maybe we have a chance on offense and defense, but never with the officiating. Giroux gets mauled, not called. He retaliates and of course it's called. I would have let that one go. They call it "head contact". Whatever.

  3. Yeah, we have a huge amount of walking wounded. Plus, that week off was a killer. Logically it should help the wounded but it was huge momentum killer. Look at the Devils, no time off and they were coming of a 2 or 3 ot win and have not really missed a beat. Besides, when I have a muscle pull or such, if I dont use the leg/arm it seizes up vs if I keep pushing it sometimes hurts but stays loose. That week killed us mentally and physicaly and yes, pardon the term, but we shot our wad against the penguins. We'll see if have some more jam in the jar tomorrow...

    The Rangers should be thanking us. If that is, in fact, the case, then they got a heck of a two for one deal. One series and essentially two of the top contending teams out - Pittsburgh, and then the Flyers do delapidated that they can barely continue, and the chances are good that they won't, if all these injury rumors are true.

  4. Cmon'

    Great series all around, but you guys are acting like beating the Pens is our 'Stanley Cup'.

    ...Now we have Giroux and Hartsy firing off T-shirt cannons at Nickleback concerts and Giroux being photoshopped as Jesus.

    We can enjoy this a little but Lavi still needs to figure out how to beat a defensively sound team Like the Rangers, Bruins, Preds and Blues. Until then, I'm keeping a straight face...and not shaving my beard.


    This is just what happened to Rocky Balboa when he lost to Clubber Lang the first time in Rocky III. He got complacent, cocky, gimmicky. Where's Apollo Creed when you need him??? We need to get this team back in shape. This movie, er series, can still end well. We just need to get back to our game, get back to the basics.

    Apollo Creed: See that look in their eyes, Rock? You gotta get that look back, Rock. Eye of the tiger, man.

  5. It's not over, but the Flyers need to be more careful with the puck possession, pass completion, and goaltending. Since the latter is hopeless, double up on the first.

    Well that's just about everything there is! hehe.

  6. They sure figured out our powerplay. And I sure hope it's a 7 game series, but I'm not going to bet on it. You're right about Sunday. If we lose the next game I'm not going to abandon ship, but I will throw the women and children into the lifeboats!

  7. Is it wrong of me to want something bad to happen to Bryz, like a car wreck, a bear mauling, something, anything??? Oh, wait. Who am I kidding. Bad things only happen to our great goalies. Or at least the last great goalie we had. Hextall was good, but not great. Nobody could match him for his heart and desire. The man was a beast. Not overly skilled, but his passion made up for it.

  8. If they don't start showing some heart and determination, then you're right. It's like they've just decided that they're done. Win the series against Pittsburgh, take the rest of the playoffs off. If they thought the rest of the playoffs were going to be a cakewalk or that they could coast, they're sure getting their wakeup call. A real good lesson for a young team. Don't get cocky. They aren't as good as they could be yet. Certainly not good enough to phone it in. Just hope it isn't too late to do something about it. New Jersey looks real good.

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  9. With tonight's showing, you could change the heading of the topic from 2-0 to 3-0. 2-1 is bad enough with another game to play in New Jersey minus Couts. They showed some lfe in the second and for the last 10 minutes of the 3rd. When they didn't score on that first powerplay in overtime, I knew we'd lost. And when we didn't on the second, it was guaranteed. The Devils just wanted it more tonight.

  10. Coaching can come up with the plan, with all kinds of great plans, but execution is the responsibility of those playing. I don't see execution of anything tonight. They're all over the place, scrambling. No concerted attack, breakdowns on defense. New jersey is totally taking over and dictating the pace and play of this game. I still say outplayed.

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