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Posts posted by OH1FlyersFan

  1. There are 6 or 7 bones (depending on the source) that make up the orbit. One of those is the zygoma or zygomatic arch. That is the bone under your eye most commonly refered to as the cheek bone. That bone is also the most common bone to fracture in a fight or a faceplant on the ice.

    what about the bone above the eyes - along the eyebrow ridge? Is that part of the orbital? I can see coming down on that and cracking it if there's a slight protrusion of that bone, but then that's maybe more part of the skull cap I suppose. And also the helmet would tend to protect the forehead and that area more, unless it was being pushed back off the head. I have no idea, actually.

  2. if it was going to be a concussion

    That's just what I said to my wife. Totally was my first, gut reaction.

    Edit - I thought he was done for the night with a head injury. I spent the first 5 minutes of the next period looking for his number out on the ice. Frankly, I was surprised when I saw him. Thought that was encouraging. Because I was thinking concussion.

  3. I don't think it's because of the fans or the city, it's because he's playing a ridiculous amount. Not only is he playing virtually every game, but he's doing it with usually just one day's rest in between starts. And that's when he's not playing both ends of a back to back. Lavi needs to have some confidence in Boosh, no matter how unjustified it may be.

    I agree - his playing schedule factors into it. Last time I saw a stat he had something like just under 1000 minutes on ice. It is a ridiculous amount. But I really do believe that added to that is the mental pressure that comes with playing in goal in Philly - or any position for that matter when you don't perform up to expectations. (as an aside - is that unreasonable? An interesting topic for discussion. Personally, I don't think it is unreasonable to be held accountable to a very high standard and called out for falling short. So maybe I'm part of the problem). That's why I think part of the reason is because of the fans, the media, the city - it's almost impossible to tune that out if they're all coming down on you. It got in his head last season. Maybe he can play through it this season, but it can play a part in wearing a guy down.

  4. Agree on Bryz. I think he's really getting run down. I think he even admitted that he was tired, and you rarely hear professional athletes admit that. Even the bat-sht crazy ones.

    Seems like we end up running down every goalie that has ever played for the Flyers, except maybe Parent. There will never be another Parent. No goalie will ever live up to that standard. We beat them down, they leave, and then we repeat the cycle. So I can't blame the guy if he's feeling tired or run down.

    That said, if we had a great goalie, maybe we could break out of that viscious cycle/circle. If we had a goalie who could make routine saves, we'd be on our way to breaking that cycle. Bryz has played better this season and I'm encouraged and I was, probably still am, all for buying out his contract. But in the last few games, he's let in some shots that have me seeing shades of the guy from last season. Now I'm getting nervous.

  5. It is an old cliche you can't fire the whole team so the coach has to go. This deserves some consideration. There are many inconsistencies on this team and he has not had them ready at the start of each game. I know they are big league rs and should be ready to play but sometimes they need a kick in the butt before they remember that. It looks like this team needs a hard a$$ to light the fire.

    Lindy Ruff still available?

  6. Why not coach the dozen centers already on the team?

    That's what I was thinking as I read through the responses. Glad I read yours before posting a duplicate. You'd think with all the talent we already have on this team (and sometimes it feels like that's an arguable statement, but I believe we really do have talent), you'd think that someone or two would be able to step up. If they can't now, then teach them how. Develop the talent. Quit blowing up the team every season or half season. That said, I'll weaken my own point by saying we need to add a really strong defenseman. Blow up the team for that.....but not for a face-off specialist. Ha! Blow up all things.

  7. unless it is for the prized gem stone defensman who's can't miss

    I agree. This is what we need. More than the scoring. Couts was awesome last season as a 19 year old. He'll be awesome in 2 or 3 years. We have many potentially awesome offensive players on the team and in the system. What we don't have is what you identified. For that, I'd be willing to pull the trigger. But only that.

  8. Why do we have to panic every season? This is why the Flyers haven't won a cup in 38 years. There is no long term plan, just reflex reactions.

    Why can't we just tank this season and next and prepare for 2014-2015?

    I've been waiting for, expecting, looking for, anticipating, assuming, believing there's been some sort of long term plan since 1975. You'd think they'd be able to put together a 30 year plan or something. Heck, even the Ruskies managed to put together a Five Year Plan for the National Economy, well, every five years. And the Nazis had a Four Year Plan, modeled on the Soviets. But look where that got both of them. Maybe we should just keep panicking. Ha.

