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Everything posted by LegionOfDoom

  1. i LIKE this deal. don't like the terms so much but we did need a player like him. Is there a way that this forum can autosave a Reply while it's being typed? Twice already I loose my post after I've been typing for over 5 minutes and loose all the content. 1. We might be loosing 5 out of 6 shooting dmen next year, due to injury/retirement. 2. Last year we didn't have enough veteren leadership out on the ice, and it show'd on us not being able to get back in the games and win it. 3. There was alot more I posted but am pissed off that it all got deleted, but believe me, this is another tool at our disposal that we now can use, that we didn't have before, our 5 on 5 stats will improve next year, our Power Play will improve as well, etc, etc. etc.
  2. We should swap our 1st Round pick in a trade to L.A. for Bernier and their 1st round pick, then trade our 1st and 2nd(that's how we can get rid of our second by the way) to another team for their 1st to be in the top 15 - 20 first round picks. If we have to relieve Briere from his services, I would give L.A. Briere for Bernier and our second(that's how we can get rid of our second by the way).
  3. How the H. E. double hockey stick my quotes get PLAGIARIZE. this was from you toughfighter Championship edition. Not the cravester. LegionOfDoom agrees with this. I think the reason this happened was through osmosis.
  4. I agree with this, Richards was distraught about this move, it did affect him[the whole team was despondent(I said, "idiots, what did you expect if you guys act like loose stool in your motions)and in shock], but he knew he still had his team to play for and the organization. This I don't agree to the extent that their play was more of a wakeup call that they are mortal, and their life can be affected by their actions.(Though your qualifying rebuttal might be accurate, your direction towards the conclusion is in want.)
  5. I would trade them only for our first round pick and maybe a fourth, but that's it.(maybe give them Gervais and/or Lilja if still available)
  6. On paper that sounds great, as a fan would love to see. Does anybody know how they related to each other in Ohio? I know the team was behind Bob, giving him props for allowing the team to still be in the game and being the only reason why they where still in the game/playoffs hunt. But more in regards to Bob/Mason interaction. Anybody recall an article or snippet on this matter?
  7. One thing I don't see anybody bringing up is that if we get Bob, then we loose Mason.... Imagine you agree to a lateral transfer because your coworker and you were having professional issues in your same department and now have a breath of fresh air not having to deal with him everyday, when your manager calls a team meeting to welcome the new guy...and it's the coworker you were having problems with. Now you go to your desk to realize the Manager moved the new guy to your desk and you now sit by the water cooler. How's that gonna help Mason's recovery? We will have a high chance on loosing Mason's starting position potential to his nightmare. Or there will be a heated battle for number 1 position and a division in the locker room. Does the potential outweigh the risk? If Lavy chooses, he might not have a clear number one, but whoever is "hhhoott!" will be the starter this week/day. I was disappointed when they traded Bob, even more so for a measly pick dot, dot, dot
  8. I backup Bryz comments to a certain point due to his ignorance of the whole situation he see's, since he can't fully understand his perception of this reality. I also backup the thought he needs to be bought out, "too Much money To Do About Nothing." I give Briere one more tryout year to make his bed. He has to play center, with Hartnell on his wing and a good puck controlling right winger(Jake). McGinn and Gagne on first line. Whats better: Controlled evil or Chaotic evil, in what world would you live in. His country was in chaos during the Stalin era. We live in controlled evil here in the Americas(where someone can go to jail their whole life and come out innocent), Russia is now again back to Chaotic evil(I like your jewelry, I think I'll take this along with that there too), like the taliban, year after year after year. I actually posted alot more in depth comments on this whole thing but it got deleted. But in my life experience Lawful evil is easier to live in than Chaotic evil.
  9. We have a lot of grade B - B+ players on our team. A few grade A players, a good amount of grade C players. Do we trade a few grade B/B+ player to go for grade A players, or trade grade B - B+ players for more of the same grade players. Our GM needs to spreadsheet our team and pieces with his coaches and start drawing up strategies as to how they are going to pursue this summer along with their drafting position/s. And then there's the small salary cap issue.
