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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Like it happened it yesterday....down 0-2 coming back from Edmonton, then going down 2-0 in the first period of game 3. I was in the concourse finishing a cigarette (remeber when you could smoke inside buildings?) and a beer (they were a little loose on that whole being 21 thing too), watching the beginning of the second period from the tunnel next to the steps leading up to section 28 and BANG! 3 zip Oilers.That's it, it's over. No way they come back from this, even if Tim Kerr was healthy. Threw my cigarette down in disgust and went for another beer. We lost in five to these guys two years ago, last year was the inconceivable loss to the Rangers in round 1, dammit this was supposed to be the year. Just complete despair. Then the Flyboys pumped one in and the building woke up. The Oilers had indeed taken their foot off the gas, and the comeback built like a snowball rolling downhill. Not that the Flyboys were outplaying them, they weren't, but all the bounces started going for the home team. What a stirring comeback. What a great night. Of course the Oilers won game 4 in Philly to go up 3-1, and Edmonton started planning their parade....but that's another subject
  2. @five6four Yeah....I think you missed the tongue in cheek nature of the thread title, but please feel free to continue alienating your fellow posters
  3. @flyerrodlol that was me.....except it was a comparison to the Rags winning a Cup, I'm ok with LA....even if it means that floater Carter gets a ring
  4. @Vanflyer Hell, back in the 80s they used to play the first 4 games of round 1 in five days. I think the bigger abomination is sliding 2 days in between games so NBC can have the Sunday afternoon game they want.....
  5. Right, call it what you want, the shootout is a gimmick. And some games being worth 2 points and others 3 is just asinine.
  6. lol Weber AND Suter, greedy much?
  7. It's boring to the fools that would prefer games have 15-20 goals and no defense.....you know, the same fools the post lockout rule changes were made to appeal to
  8. @PhillygrumpGimmicks is right. Except it wasn't to win fans BACK, it was an attempt to create a sideshow and attract new fans with lotsa scoring and a blasphemous way to break a tie. Bettman could give a **** less about us.
  9. Good times. That series and all the Penguin hate, that really was a lot of fun. Flyers - Pens might be the best rivalry going in all of Philly sports right now.
  10. True story, I have an officially licensed 1987 Flyers Stanley Cup Champs t shirt, so that brings us to only 25 Cupless years....dad came up with the shirt somehow, I *think* he actually talked a guy into selling it to him before game 7. Which would possibly be the mother of all jinxes, I should post a pic of it here so we can have an exorcism
  11. Wow, didn't remember Eklund being here in 94. The years kinda mush together after a while
  12. This series is pure torture. It's like asking me if I'd rather be shot or hung. I despise both of these teams to a level that's probably both irrational and unhealthy. And honestly I'm still too sick over last round to give a crap about these bastards right now. I'll watch the west, but it might be a game or two in to this series before I tune in
  13. I think @Phillygrump and @Aziz need to meet up at centrally convenient bar and go shot for shot with some nice liquor, might I suggest some Cabo tequila? It's kinda pricey but it'll knock your d*ck in the dirt. I will offer my services as moderator and scorekeeper, but not designated driver of course. Last man standing gets...well nothing really, just really drunk. And WTF Aziz is now noodl? I'm so confused
  14. Smith is good, but Quick is an alien. Kings in 7 I'll be happy for everybody except Carter
  15. Good observation. I want to like Bryz. Seems like an interesting guy to do a few bong rips with. But it's really hard for me to like a guy who's getting elite $ that can't play well enough to justify the franchise's commitment.
  16. Barnaby has a face that could make a mother drop kick her own newborn baby
  17. @ Very insightful and well thought out post. I'm sure that with such a creative pic and clever double entendre user name that you'll be quite an asset to this community.
  18. A stay at home defenseman is like an offensive lineman - if you don't notice him, then he's doing his job. And we didn't hear his name very much this season.
  19. @ Polaris922 In another thread I likened the possibility of one of those 2 New York teams winning the Cup to being forced to consume human waste. The Flyers played the Rangers in the playoffs 7 times in 9 years starting when I was 11 years old. That kind of deeply ingrained distaste at such an impressionable age never goes away! The devils are in a New York market and claim to be New Jersey's team,even though they have no fanbase up North let alone the ability to steal from the Flyers base in South Jersey. They had their first parade in a ******* parking lot. And really, if you had told me that the Kansas City Scouts would move to Colorado, then to North Jersey where they would win three Cups.....and that nine years after the third the Flyers would still be Cupless since '75, I would have told you to fine tune your tin foil hat. The Caps-Flyers rivalry fizzled a bit when they broke up the Patrick division, but I have fond memories of when it was heated in the 80s. The worst thing about them winning would be us both having to think our teams could have beaten them in an ECF. Is it next season yet?
  20. Sir, you and I are not so different after all
  21. Right. Loaded at forward, need D help for stability next to Bryz. I would consider trading JVR and/or Read.
  22. @hf101 God I hope so. I'm no goalie but I can see he's got some serious technical flaws in his game, I'm not sure how you correct them at 31. And judging by the Russian language interview quote they just gave on CSN, he still needs to develop some thicker skin too.
  23. Sounded to me like they have no intention of moving Bryz. Said he had expected a better season from Bryz than he got, but he cited Bryz having to transition to a different system, dealing with Philly pressure, said he thought he'd improve next year with that in the rear view mirror.
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