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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. @Howie58 Unless it's a deal to get Weber, which is about a 0.1% chance at best, I say there is no sense in blowing up the team, again. Another year will give a better idea of what exactly we have in some of these young guys and how they will or won't fit together. I'm not sure that there is immediate help on the blue line in this draft that is worth giving up value for. The draft is almost upon us, we will know the plan soon.....
  2. Sounds like Columbus sports reporters ought to stick to college football
  3. He mostly sucked last year. Maybe next year he won't suck as badly. Everything is else excuses and background noise. Every player has "extenuating circumstances", good ones overcome their demons. Next!
  4. Dude, Barry Bonds was a skinny punk whose body grew muscles that would never occur naturally on that kind of frame. Not to mention his skull freakin grew to the size of a basketball. Sammy Sosa was an ok player who suddenly started cracking 50-60 home runs out of nowhere. What ridiculous individual feats did LA players accomplish on the ice cause you to make this assertion?
  5. ****, it's the EA jinx. Didn't Roenick bust his jaw the year he was on one of those game covers? That would probably also be the last year I actually played video games, once my son started whoopin' me consistently it wasn't fun anymore.....
  6. Let's hope those last posts end up being correct. The NHL doesn't need a Ben Rothliesberger. And if she is making it up, I hope he sues for defamation AND the DA probes criminal charges against her
  7. Rape allegations against Kings defenseman Doughty probed HERMOSA BEACH, Calif. (AP) -- Police are investigating date rape allegations against Los Angeles Kings defenseman Drew Doughty stemming from an encounter with a woman at a Southern California seaside bar. Doughty's attorney Craig Renetzky confirmed Tuesday that Hermosa Beach police were investigating the woman's sexual assault allegations against Doughty, and said the District Attorney's office is expected to decide this week whether to file charges. Renetzky says the investigation into the alleged incident has been ongoing for a number of months. He would give no further details. Phone and email messages left for a police spokesman and with a Kings spokesman weren't immediately returned. Doughty is among the Kings' highest paid players after signing a new contract earlier in the season. The 22-year-old had two goals and four assists during the team's recent victory over the New Jersey Devils in the Stanley Cup finals. Copyright 2012 Associated Press . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  8. Agreed on all counts, and no flash ads too! Most of the posters from the old board have found their way here, plus we've picked up some PITT DET & BUF fans.....Hopefully we can accumulate some more fans of other teams too, I enjoy the perspective
  9. I do not have words to describe the coolness of this news. Awesomely awesome will have to suffice
  10. @blocker I would be all for anything that seeds the teams differently than the current system, which does nothing but make sure crappy teams in Bettman's folly markets get more exposure and an easier playoff opponent. I don't think it would be outrageous to guarantee the top team in the conference the top seed, and let the other two division winners fend for themselves based on points.....but I guess that's just ranking the conference 1-8. Or lock in the top two division winners and let the third fall where it may, but no way a cheese champ from the SouthEast division should get a benefit it didn't earn. Yes, I'm still pissed that we got the Pens as our reward for finishing ahead of NJ, and NJ ends up with FL. To quote Aladdin Sarsippius Siliminajik Jackson the 3rd, THIS IS RICOCKULOUS!
  11. @Polaris922 Well, maybe Shero can fleece Brian Burke and you'll get your wish: http://www.thehockeynews.com/articles/47649-If-Jordan-Staal-is-available-Maple-Leafs-must-pounce.html
  12. Well, when I think of LA, two things immediately come to mind. One, Dodger fans showing up in the second inning and leaving after the seventh. Two, a bunch of Hollywood phonies and a really great Tool song: http://www.azlyrics..../tool/nema.html
  13. Weber and Nash are both going to sold to the highest bidder, and by that I mean to the team overpays the most by offering the stupidest package. With 8 teams in a bidding war for Nash, and I would have to imagine just as many IF Weber is truly being shopped, the winning bid will be too much. How many times are we going to rip the team up and start over? In fact, didn't we just do it last summer????
  14. JVR Bourdon and ONE pick. I think I'd do that. Forget voracek and another pick, that's too much.....which is exactly why Homer would do it....unless Weber doesn't like Philly either
  15. @jammer2 I like the "get" side of your proposal, but Schenn in the "give" basket kills it for me. I like Hartnell, but substitute him for Schenn in that scenario and I'd seriously think about it. That would also help even out the cap numbers exchanged.... But if there's any truth to part one of @jkearse123 's post, he won't come here.....sheesh Nash, Suter, Hamhuis, what do we smell or something. One of the shirts the handed out during the Pens series said "Guess what, we don't like you either" (after Crosby made a few choice comments). I'm gonna keep that shirt handy!
  16. Yeah thats what I thought when an arbitrator was deciding where Lindros was going....turns out losing out on that deal = Rangers Cup. Let em ship half their team to CBJ
  17. Sorry this is phone cut and paste so I can't put the link up, but the following came from CSNPhilly: "Arthur Staple of New York Newsday tweeted that the asking price is 4 or 5 "major pieces" -- plus, Nash would have to waive his no-trade clause. Andy Strickland of 590 The Fan said Columbus wants two quality roster players and two prospects for its star winger (via ProHockeyTalk)." Also TSN states the Flyboys are indeed involved in talks with Columbus, as are CAR, TOR, NYR, SJ & TOR. So my fear, given the above stated demands, is this thing turns into a bidding war and we actually win. To be clear, I think pursuing Nash is foolish. BUT it is the off-season so just for sh*ts and giggles....is there a package Homer could put together that would sense on our end (i.e. won't make me puke)? I mean prospects, we're talking what, Gus, bourdon or Wellwood. What 'quality roster player' are we talking about? Do JVR and Bob fill that in Columbus' definition? My guess is that wouldn't cut it, and that's not enough salary dump on our end either.
  18. I was 6 and 7 when the two Cups were won, so I can't say that I remember them vividly.....except for being scared sh*tless at the first parade. I do have some memories so I guess that's something, but in some ways I kinda feel like I'm waiting for my first Cup too
  19. Right, wouldn't an integral piece of judging GM of the year be based on trade deadline wheeling and dealing, which is obviously geared toward enhancing a team's post season performance?
  20. Sounds like more than an Utley moment, "world ******* champions" is kind of spur of the moment....don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my profanity...but you don't need to drop multiple f bombs in a crowd filled with kids. Whatever, no big deal, but one F woulda gotten the emotion of the moment across
  21. Agree 100% double N. He was the key to the Richards trade, and he began to impress late in the season after he finally got over the injury bug. Too early to start talking about sending him off
  22. I like Talbot for the C. Kimmo would be my second choice if I thought he could make it through the season. Nothing against Giroux, best pure talent here since Lindros and he works twice as hard. I think he has it in him to be captain some day. Not now. Just let him play hockey, continue to develop his leadership skills and earn the respect of his teammates.
  23. @NastyNate If your question is a theoretical one, yeah I'd be ok with Read in a trade package over Schenn. But not this one.
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