  10. Who's Read's replacement? I don't see it. We will be loosing goals per game again. The only worthwile would be a Weber type, if we trade Read with our first and second/or considerations. Read has a lot of drive and a very positive outlook when on the ice, he believes in himself and trusts he can make a difference in his play, the only time he second guessed that I saw this year was when he was on the ice was when it was a 3 on 1 and he had the puck and he flubbed the choice of shooting or passing, he second guessed himself and even the crowd let him have it a little. A rare occasion and more rare for 1/2 year player. But like the majority of opinion here, he is a very valuable commodity, that goes under the radar, he flew by the whole NHL as a matter of fact and he is a valuable gear that just isn't on the front page of TSN. Trading a "Known" Read, for a higher draft "Unknown" is a gamble. Behind the glass, the toys always look more "shinier"(more shiny) in the store window. That's too bad the NHL has to police the league and can't let the Teams buy whatever players they want. And have to cripple teams with salary caps. It was sad to see Chicago have/force to dismantle their Stanley Cup Championship Team right after they won the Cup. As a sport you always want to challenge the competition again if you lost against them, That's how sports teams use to be and that's how rivalries where stronger, because you knew the opposition and rooted against them.
  11. was that a quote from Q bert? #!?$! eckoba eekoba
  12. Pola your platypus feet are gonna be awefully steppin' on some Flyer toes with them comments, mind you now. I reckon you stepped into a Flyers saloon and forgot which side of your bread your buttern'.
  13. The best situation for this team would be to have our youth along with a veteran defensive partners. Too many possible mistakes to put them into, that can setback there confidence and growth. I would put Gus out there with Grossmann. I would want oliver out there with Timo or Luke Schenn, either one would teach him, but I think Luke can definetly benefit from tutalage still, he is becoming very good, scary good if he can improve explosive speed and learn from Pronger/Kimo. He does have a shot, it just has to be trained on over the summer to come out of the cacoon. Man I'd be excited if I could tale lessons on explosive speed skating and stick hand eye coordination drills. Why do you think Crosby is that good, because he get's hockey skills implants. You go out there and work it. And you comeback to the ring at night and work it ....Jagr, we need you back to show how it's done.
  14. I like Tye McGinn, he has shown the coach alot of positives to have another important piece in the line up. He's physical and smart, seems to display soft hands and hard knuckles. Hope he is used more in the lineup.
  15. There are so many possibilities, that it's all fun and neat to guess what's going to go on at the start of training camp next season. But...much to do about nothing. That is what it boils down to None of us know what is going to happen next season. Case in point the Richards/Carter trades. We can trade up for a better draft pick, trade players this offseason and end up with both Briere and Bryz in the lineup You JUST DONT KNOW. You don't know what conversations Paul Holmgrem has had with other GM's during the season about possible moves. Conversations that were put on hold until the summer to see what state of affairs are present. I know for a fact there have been talks that haven't been reported on in the past months that were under the radar. Our Team D has to improve, and it has to some degree, these past few games. We still could use help on D. Ed Snider still wants to win now.There is a possibility of a three way trade that includes Briere or the youngins. You don't have to buyout your biggest contracts, they can possibly be moved or have NMC waived ala' Gagne.(hated that wave.) Bottom line we will all be responding to a new thread starting training camp, while we'll have more interesting topics than the sad to say Philly beat writers.
  16. Thank you for the info, much appreciated.
  17. I thought the same thing; how convinient. maybe buying time. That's what happens when you go into a mindset of wanting the big Paycheck. Learn to live within your means. (maybe even a little under it) You just don't know whats always arond the corner.
