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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. Apparently they do. Interesting article. And I read earlier that Bobrovsky's name was in the mix along with JVR for a highly specualtive, highly rumored trade for Nash. The Cols Dispatch sportswriter goes through a list of goalies they might consider. Most are ruled out, the one positive is a Flyer. No matter what happens, it's an interesting analysis by a team that desparately needs goaltending. But then, we could wind up on that list too....ha. From the article:

    "Do they think Philadelphia's Sergei Bobrovsky has anything to offer? They just might."


  2. So could, if any of this is true and something big is brewing, turn into a three way trade that involves a d-man coming to Philly? Or does Nash come here to fill Jagr's shoes or to provide some additional offensive capability we're somehow going to be needing? I've heard JVR and Bobrovsky, maybe others, going to Columbus for Nash. IF this happens, and now I'm fully into the realm of speculation, guessing, etc., then do we send Nash somewhere for a d-man? Why we wouldn't just go after a d-man straight up, I don't know but that's why I'm not a GM. Heck, I don't even play one on tv! I don't claim to be an expert, so go easy. Haha!

  3. with a goalie having one of the greatest playoff runs EVER. For me that covers it.

    I think this is the key. Without Quick in goal, how well do they do? The guy is absolutely amazing! I'm sitting here wishing, dreaming, hoping for the day the Flyers can have that kind of skill in goal. It's so frustrating. But I don't want to take anything away from the Kings. Amazing run, but ultra-uber-stellar-amazing goaltending.

  4. did he really ?

    not being a smart alec, but I hadn't heard anything about him in Columbus once he finally got there... other than he was injured for a while.

    if that's true, then that's too bad the Flyers could have traded him to LA for JJ...

    actually i'm good with how things worked out. but really had not heard of Carter being a little whiney ***** in Columbus. I was under the impression he was "good soldiering".

    Carter wasn't a good soldier in Columbus. The fans here figured out pretty quick what we knew all along - they guy is lazy and hardly makes an effort. He was never happy here and started working to find a way out about the time he injured his foot. The focus here is primarily all about Nash, but there was a Carter undercurrent. Not at first, but about midway through his tenure here.

    • Like 2
  5. The funny thing is in the Jersey series the team looked like they cared about winning as much as last year when Richards was a "cancer".

    I'd agree with that. They certainly didn't look like they cared. But this time I think it was because they were just so completely wasted, drained emotionally and physically from the previous series. They were like zombies on the ice against the Devils. But I don't attribute that to a cancer in the locker room this season. To me, all that means is they need to work on conditioning, not chemistry. I think we saw the chemistry, the good kind, was there all season. And it was better than last season. I have no reason to believe that would have changed so suddenly in the Devils series. That's why I attribute there looking like they didn't care to just being totally gassed.

    • Like 1
  6. During the season? Simmonds & Schenn >>> Richards

    During the Playoffs? Richards >>> Simmonds & Schenn

    Just saying.

    But look at the experience that Richards has in the playoffs over these two. Give Schenn and Simmonds two or three postseasons and they will be greater than Richards. By double. If we can hold them that long. So, my opinion echoes some of those already posted. Maybe the trade favors LA in the short term (and Richards is getting a lot of help from Quick) but, in the long term, we get the better of the deal. And, the intangible is with Richards out of the locker room, the atmoshpere and demeanor of the team has greatly improved.

  7. Bryz should have made every save.......that he missed because he was out of position, losing his focus, daydreaming, or rebounding it into his net off an opposing player. I really don't get why we can't hold him accountable for his crappy play.

  8. I think they just totally played themselves out against Pittsburgh. The age and youth showed clearly. The lack of goaltending hurt too. I know folks will say Bryz played well, but I think he could have stolen a game or two in this series. And his game tonight, well, I can't even speak of tonight yet. I also think they may have started to believe a little too much of their own press after the Pittsburgh win. They bought into the hype, Giroux as the best player in the world and all that. Well, win a Cup first and then we can throw around titles like that. No denying he's awesome, but this series should have brought him back down to earth. This team forgot who it was after the first series. They need to play humble, dirty, and gritty.

  9. I haven't decided to hate New jersey yet. If we were playing to our actual ability and had a goalie that didn't score against his own team, the results of this series would be completely different and New Jersey would still be completely irrelevant. Right now I hate our lackluster effort more than New Jersey. Sure they have a halfway decent team, but if the Flyers who beat the Penguins had showed up for this series it'd already be over.

  10. lol....ah come on. It's bad Bob, but to throw it all away?? Go get the stuff out of the trash. We'll try again next year! That's what we Flyers fans do. So what if it's the very definition of insanity, to keep trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That's the glue that holds us all together. Now buck up and go get your stuff.

  11. I have come to the realization that my home town is a loser sports city.

    I live in Columbus, Ohio. Home of the Bluejackets. I win. Oh wait, we do have the OSU Buckeyes. Hold on, that's only a college team. Our greatest claim to fame. I win again. But they can't seem to win the big games either. Especially if it's against the SEC. Philly's looking really good! hehe.

  12. Ha! We've dug ourselves into a lot of holes in this series, no argument there, either. But the one we haven't dug, or the help that we've had making our own hole deeper, comes from the officials in the form of inconsistent officiating at our expense.

  13. I just posted a response in another thread that seems to work for this on too --- Hard to argue with that, Doom. In fact, I agree. But when you're trying to play out of a hole you haven't dug yourself into, that somebody else has put you in, it's just that much harder. We did well on the powerplay tonight. It was better. There's a definite advantage when we're kept off the powerplay. But that's neither here nor there. At the end of the day, Doom, you're right. If we were playing better, we wouldn't need to have a fair and consistently called game to win....we'd create our own opportunities, execute, and win.

  14. Yeah. That made me very happy. In fact, I was extremely happy. Any time we win a series makes me happy. Especially when we win a series against the Pens. Are you sad when you win a series? Shouldn't you be happy when you win a series? Especially if you knock out the number 2 seed, a team favored to win the Cup that also happens to be your in-state rival? Heck, I wasn't just happy, I was freakin' estatic.

    Did I get a t- shirt? That's a dumbass question. Why would I get a t-shirt like that? You guys passing them out? And you're saying the only time you're is allowed to brag is if your team wins the Cup? That's pretty assinine too. Like you wouldn't be if the shoe was on the other foot. Stop being a sore loser and just embrace the fact the Penguins are overrated and Crosby is a puzzy.

    And, yeah, I'm pretty certain the Blues fans were happy they won their first round series. Who wouldn't be happy going on to the next round? Beats going out in 6. But maybe not. Maybe you enjoyed going out in the first round. Maybe you're happy starting your summer just that much earlier.

  15. i just hate him. he is a slow, stiff, poor-skating, leaky, mentally fragile, overhyped, overpaid piece of sh|t. the fact that the rest of the team is crapping the bed at the moment doesn't change any of that, for me.

    I think that sums things up for me too. He did give us a chance, tonight. He kept it close. The rest of the team just couldn't do anything with it. So credit to Bryz. But, that doesn't change the fact that he's still all those things you identified.

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