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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Nah man you're pretty close, hour and a half from Newark to Philly, not sure where he lives but its doable
  2. @Mad Dog Yeah we need help, but at the expense of yet another ridiculous contract? We justg ot rid of 3 in JVR, Richards and Carter.....
  3. **** em. I'm already on record saying let's go with what we have. This prima donna crap certainly hasn't changed my mind. Parise has a news conference to announce.....nothing, he needs more time. Why go to the press with that? I'll tell you why - to turn up the heat and solicit an even more outrageous offer. Hey look at me, I haven't made a decision yet! **** you jerk off The upside to the Flyers signing that d-bag is that it would keep him out of Putzburgh....and frankly that's Steinbrenner logic
  4. @La Vielle Garde Yeah, well you bastards took my Baltimore Colts! Ok, I won't hold that against you, welcome to the board! I would like to see the NHL return to Quebec City too. Preferably by way of relocating one of Bettman's Sun belt franchises.
  5. Um, I've been seriously misquoted above....I said: Plan B? Who knows, I think Homer makes this stuff up as he goes along.....I rather he did nothing right now instead of making some of high profile deals that are left out there.... Edit: Oh I get what happened there now, yes JVR and Bob in a package could have helped land some talent, but I think Homer decided he wasn't going to pay the ridiculous price for Nash, and took what he could get for them separately.....
  6. True, but Kovy signed for something like 17 years which would have taken him out until the age of 45 or so.....plus those last few years of the deal were peanuts, that deal made a complete mockery of the system. But you're right, the NHL did set a marker when they cut the deal down (10 years was it ?), and that sets the new boundary that GMs are going bump up against as closely as possible
  7. @jammer2 I thought this was against the CBA too, no bonus/cap proration ala the NFL....on Parise it was 12 mil bonus and 2 mil in salary, so theoretically I guess a team with cap room could stuff 14 mil under the cap.
  8. WTF. I need to stop paying attention to this and check back in when everyone has signed, its just pissing me off. It's a crap UFA class for the most part, and greedy half talent f*cks are squeezing every last penny like they're blue chip players? Only in a crap year could Matt freakin Carle be the 2nd best D available, and he's gotta hold out for Suter to sign? F u Matt
  9. NHL network panelist said Parise was looking for an immediate bonus of $12mil, with another $12 mil payout next July 1. Supposedly now Suter making a similar demand. NHLPA fingerprints are all over that one, I've never heard of that in the NHL. You'll see bonus demands in the NFL where contracts aren't guaranteed, and that makes sense since that bonus money is the only thing they're assured if getting - tear an ACL and your contract and career could be done, ask a few former Eagles.... But in the NHL, where contracts are pretty much guaranteed, this smacks of a whole new level of greed. It also goes against what the salary cap is supposed to do, because smaller market teams can't match that upfront cash.
  10. @quigly 46 Educate me. Who's Jim Sandusky?
  11. Nash refused to waive NTC to go to Ottawa, per NBC sports....not sure if that's new, hard to keep up with what's happening and when
  12. Lol they're "taking their talents to South Beach"
  13. Schenn and a pick won't get the deal done, not with the highway robbery Columbus' GM is trying to commit
  14. JVR and Bob are already gone....unless I've missed your meaning
  15. @jammer2 It is an amazing contrast isn't it? Such a girlish act being committed by men who by defintion are tough....I mean even the meekest guy in the NHL is tougher than the average rockhead at the gym. Good point on Barber, Flyer fans tend to forget he was a skilled flopper
  16. Oh I agree 100% with that, Briere is one of the biggest actors in league. The league should be embarrassed that fans can see this yet nothing is done about it
  17. Oh I trust him to do what he THINKS is best for the team. That's not the same as trusting him to do what IS best for the team.
  18. That goddam GM in Columbus is trying to commit armed robbery,the team that ends up with Nash will be the one with the fool GM that meets the ridiculous asking price. For a guy with 7.8 mil cap hit. Trading Schenn before we get a chance to see him for a full season would be dumb, trading Coots would be unforgivable. UNF*CKINGFORGIVABLE! CUT IT OUT HOMER!
  19. All divers and head snappers should receive a one game suspension for the first offense, three for the second offense, and ten for every one thereafter. Every play of every game is reviewed in Toronto, blatant p*say plays are easy enough to spot on tape. This has nothing to do with Crosby's contract, but put that rule in play and Polaris and rod's exchange above never happens ....and Malkin and LeTang will stop embarrassing their team and the league, BAZING!!!!!
  20. @jammer2 The most surprising thing in that article is that the Devils haven't even made Marty an offer yet? Seems a bit....I dunno disrespectful for lack of a better word. And yeah Schultz is really getting the royal treatment, seems to me Marty has earned that (not some college punk) yet his own team hasn't stepped forward.....oh well, who said life was fair!
  21. As much as I loathe the North Jersey Devils, seeing Marty in a different jersey wouldn't seem right. He's played in the same smothering system his entire career, I really wonder if/why he would want to go somewhere at 40 where the system wouldn't fit his style.....I mean aside from the Rags (where he obviously will not be going), who plays a game that fits Marty's comfort zone?
  22. Guy played one season here and he's as revered as a lifer would be. That pretty much says it all.
  23. Yeah looks like Jagr is whoring out to the highest bidder.....although I don't see him getting the playing time he says he wants in Detroit
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