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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Only if there is a can't miss stud defenseman available ala Hatcher/Stevens/Pronger who projects to make an NHL level impact this fall. Heavy right handed shot would be nice. And I haven't done any homework on this at all, is such a player available in this year's draft?
  2. Sure, if that team's top 4 defensemen are Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and Harry freakin' Houdini
  3. Is this clotheshanger13? If so I apologize in advance, since we've already had this discussion..... I don't wish Carter ill, I just don't understand the rush make him a great guy now that he finally (maybe) figured it out in LA. 1-Nobody cares about the partying. The Broad Street Bullies ALL lived at Rexy's and we loved them. 2- Injuries schminjuries, that's just an excuse, just because he played through them doesn't make him anything special in the NHL. Guys make contributions to the team while hurt all the time. The fact remains he was a no-show more often than not for 5 straight playoffs. He rolled up nice regular season numbers and then shrunk when it counted. 2 GWG in 47 playoff games is not impressive from a 40 goal regular season guy. Also your almost-a-goal-a-game stat for 2010 is a bit misstated: http://flyers.nhl.com/club/player.htm?id=8470604 3/4- These are really the same points. Hustling down the ice and taking an irresponsible high and wide shot that ends up going back the other way, or doing that loop around the net and fire a shot move do not make him a good hockey player, even though you can argue that they would seem to show effort. They are displays of bad hockey sense. I maintain that the majority of his time here he was a floater and a selfish player. 5-Yeah, Campbell hits his stick, I guess. He also had Niemi sprawled on his stomach and still managed to fire it right at him. I suppose by itself it's nothing to hang the guy for, but put together with the rest of his crappy playoff performances it becomes the centerpiece of a lousy playoff resume.
  4. LA is beginning to gag, I'd rather see Mike get this rare accomplishment than see the stinkin new york devils accomplish an 0-3 comeback.....
  5. I hadn't thought about that one in a while, thanks d!cks!
  6. Reported. Double Buffalo Rick reference in the same sentence clearly violates something.....
  7. I can dig that. I also would have accepted Count Chocula
  8. @jammer2 Fair point on the lack of NMC. He's played his whole career in Nashville, which seems to be a kinda rah rah college type atmosphere, as opposed to Philly where....well you know. The scrutiny must be as tough in a hockey town like Detroit though, and I have a feeling that's where he will end up. Maybe he just doesn't like cheesesteaks?
  9. @Vanflyer I say that with respect to cap issues and the needs of the team, also considering Jagr's age. I was pleased as we all were with his team play and his positive influence on the young guys. But I have to agree to some extent with the poster who said Jagr is a bit of a luxury for this team.
  10. I can see that playing into it. Also, even though Carter was not my favorite player, the fact that the Flyers gave him a long term deal then shipped him out (Richie too but not as quickly) was kinda raw and could scare players away
  11. I know the Flyers have to put a different face on it for a variety of reasons, but his career has obviously been over for months now. I think we all hope Pronger can just get back a normal life, nevermind hockey. If Suter strongly doesn't want to come to Philly, wonder what his reasons are? Too much spotlight here, us a*shole fans?
  12. Crazy eh? Honestly last summer when somebody posted the article about the Flyers signing him I thought it was from the Onion. I never liked his game or what I perceived his work ethic to be, and he has been the exact opposite. But hey, here in Philly we know all about defectors going elsewhere and doing things they never did here.....like getting a game winner in the Final for example
  13. It's all good, nobody would be offended by a picture change. Let's start over, hi I'm sarsippius and overreact sometimes and I hate frosted flakes
  14. See, we all can find common ground
  15. @clothehsnager13 "So think twice before you go judging me based on location because I've seen almost every NHL game he's ever played in" Well, that's the first I've ever heard of a person whose favorite team is the Kings, yet watched every Flyers game for the last 5 years. But hey this the internet so we can all be who we want to be. And no offense, but the judging was done by the person who made this condescending, smug-a$$ statement: "totally changing my member picture to one of carter raising the cup when it happens, so that all the haters have to see it. Unwarranted hatred, consistent numbers every year. its never one guy that makes a team bad, and the flyers were never even a bad team when he was in philly." What kind of a reaction do you expect to that? You must know that claiming you're going to "punish" people whose opinion you don't share is a bit childish? Almost as childish as me taking the time to respond to it...... For the record nobody said the Flyers lack of a Cup was Carter's fault, so I think your judgement on the "haters" is incorrect. I think the prevailing thought here is that for 5 years he was a floater who played soft when it counted....as when it didn't count to be quite honest. Peace
  16. Ever since I was a kid I've hated frosted tips, they get soggy in milk too fast....
  17. "The only thing that is somewhat puzzling to me: Why was no deal struck when the tagging space was still available prior to the club extending both Coburn and Grossmann? I would think the answer to the question is that the Flyers, the Carle camp or both wanted to see what kind of season the defenseman would have and then determine the player's price tag relative to his open market value" Yes, or maybe management thought it was more important to lock down Coburn and Grossman first? If they signed Carle first, they wouldn't have been to tea bag, er tag, either Coburn or Grossman Yeah Podes, tea bagging jokes just aren't the same without the Tonner
  18. @clothehsnager13 Carter did not lead the league in hat tricks this year, and even if he did so what? http://www.nhl.com/i...me=gameMinimums As a self proclaimed Kings fan living in CA, did you actually see Carter play as a Flyer enough to judge Flyer fans' general distaste for his game? Spinorama and Podein 25 and others summed it up pretty well on this thread. Notice nobody here ragging on the other ex-Flyers playing for your team, maybe there's a reason for that, hmmm? In 47 playoff games as a Flyer, he had 2, count 'em 2, game winning goals. His playoff stats were far below his regular season numbers. His playoff +/- was on the south side of even every year, save for 2008....when it was exactly even. What does this mean? He shrunk from pressure every year. http://flyers.nhl.com/club/player.htm?id=8470604
  19. I say Talbot or Kimmo, but it will be Giroux
  20. Hi Howie, Good to see you here as well. I think the interest in Jagr returning has to do with his (reportedly) positive influence on this very young core....especially Giroux, who it seems bonded in a student-teacher way this year. The rookies aren't rookies anymore, but they are still young and can benefit greatly from being around Jagr's work ethic. I never thought I'd type a sentence like that one..... But if you are right and there is a blockbuster in the works, it must be for a #1/2 defenseman. Would NAS entertain offers for Weber with this being his last contract year before he's an UFA? I still think that's a real longshot, and only if they retain Suter, and they will demand a king's ransom.....it would likely necessitate dealing JVR or Schenn, picks, and probably another forward or two.
  21. If the price tag comes in at around $2 million, I'm happy to have him back
  22. Now that you mention it, I do remember a Kings employee being a 9/11 victim. Hopefully there is a big rink in the sky, and he'll be able to see the celebration.....if there is a God I'm sure she's a hockey fan
  23. Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day! Versteeg, ugh.....
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