  9. So, this team minus Jagr and that stud d man Carle aren't capable of beating the Pens again in the playoffs? I think as good as he is, they can live with losing Voracek for that offensive dman. I think if they can go and get 1 mobile dman, that can play decent minutes, they can beat EITHER of those teams again, particularly the Pens, again. I think Hartnell coming back will help the O a lot.

    As much as I love the Flyers, I don't see them beating much of anyone for a while........

  10. In any case, watching this team over the long haul is forcing me to explode.

    Amen! I live in Columbus, OH. Have Center Ice, and Have watched every game this season. Watching this team is forcing me to keep from kicking the dog. Thinking about canceling Center Ice so I won't be tempted to watch every game and forced to kick the dog. Haha. Just kidding. I love animals.

  11. I'd like to see what Couts can do in his next season before contemplating trades. Give him the chance to get through this sophomore slump and then see where he stands. At the end of that third season, if it's another miserable one, then start putting out the feelers. At this point, the Flyers have to do something. I'm all for keeping our young core of forwards together - at least I was before the start of this season, but man has it been miserable. I'm beginning to think about changing my thinking -- and looking for something to bring in help on defense. If that costs us one of our young, really good, or potentially really good forwards, at this point, I'm leaning towards letting one.....but just one.......go. If I was GM. But then if I was GM, the Flyers would be 2-10-1, or something worse. Ha.

  12. Technically he was not on the ice when he punched him the last time, but you could count the tweety birds circling his head when he was on the way down. I like to see guys like Crombeen handed their hats, but hitting the guy when he is already out will lead to a serious injury which is something this sport does not need.

    I don't necessarily disagree, but then hitting anyone in the head really hard with a fist could lead to serious injury. All it takes it just one really good punch - and it could be the very first punch thrown. If that's the concern, ban fighting all together.

  13. @flyerrod....Yes, sorry. I've had Carolina on the brain. Not actually sure why, even.

    And I may be picking nits, but I saw a slight difference between Rinaldo and Crombeen and Talbot and LaCav. I may be accused of being a homer, but Talbot was actually flat on his back on the ice when LaCav got his last little rabbit, er sucker, punch in. That was bad form.

    The way I saw the Rinaldo fight, Crombeen was technically not on the ice, though he was out of it and going down. He wasn't actually down with his back on the ice. Rinaldo may have been holding him up. That's fair and I can't fault Rinaldo for those last two punches.

    So, in my book, until you're really on the mat, you're a live target and whoever is throwing punches can keep throwing. But I totally agree with your post. Loved the message Zac sent. That's what the Flyers need to do more of. That sends a message league-wide. Teams will learn. Or they won't and they'll be punished. The Flyers just need to be consistent with enforcing that message.

    • Like 4
  14. ...but apparently use either military intelligence or blind tarot card readers to find out about defensemen.

    That's the funniest post I've seen in a while. To quote the venerable Homer Simpson...."it's funny because it's true!"

  15. Anyone miss JVR?

    I'm really liking McGinn, I think he will develop into the power forward we thought we would get in JVR. He wins the puck battles, hustles, makes space for his linemates and has a good shot as well.

    That's why he got my vote. He's got way more upside. JVR is ok, but McGinn looks like he could be JVR 2.0.

  16. OH1FlyersFan:

    Do you remember that game in Ottawa, I think it was, a few years ago? Over 100 minutes in penalties. Yes, that was pre-Crosby when the league still had a set. Maybe what this team needs is an all out Donnybrook to get this evil and bile "can't-play-hockey" virus out of their collective systems.

    Don't worry, Ed has the money for this kind of thing.

    Flyer's Hockey boys.


    That was an awesome game, Bear! I remember it well and that's they type of thing I was thinking about. I agree - that might very well be the best way to exrocise this particular evil. That said, they're looking pretty good tonight against Carolina so far. Bryz particularly. Nice to see a little scoring too.

  17. Remember when Lemieux tried to force a change in officiating (as an owner) ? That wasn't received so well at first. Maybe that's what keeps Snider holding his mouth a little? The officials seemed to tilt against the Pens for a while after Mario spoke out. Maybe Snider is worried it'll get worse for you guys instead of better?

    I don't remember Lemieux's try to force a change - but I'm glad someone tried. If he wasn't successful, then who can be! You make an interesting point. Hadn't considered that. But I just don't see how it could get any worse at this point. So, if I'm Snider, I go ahead and do it anyway.

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