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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. I've given up on A), I just hope my kids are still around when it finally happens
  2. Yeah I have one of those Devil fan friends too.... Fortunately he's not a rub it in your face kinda guy. But I guess with 3 Cups to back him up, he doesn't really need to say much
  3. @Vanflyer I guess that little one is still keeping you up at night,eh?
  4. The prognosticators are picking the Kings. Oh how I wish they were right. Devils in 6. The tradition of teams I loathe winning championships continues. And it's another long a$$ summer
  5. Atta boy, get ya some Philly style hate going!
  6. @DaGreatGazoo Carter's name on the Cup is a puke-inducing thought for sure. Sucks watching a Final and being relegated to pulling for the least offensive outcome. Well, at least the Rags won't be winning anything...
  7. @ Spinorama Understood. There are some unsavory aspects to either of the finalists winning.Hexy being in LA is enough for me to be ok with the Kings winning. I didn't tune in to the ECF until the third period of game 5, I'll watch the Final but it will be hard.
  8. But the Rangers Devils are going to win the Cup, and I'm going to vomit every morning as soon as I wake up and remember it all summer long. That's not much better
  9. " but now I can at least say we got beat by the eventual champs is the Devils win. " @Spinorama And that comforts you how? I bet Flyboys have lost to the eventual Cup winner ten or twelve times in the last 37 years, but so what? I take the exact opposite view, we had the chance to knock off the team that won the Cup and blew it. If we had beaten them, then that could be us!
  10. That stat gets worse the more you think about it......the Devils have beaten the Flyers twice previously in the playoffs, 95 and 00, won the Cup both times.
  11. I can't believe the Devils are going to win another Cup. Hope the Kings win but I fear the worst
  12. Well that would be a mid-90s flyers move for sure (sorry Clarkie), bring a guy in 15 years after his prime.....A little young though, what Eddie Giacomin isn't available?
  13. Oh my word you are so REPORTED!
  14. @Vanflyer The biggest problem I had with the call was the timing. IF there were a call to be made, it should have been made when Doughty initially impeded the progress of the Yote player, because that is where the only possible infraction occurred. But it wasn't, it was made 3-4 seconds after that, as the home crowd screamed about the subsequent part of the play....which was completely legal. Right as he was to be pissed about the call, he's also lucky they didn't give him a misconduct for acting like smacked a$$. And humans being human, subject to our biases whether we're actively aware of them or not, I bet the blown offsides call a few minutes later would have gone his way if his tantrum wasn't still fresh in the mind of the linesman.
  15. Interesting. I was talking to a Pens fan at the last regular season Flyers-Pens game this year, and he was similarly not impressed with Staal, said he'd be happy to trade him for value. I realize this post is completely devoid of any real substance, I'm just bored
  16. " "Their actions were unprofessional and unacceptable," Campbell told ESPN.com." Kinda like every action Campbell took when he was discipline czar. Really, Drew Doughty was 10 times as 'unprofesional' when he got called for interference and chased after the ref, yelling and banging his stick on the ice. Why no official admonishment for him? Honesty some of the tools running this league are an absolute joke.
  17. Sure did make for an uncomfortable handshake line eh? You know, I saw the replay 20 times last night, it's a tough call.....it doesn't appear to me that he lead with his with his knee, was it knee on knee or thigh on thigh? Yeah it was after the whistle but did he really have time to pull up? It was an awkward looking collision but **** happens. I'm not a ref and I'm not Shanahan's puppeteer, so I guess I can let everybody else argue it out. Although I will concede that Rinaldo would have received a lifetime ban on the spot. As far as I'm concerned that play was the "game winner". The Yotes were still a bit stunned and incredulous at the non-call, and the Kings buried it after the next face off. If Brown were a Flyer we'd be singing his praises today as warrior who changed the game in a heartbeat and led his team to victory.
  18. I *think* the rule is one game played in the final OR 40 games played during the season
  19. Don't know much about him, but 725k is certainly cap friendly for a 5/6 guy @ Hello and Welcome
  20. ' @Green ManThat's a bogus straw man statement. I just want him to look like a GOOD professional goaltender, he doesn't have to Jacques Plante. You think he played well enough, I don't.
  21. @Poulin20For me it was in the first period, when the Flyers were up 1-0 and Briere in tight to the net hit the crossbar (I think) in back of Broduer.....wonder how things woulda been different if he buries that shot.....dammit
  22. No kiddin, the 70s - 80s teams ran into the Habs dynasty, the Isles, and Edmonton twice
  23. I have to drop my pants to count to 21.....sheep
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