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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. I tried to stay out of this. I really did. @B21 Crysby causes this enire melee. He goes after Timonen, as if he was actually going to do something, Timonen barely reacts, then LeWang jumps in to fight the battle for him....right, the battle HE started, as if Timonen had been the aggressor. Crysby then locks up with Giroux, and doesn't throw a punch....right, until the linesman steps in. Oh, and this was a couple minutes after Crotchby knocked Voracek's glove away from him as he was leaning over to pick it up. Child, punk, d*ckhead, coward, whatever term you want to use. Big man that LeWang by the way, jump in and catch a 38 year old non fighter off guard and pound his head into the ice. I can't wait for that c*cksucker to get his, but I guess knocking his goofy a*s out of the playoffs was a nice start. See, I was trying to enjoy a nice mellow offseason and you guys just HAD to get me started See replay at about 2:12
  2. I don't think there's a 57th round in the draft
  3. I want nothing to do with this chode, please take Philly of your stupid list. Christ the guy plays in Columbus and he has a list? Like playing anywhere else wouldn't be an improvement! Howson is trying to commit highway robbery, I guess I can't blame him because his job must be on the line. But you never NEVER get value back for a star. F 'em both
  4. Really, I make stupder posts than that one on a daily basis....
  5. Like Andy says, I'm not sure I agree with some of the comments about Carle...not that he was great, but to say just losing him makes the D better is silly statement to make. I agree that no way in hell do I sign Carle for 5.5/year. Ditto with Jagr and 4.5 orwhatever it was. Are they better right now? I dunno, but like I said on numerous threads I didn't want anything to do with deals that had us shipping out youngsters, or a FA signing that would necessitate dumping salary. For once, management ignored its addiction to making big moves consequences be damned. And for that I'm happy.....well wait, Homer did offer Parise 13 years/$100 mil didn't he....ok well I'm glad that didn't happen. Suter and Parise are nice players, but they were overpaid due to a weak market. Thank Jebus they didn't didn't sign with the Pens. Give these kids another year to gel, see who's who and where the pieces can fit. I would expect a bigger splash next summer, with Kimmo likely in his last year and a stronger UFA market. We're 37 years without a Cup, I don't mind spending this one trying something "different". Edit: "It sounds petty, but a player who grew up rooting for the Rangers and, even worse, the Yankees, will never get what it means to wear the orange and black." That alone makes the JVR trade a win
  6. Ah, Flyers & Pens fans trading jabs about whose team has more d*ckheads on it....in July..... ya gotta love it
  7. There would have to be more coming from our, er, the Flyers side for sure. Luke I retrade without hesitation, Brayden maybe...but to get the best defenseman in the NHL I probably do it IF he signs long term. As long as coots is off the table.....
  8. @Polaris922 Wow. That diatribe reeks of jealousy. Patrick Kane, really? Maybe Kane is more interesting because he (allegedly) slaps drunken college girls while (allegedly) making antisemitic remarks?
  9. I dunno man, I think there's a reason nobody wants Semin....as in he's lazy selfish locker room cancer
  10. Yeah, I would like to see Big E involved with organization in some capacity, but I really don't see him as coaching material....most big stars aren't
  11. @xganarchy Precisely! I'm sure Homer could have made another blockbuster trade to bring Ryan or Nash, IF he were willing to part with Couturier....and thankfully he apparently isn't. Step back in time to last summer after the Richards/Carter trades, what did we all say? It was obviously rebuilding time, not necessarily from scratch, but we stocked up on young players/picks and this wasn't going to make the team a Cup contender right away. 365 days later the plan shouldn't change. We need to see another year from alot of these kids to even start to know how the pieces are going to fit. Make a big splash in next year's UFA which (I'm told) is much stronger, or maybe find a bargain at the trade deadline next February.
  12. @flyerrod Exactly! Fans of whatever team will slip into the we from time to time if they are die hard fans, it's a reflection of one's emotional investment in the ups and downs of the team. Plus it's quicker to type "we" than "the Flyers" I brought up the Gators because in my old job years ago we used to audit a client in Alachua every year toward the end of August, right as the students were coming back and everyone was fired up for football. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Gainesville a couple blocks from the stadium. Great fans down there, it was alot fun despite the work, I definitely miss it.
  13. I hardly think speaking in the "we" is isolated to solely to certain Flyers fans.....ever talk to a Florida Gators football fan?
  14. Based on these statements, I can see you are a person of impeccable taste and upstanding character.
  15. Stunning when you hear of guys that young and presumably in good shape suffering heart attacks.
  16. 4.5??????? Unbelievable. Hey I guess it is all about the money.....
  17. Well, I hope their little bromace works out for them. With the kind of salaries they're demanding and the ricockulous signing bonuses (12 mil now and 12 mil next year), the only teams with enough cap room will be teams that are struggling to get to cap floor......have fun on Long Island d-bags
  18. That's one thing I've never been able to understand, Sabres fans have this long time hatred of the Flyers.....is it because of 1975? I mean it's the kind of hatred we have for the Rangers, Devils, local division rivals that we play numerous times in the regular season and have had intense playoff wars with. Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy the fact that so many hate the Flyers, just curious about the whole Buffalo thing....
  19. Multiple lols on that one! Our posters hold each other to a higher standard, I love it To the poll question, Suter at 7 mil is to much, and at 10-12 years like we're hearing is too long. Matty at 5.25 strikes me as a tad high, but in a weak UFA market that's to be expected. I'll take Carle, I'm not his biggest fan but I don't see 1.75 mil of difference to warrant signing Suter
  20. That's a good point. It's pretty obvious that Giroux is going to get the "C" someday, maybe a strong personality like Parise messes with the chemistry? Honestly I hope Parise re-signs with the devils, I like that alot better than him signing with the Pens.....
  21. Brother, I'd take Price at that contract over Bryz and his contract any day of the week.....although agreed that "price" is a little steep
  22. Actually it was Lupul, Sbisa, two firsts and a third....but point taken
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