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MayonnaiseOreo last won the day on November 9 2012

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About MayonnaiseOreo

  • Birthday 03/23/1993

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    State College
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  1. I have high expectations for today's game. I'm not too sure why but I think the team will be feeling good after that comeback against Detroit. Looking for Couturier to do some big things, so long as he isn't blackout drunk from celebrating his 21st.
  2. That's a pretty dick move from Landeskog to trip him if that's true.
  3. Really? I can't tell you how many times I saw Carle do crap like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax655yxlD44
  4. I appreciate it. Carle just is not a good defenseman when it comes to playing defense. Not in the crucial moments when you needed him to just make the simple play, to not turn the puck over. He's not a bad hockey player by any means but without somebody like Pronger there to bail him out his flaws became extremely noticeable. Tampa fans weren't happy with him last year either. Would he benefit us on the breakout? Yeah. Would he shoot a puck faster than 2 mph? No. Could he help our horrid defensive play? Not much. Just not a big Carle fan. I don't blindly hate him but he did enough to warrant me not wanting him back, especially with that salary.
  5. I disagree. I think Coburn is flat-out terrible most nights. I don't miss Carle either. We need a PMD but Carle's defense was so horrid and I saw him blowing coverage or getting out-skated so many times that I would have traded him for a Butterfinger. Sadly, we got less than a Butterfinger for Carle.
  6. Funny how every Avalanche fan is up in arms about this trade. They love Downie and didn't want him gone and Tampa fans seem to have a lot of good things to say about him. A lot of people think Homer fleeced the Avs big time on this trade, yet this board is just filled with blind hate for Downie.
  7. I will also agree that Coburn is useless. He hasn't looked good since he got injured from that puck to the face. He's gotten worse every season since then and while you can't point fingers when the whole team is playing as badly as it is, Coburn just flat out sucks now. Grossmann is also overrated but that's a different conversation.
  8. I love Danny so it sucks to see him fall from grace but hey, at least the Habs fans finally got him like they wanted.
  9. Vanek sounds nice and could be a legit scorer to play with Giroux but I wouldn't want to give up too much for him. I wouldn't want it to turn into a Rick Nash situation where you give up a lot of heart from the team for a star player. Like I said, no to Hemsky. He seems like a Zherdev type of player from what I've read on him from Oilers fans. Yakupov is really the interesting piece and I think he could be really great but the whole Russian thing and work ethic questioning make me wonder if it would be worth making the trade. It could go amazingly for the Flyers but it could also backfire horribly. I'll be okay if this is all a bunch of BS (which it seems like it is) but I do think a major shakeup may be coming in some shape or form.
  10. That's because he's a skilled sniper being played on the third line expected to be a shutdown player. He was doing terrible at it and said it wasn't the role he wanted to play because that's not his game.
  11. I definitely would not want Hemsky. He's talented but we've had enough disappearing acts on our team recently. Not sure how I feel about Yakupov. Some people have questioned his work ethic but I don't know too much about him I'm not all for trading Couturier though. Sure, he hasn't looked great like the former #1 prospect he was "should" look but he's only the same age as me and has played on the 3rd/4th line his whole time in Philly. I also love the heart Simmonds brings to the team and he's a pretty good player.
  12. Apparently this guy doesn't have a great track record but I figured I'd post it since there isn't a lot to talk about other than this team being bad. Via Rich Smith (@ALLsportsINTEL):
  13. The only time the Flyers sucked for a prolonged period was when I was born so I haven't had to deal with too many bad seasons, just the usual letdowns but at this point the Flyers and Eagles don't bother me when they suck or blow the game. I just laugh and say "typical."
  14. Everybody is jumping ship and I'm just sitting here enjoying the circus and hoping something good comes out of it.
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