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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Well, the thought is that Homer has been trying to work a trade with Poile, got tired of waiting, and the offer sheet forces his hand. Poile can posture that will/can/wants to match the offer sheet, but tell Homer he'll hold that action in abeyance if Homer offers up certain players. Think back to the Gratton deal - Gratton signed the offer sheet, and in a two step deal Espo basically didn't match and Clarkie traded Espo players in exchange for some of draft picks back. Edit: In a way what Homer has done is strengthen his bargaining position, AND gotten exclusive trading rights.
  2. @Polaris922 Sir, you are a valued poster here, and it is for that reason that, instead of recommending your immediate dismissal to Digity, I am suggesting he give you the option of entering 30 days of rehab for the obvious crack problem that caused you to make that statement. Ok but seriously, I'd rather have Weber than at least 4 of the 5 players you named there.....and the one possible exception certainty is NOT Letang
  3. Keeping Weber out of Pittsburgh and New York is a victory in itself. Although with that in mind, if Weber really doesn't want to spend the rest of his career in Nashville, he mighta screwed himself by signing this offer sheet and not just waiting until next year
  4. Ya I was excited for about five minutes, but then I realized Poile has to match this.
  5. Of course you start out asking much more than you want. But you also don't piss on the other party's leg. That offer shows zero negotiation skill
  6. Since I also read their proposal was to change rookie contracts from 3 to 5 years...if you're getting rid of RFA.....then my initial impression of that is that you would have no choice but to resign with your current team at the end of your rookie deal, and with only that team for 5 more years however many contracts that would be. I would find that hard to believe though, that would take us back to the pre Marvin Miller (MLB but he started FA movement in pro sports) days of restricted player movement and no player bargaining power. Even aside from this, the league got everything they wanted in the last CBA, I can't believe they started things off with such a d*ckhead proposal. This goes way beyond lowballing.
  7. Let the record show that on this day, July 15 2012, I agreed with Larry Brooks. I feel dirty
  8. It's like a crack addict telling his dealer 'don't sell to me, I'm trying to kick'.....
  9. I'm sure that's what the owners would like. I just read an article where Donald Fehr was stamping his feet about "No salary rollbacks"....we'll see
  10. I can't believe that a guy 47 years old who didn't play last year is looking for a multi year deal
  11. And here I thought this was going to be a thread about something positive........
  12. @Polaris922 Yeah I know what you mean, I have the attention span of a 3 year old on a sugar binge, 29 minutes is enough time for me start (but not finish) 30 different tasks
  13. @Polaris922 Well, I don't think I can agree with that, even before Crosby's extra poke at Bryz (which I don't really have a problem with) before this video starts is Crosby glove sliding incident on Voracek, so agree that it's hard to pull an incident out of context and make a judgement. Nah, that was being me being a wise a*s because I just don't like him either Done and done! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3po17QbHLRQ
  14. @B21 Completely unrelated, but that just reminded me of my wife saying "I'm not arguing with you, we're just having a discussion"! But yeah I remember now you starting that thread after Game 3, if I had remembered that it I would have held you recent comments in a different context.
  15. @Podein25Special K. And the long snapper. They're kinda similar.
  16. @B21 Yeah we're gonna have agree to disagree, because I have an answer for every one of those points but this is getting silly....If you go on YouTube there are plenty of his career lowlights out there, put together by people who aren't Flyers fans.....there's a great one of the time he complained about people throwing hats on ice after Ovechkin got a hat trick. All I can say is if you're going to throw the "O&B glasses" comment around when it comes to Crosby, you probably need to recognize the "Y&B" coke bottle thick glasses you're sporting with respect to this guy. Fans around the league don't hate Crosby because he's a great player, I'll leave that to you to figure out why.....Philly isn't the only place where the Crosby sucks chant rings out, and I was in the building when we cheered Mario after his cancer comeback and when we chanted his name as he took a farewell skate after the Flyers knocked the Pens out of the playoffs in what was at the time his final NHL game (he came back when the franchise was headed toward bankruptcy if I remember correctly)...so the vitriol is simply because a Penguin. Also I don't see how it is relevant what Chris Pronger or Danny Briere or mickey freakin mouse do/did when the point being addressed was the embarrassing behavior of your captain over looooong periods of time. When you reduce it to "it's because he's a Penguin" or "you guys don't mind when a Flyer" does x y or z, that's not only a Kuatoesque deflecton from the point at hand, but it's also making a statement that you don't even know is true.....and in my case neither of those statements are true. I'm MORE disgusted when a Flyer does something stupid! And all of this means nothing, just a diversion to pass the time until October 18th gets here
  17. @jammer2 THIS! Actually every thread this off-season about "can we get this guy" should be answered with that.....it's that kind of off-season folks, I know we're used to Clarkie and Homer going all combination ADD/Tourettes trying to sign and trade away the future for a present that never materializes, but this should be the season of finding the answer from within....sounds kinda Zen too.....
  18. @hf101 I did not know that.....yet another reason I get most of my hockey analysis here. Honestly I would have answered the OPs question with a Gus, but given that information I don't see how it won't be Bourdon
  19. Maybe, but I think it's more that Suter Parise and Carle were the beneficiaries of being in a relatively weak UFA class
  20. Seriously, could he sound and look any more like a child here, with that goofy punk smirk and those girl lips? I have no problem with the message, but deliver it like man....yes, before you point it out, I get the irony in my own childishness with these posts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOeb63wGyTY
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