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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. 4 things in that picture seem biologically impossible
  2. Right, this idea that you give a guy the C with the thought that he'll grow into it is completely ridiculous. They did it with Richards and they did it with Lindros, both were colossal mistakes that prevented the player from developing his game without an unrealistic spotlight. You don't make a guy captain because of his potential to be a good leader, you let him develop that trait and give him the job if/when he's ready and earned it.
  3. I'm really getting tired of your constant optimism and positive attitude
  4. I think so too. Suter isn't coming here. Neither is weber. Gotta keep a guy who can eat minutes.
  5. Point taken, and yeah adding a 60 goal guy to an already potent offense would be downright sick!
  6. lol I know Weber isn't coming here, just meant if we're gonna fantasize let's at least make about a position we actually need...
  7. Rodney Dangerfield was the King!
  8. Take it for what it's worth, and before you say it, I hate facebook too..... My wife is friends with a local auctioneer, she said this person just posted a status update that they were in Haddonfield picking up items from Chris Pronger's house. So if true it would lend credence to the thought that Chris is moving out of the area.....or he spent all his money on beer and needs to auction a few sticks, just putting it out there, we all know he's done it's just a matter of cap games now
  9. Let's also remember that betting lines are just Vegas trying to predict where gamblers will put their money and adjusting the numbers accordingly
  10. Haha That new sig's cruel doom, Bert was probably drinking when he typed that
  11. No no no!!! Weber dammit! Bring me Shea Weber!
  12. I can't go 36 feet without seeing one!
  13. @mojo1917 Kerr was always around the net absorbing punishment, turned his shoulders into mincemeat. Gotta think he could have made a difference....Agree on 2010, after that comeback against Boston if they could have closed the deal, children would be singing songs for a hundred years about the comeback kids. Instead Carter missed the net then Leighton forgot he was playing a hockey game. Someday it'll be us, and it'll be friggin glorious when it happens
  14. Thanks Jim, tv cut away just as Hexy was being handed the Cup, I hadn't seen a pic yet. Forget Richards, Gagne and ole frosted tips, THAT'S the moment I wish happened here. I swear if that '87 team had pulled it off I wouldn't be so miserable about our drought
  15. Yeah I caught that last night. **** him, hope he enjoys having every April and May off in Toronto.
  16. @terp Good stuff man, that's what it's all about
  17. What must this be like? To be in the stands counting down the last minutes, knowing they're going hand the Cup to your team's captain. I'm green.....make that orange with envy
  18. Letting the 5 year old stay up to watch the Cup skate. My wife doesn't understand. I wouldn't expect her to. I watch every year obviously because I'm a hockey fan, but it hurts that it's not us. But one year it will be, and having watched somebody else's unmitigated joy all these years, every year, will make it that much sweeter when it's finally us. The 5 year old gets his first taste tonight
  19. I think this really illustrates something that needs to be considered in the new CBA.I don't advocate the NFL method, where you can cut a guy any time and not have to worry about paying him or the future cap hit (save for the bonus proration).... but if I guy has his career ended, why should the team be saddled with his cap hit?....LTIR shenanigans aside
  20. I believe trades can be made at any time, save for the Christmas holiday moratorium. The devils could make a valid trade today, it's just that the player they receive couldn't play for them until next fall because he wasn't acquired before the trade deadline. Edit: Somebody can check me on that second sentence, that was my understanding anyway....
  21. Exactly, he can't. He piss and moan and beg, but any no trade clause can't kick in until the player is 27.....under the about to expire CBA anyway
  22. @DaGreatGazoo @Podein25 Reported! Oh wait, the statute of limitations has run, carry on......
  23. I believe they coulda had him traded in February if he hadn't gotten hurt......interesting
  24. Right, let me have a couple drinks, relax and enjoy a nice devils butt whoopin' !
  25. Right, and if such a player were available it would take a lot more than 1 Voracek to land him.....
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