  18. @murraycraven I see where your going with this, but I know someone else brought up the point that, Briere is only good for the playoffs and that what good does it do if we're not in it. What's the point of having him. I don't know how long some of the posters have been Flyer fans, and I know some have been for a long time because they can recollect my points that I bring out from the past. But this is it in a nut shell: You need certain talents to have a greater chance in the playoffs. ( I can clearly remember players that where nobodies during the regular season and all of a sudden became lethal during the playoff season...aka Claude Lemieux as an example). 1. We need a game changeing goalie. (Mason? who knows too soon) 2. We need a team to play defense. (Didn't happen this year, along with bad outlet/support passing) 3. We need a team to contribute offense(defensement included) 5 on 5 and Special Units. (Our D helped little, Mez was our catalyst/Timo did toward end.) 4. We need role players to support the team.(Fedetenko, Talbot, Simmons(skillful/talent),Zac(hits/untangebles) and a few others possibly) 5. Playoff snipers can get you to the next round.(The only actual snipers with a history was Briere, and Gagne, Hartnell was becoming an anomaly, G was takeing steps towards it, with a young Read and a glimpse of B. Schenn, Jake? the book is still out on him, but it's becoming an interesting read now.) 6. Mental resiliency to comeback from setbacks.(Not this year, one of Richard nice traits.) 7. Sacrifice your body for the greater cause.(Team was sporadic, but we were showing this with Grossmann, L.Schenn, and Timo.) These are just a few main points for a team to consider if they are serious about winning the cup. Now are all these points needed? The probabilities of making it to the finals and then winning it won't be in your favor without them, but it can happen. Case in point. I think we had more of those points then Chicago did, yet they came out on top, because of bounces going there way and us not capitalizing on ours. Now if some of you were GMs and you want to go with buyouts and trade for youth in mind. Then the Cup is not for you any time in the near future. And you need to walk the walk. Maybe there should be a head count: who is in it to rebuild, and who is in it to win it now. The ones in it for now, will always be of the mindset of looking for the missing piece. The ones that are in to rebuild, can't get ruffled to easily when young players are still going through growing pains. We can't have it both ways, and unfortunately The brass has made a murky line so that this is not clear. And they haven't put out a product to let us know which way they're headed. I don't blame anyone but them, whether good intentions(offer sheets) or not(no contingency plans), that is the product they assembled this year. This next season will be more telling of the indicator of the state of Philadelphia Hockey, than the year we looked at the Playoffs from an outside window.
  19. If the Flyers have to get rid of Briere, I would rather it be a trade. He has value, especially in the Playoffs. I wouldn't just dump an asset. I would trade him for D. Like Caluso said if we were to trade him to another team and he was bought out, he can sign for cheap next year. He still has locker room value as well. People take pain killers to make the pain go away but aren't taking care of the problem only the symptoms. Briere's performance isn't the problem. It's the symptom. The problem is he is playing out of position. Put him IN position to succeed. Not every forward is versitile. Not every forward can play off position. He lacks size And strength to compete on the boards. You don't bring out your Camaro to pull your boat, you Use your Truck or Van to do that job. The sports car is for the driveability and show stopper. People need to understand the symptoms and the underline causes. Not handle them the other way around, we need Danny, on And off the ice. Put him in the line I mentioned...Like Nike, Just Do it' We have youth....Whatt about all our YOUTH!!.....sigh(ba ba loop soup^ ^ ^ ^ ) Now the Ducks are looking for a center....If we were to trade Briere to Anaheim for Bobby Ryan and considerations....and maybe Briere can come back at a home town discount to finish his years with the Flyers in the future, I wouldn't mind that trade going down. I hear Anaheim is an ok place to live.
  20. @caluso Man calu, that's why I enjoy this forum, when a thought can come into focus and was not in the box. I applaud you for that. I think we could do that with L.A. and maybe a draft pick for Bernier, and maybe considerations. Though I would want Briere back here, next year, but I would have a feeling he would like it in L.A. I don't think Danny has hidden away, as to more he has been juggled at position. I say this with a poignant stare face. You put Hartnell/Briere/Voacek on a line next year, and see how the goals will flow. I posted lines in another thread and still stand by them. Imagine having Briere with a 2.5 cap hit per year. You want to stay in Philly after Philly has been good to you....Be good to Philly ehhh' If I'm wrong, I'll skate with the ice girls for a game.
  21. @ruxpin I'm Briere supporter and my post was directed more for Fighter' he said we didn't have a sniper and Briere is Golden. I want him to stay and finish his career here in Philly. Redo his contract at a low 2.5 - 3.0 til he retires year/deal. Classy team guy. Even though he does his little cheap shots once in a while to the opponents. Same now with Gagne, another sniper, and playoff performer. That's two counting....and Giroux is no slouch at scoring, just this year. And what about Hartnell, never thought last year he'd be up there. Who had the most goals amongst rookies last year.....READ!!! should I go on. we had the most goals by rookies last year. Team Defense and lack of focus was our downfall this year. That's why a Pronger or Jagr is needed for these guys to right the ship. To many rookie cooks in the kitchen, who don't know how to cook it right, if you got the time, we got the skillet.
