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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. I hope you sign them both, keep 'em the eff out of Pittsburgh.....
  2. I always liked Fridge. If we can bring him in for around what he made last year, I'm all for it
  3. @mojo1917 Oops I missed that post in my rush to jump up on a soapbox Well said.
  4. @Podein25 @jammer2 I hear what you're saying, especially the respect for the kid wanting to play in Canada. Hell even as an American that point taken by itself makes me proud. But I'm not sure that refusing to sign with the team that drafted you is what we all would do....if so, the draft would be completely meaningless. It strikes me as pure arrogance for a player to decide that he's bigger than system, to Hell with the team that wasted a draft pick on him. Now in the interest of full disclosure, I have a personal bias that skews my objectivity - my family were Baltimore Colts season ticket holders. John Elway refused to play in Baltimore and eventually forced a trade that netted them an average player and a draft pick in return....the football equivalent of a bag of pucks. 9 months later the Colts were in Indianapolis. There were a lot of reasons for the move, but to this day I believe that if Elway just stfu and played for the team that drafted him, the Colts would still be in Baltimore. Either way, I never forgot that punk b*tch flipping the bird to an entire city and fanbase. And before you say it, I felt the same about Lindros blowing off Quebec City. So to come full circle, no this won't mean the Ducks will leave Anaheim, but I just think it's a d*ck move. Nobody is bigger than the game.
  5. 104 mil. That'll buy alotta tissues to wipe away those crybaby tears
  6. If that was my kid that got tripped by a grown man, there would have been two people arrested that night
  7. Start the chant, "No buyout, no peace!!!"
  8. @jammer2 @Podein25 The best part is he started a thread a few weeks ago and declared that the sight of former Flyers raising the Cup in LA was just too much for him to bear, so he will no longer longer be posting on silly.com. Translation: "I drove 99% of the actual hockey fans from the board and there's nobody left to **** with, I've destroyed the board now I'm leaving." Thanks d*ck. http://forums.philly.com/discussions/Flyers_Forum/General_Flyers_discussion/Were_calling_it_a_career/kr-flyers/86734.1?nav=messages
  9. Have you been peeking while I'm in the shower? OK, I'm done, I promise.....
  10. That's what she said! Ok, my apologies,that comment was just screaming for a juvenille overused remark, carry on....
  11. Former Flyer gets the HOF nod AND a head coaching job in the same day? Proud moment here in Flyerland....wait, what.... he only played 14 games here....after the worst deadline trade in team history....oh ok I rememeber now.....nevermind
  12. I voted for minor tweaks, but I know in my heart it's gonna be Homer with some big atom bomb of a move that we don't need or doesn't particularly address our weaknesses
  13. Damn, no home team discount? wtf....
  14. Well thats a true statement, only last year the bomb went off before we even knew what was happening......this off season so far has been more of a slow burn so far
  15. @ I understand you weren't necessarily advocating the proposed trade, and there is merit to the argument of stregthening the offense's ability to control play and keep any and all shots from getting near the schizo goalie. I just hate the idea of giving up Coburn (solid yet unspectacular) in the process, not to mention I really liked what Jake showed last year. And good lord let's hope Parise doesn't go anywhere near Pittsburgh, I'd rather he stayed in NJ....
  16. I would rather see Aziz in net than for them bring Leighton back to the big club. If Aziz is unavailable, Clemmenson would be the obvious next choice
  17. The only thing that needs to be escalated is our defensive game. I have no idea how Ryan for Coburn and Voracek makes the Flyers better. Granted I haven't seen Ryan play much, but this seems to be going in the wrong direction. Change for change's sake alone is not wise.
  18. Well, it appears this board finally has its Kuato. Congratulations.
  19. Guess he got his wish, playing with his brother
  20. @jammer2 Good luck man, I've been out for a while myself. My company pulled up stakes and moved to Boston area, I decided I wasn't going with them. Chilled for a bit on a nice severance package, but now I've been out looking and opportunities are a bit thin....better days ahead, as they say
  21. Good luck to Bob, happy for him that he'll get playing time, but too bad it's for a God-awful team
  22. Well he just knocked down his trade value substantially. Shero must be thrilled.
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