  22. interesting facts on brayden schenn/courturier/laughton.... Those are interesting facts for forcasting players. The WORKING term forcasting. Casting forth a thought does not give any guarantee on the outcome, but can be a strong indicator. Chris Gratton ring a bell. Forcasted to be a great second punch to the Flyers team. The cloud storm just kept sailing away.... Don't Put your finger on the trigger to soon dude, you might shoot your other foot off too. These guys are young still. Do NOT count this twilight zone of a season, if you want to do any good to yourself and the fanbase, wierdererr'er' things are yet to come. Like this years winnner of the Stanley Cup, bet you'll never know who it will be...go ahead guess....I dareya' We have a SNIPER... who is the best as they come, ESSSPECCIALLY in the Playoffs....drum roll....prrrrrrrrrrrrr... Danny Briere! That's right folks Mr. CLUTCH himself, here before your very eyes. Whataya gat ta say bout that' awwwk! I know, I know you want to buy him out, and sail him away from town. Don't be a PME, this guy has alot of worth still....perception ma' boy....acuity, son.
  23. It's a dicey situation about who gets the buy out Briere or Bryz, From a business standpoint it would be both. But I would let Briere know that he needs to carry more weight next year if he wants to stick around and be playing for his career here in Philly. Agree that he is talented and he is getting paid top dollars and the Team has players waiting to fill roster spots. To thank him for his services and let him know Corporate wants a buyout and it's up to him to prove he wants to stay on the team. He has one year to stick around and Play hockey and prove his money. Bryz is a situation where his production, whether blame is put on his team mates or season is not producing Top dollar results. He has to make himself be a difference maker for his wanted big money paycheck or Corporate is asking for a buyout as well. In regards to Jake being on the other line, it would booster up that line, but if Briere is bought out, then he would be doing well on G's line as well.
  24. Gagne should definitely be resigned. for all the above reasons. The lines I would put out there would be: McGinn/Giroux/Gagne Hartnell/Briere/Voracek Simmonds/Couturier/Read Rinaldo/Schenn/Talbot And don't start about saying Schenn would be wasted on the 4th line, because there is no "4th" line you role four lines and you use your tools accordingly, wave after wave after wave after wave, The opposition needs to be bombarded, relentless Flyers Hockey. Team defense, Team offense. The 1st two lines I would role the second two I'm up for suggestions, the way I see it, according to team mate quotes, "McGinn sure gives us room out there, he has a nose for the net and is fun to play with" Claude Giroux. You have a sniper in Gagne who can finish, you have Claude who can dish it out or score either way and McGinn who can create space and isn't afraid to go to the net and shoot and isn't afraid to drop the gloves for his line mates. Hartnell and Briere with Leino were almost highlight reels and were fun to watch, I see Voracek actually able to bring these guys careers back to life and create a synergy with that line that would be dynamic. We use to rely on that line so much when Ville was around and needed that scoring punch. Jake would be good with Giroux, but would serve better for the team with Briere. Simmonds is a very smart and talented player who could use a player like Coots to feed him the puck and be the recipient of a Simmer pass as well. Sean would be with a hard working line that has talent. Read is an awesome pickup that is fast and when he plays with his instincts and doesn't think too much is another quality 20-30 goal scorer who can take some of the distraction off those guys with his play. Rinaldo would blossom more offensively if he had a player like Schenn who can play hard too and can shoot the puck, if Rinaldo goes for the rebounds and scores off a cycle he'll start putting up more points and assists to go along with his improving role on the team. Talbot would add veteren presence and I think help Schenn's defensive game out were they could form a PK type unit or an offensive shut down line.* These comments are subject to change upon future considerations and player movement.
  25. fRUit Sa-laD yuu-mmmy yummy! fRUit Sa-laD yuu-mmmy yummy!
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